Pirate Family

Chapter 1213 Attack! target marie geoia

After meeting Sabo and knowing the information brought by the Revolutionary Army, Lorne returned to Steo directly through the ability of Sanchuan Road.

At this time, the surrounding sea area has been completely occupied by the navy, and those pirates who have nowhere to hide can only come to Sidio, praying for the blessing of the Vinhill family.

Especially the islands like Bubble Island and Sdio, which are guarded by the core cadres of the Vinhill family, are even more crowded. Countless pirate ships are docked at the port. These pirates gather in the cities of the islands. measures.

"You're finally here."

After seeing Lorne coming back, Agatha unceremoniously threw a stack of documents to him. As one of Lorne's secretaries, Violet usually only handles the family's internal affairs, while diplomatic matters are handled by Agatha has full control.

"What's this?"

"Those pirates are complaining, and I hope you will issue a petition to sanction the navy."

Agatha said coldly.

"At this time, they lost their previous arrogance and domineering, but they remembered us."

As the neighbors of the Vinhill family, these former pirates took advantage of their natural geographical advantages in the past to do all kinds of evil, because as long as something happened, they could directly hide in the territory of the Vinhill family.

In the territory of the Vinhill family, any battle is a provocation to the family.

They have been parasitic in the Loxor sea area, and they have made considerable profits over the years, but the Vinhill family has never benefited from them, and instead they are burned out because of dealing with the grievances between these intertwined forces.

It's no wonder that Agatha didn't like these people.

"Why is the navy moving so slowly that these people ran away?"

Agatha complained.

"Because it takes a lot of energy to deal with these ants-like pirates. The navy wants to focus its energy on the battlefield in the second half of the new world, so it has no intention of dealing with these people at all."

Lorne said lightly.

"So, what to do with these people?"

"No matter what they are, let them fend for themselves. If they have any dissatisfaction, let them go to a decisive battle with the navy. As a reward for their courage, I can provide them with some weapons and equipment support,"

Lorne returned to his throne and said with a smile.

The Vinhill family did want to launch a war, but the target of the war was not the navy, but the world government standing behind the navy, and the reason for the war was also not the petitions of these pirates.

The Vinhill family has nothing to do with anyone else if they want to do anything.


Violet sighed and said so.

The core cadres of the entire Vinhill family knew about Lorne's ambitions, so they had no doubts about Lorne's failure to participate in this war.

"Lon, have you decided to come back this time?"

Agatha changed the subject.


Lorne nodded,

"I've found clues to the last piece of the historical text. So I'm going to retrieve it and find where Ralph Drew is."

"Finally found."

Agatha covered her chest, and said with some gratitude.

During this period of time, the war madmen headed by Enilo and Jody have been watching the raging war in the new world, and pestering themselves every day to ask when Lorne will come back, which annoys her up.

She wanted to tell these people that she was just Lorne's secretary, not Lorne's wife. How could she know what Lorne was thinking.

Although, I really want to be Lorne's wife.


Agatha asked, she wanted to immediately gag Enil and Jody's mouths.

"Mary Gioia."

Lorne said lightly, in front of Agatha, he didn't need to hide anything.


Agatha exclaimed.

Not long after Agatha left, Enilo rushed to Lorne in a hurry.

"I heard that the clue to the last historical text is in Mary Joya?"

Thunder condensed into Enilo's strong body, the man came to Lorne and said eagerly.


Lorne nodded.

"Not only the last historical text, but all the historical texts were placed in Mary Joa by Roger."

"Finally, I have a chance to fight that woman again."

After receiving Lorne's personal confirmation, Enel became excited. The last time they besieged Mariejoya, their entire family was forced to retreat by that woman. If it weren't for the backing of Sanchuan Qi's portal, all of them might have been buried in that place.

For Anilo, this incident was an intolerable shame.

Therefore, he wants to get this place back.

"It's not a head-to-head confrontation with that woman."

Lorne said slowly. Because now, he has no way to deal with that woman's ability.

The fruit of the time system is too unsolvable, as long as there is no solution, there is no way to defeat the opponent.

However, seeing Enilu's excited look, Lorne also said helplessly.

"Just steal what Roger hid on Mary Gioia."

"It doesn't matter!"

Enilo shook his head, the fighting maniac was already excited.

"I came up with a way to decipher that woman, that is to create a clone through Thunder, as long as she attacks the wrong target, then I can get close to her in an instant and kill her with one blow."

While talking, thunder flashed around, and another Enil walked out.

Even with his knowledge and arrogance, Lorne has no way to tell which Enil is real and which Enil is fake.

However, Lorne didn't think this method would work for that woman.

After all, she is a strong man who manipulates time, and the moment she thinks has a different meaning from the moment in her eyes.

It's just that he didn't directly reject Enel, because in the Vinhill family, the most important thing is freedom, and Lorne will not stop any of his family's ideas.

In the summer of 1512 in the lunar calendar, the navy launched a war, and the war swept across the entire New World.

In the second month of the same year, Charlotte Lingling, one of the Pirate Emperors, led her children to join the war, and finally stopped the navy from attacking.

When the pirates were still immersed in the joy of victory, they didn't realize that the Admiral of the Navy had led the high-ranking officers to surprise their real target, the legendary pirate Whitebeard.

At the same time, a golden ship left Sdio's port.

Slowly heading towards the Red Earth Continent.

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