Pirate Family

Chapter 1214 The Second Coming of Mary Joa

Mary Gioia, Pongle Castle, Void Hall.

As the bright ruler of this world, the supreme holy place of the Tianlong people, even after the war between the navy and the pirates broke out, it was heavily protected by the world government.

After all, Marie Gioia is the face of the entire world government. If this place is invaded, then the world government will lose its face.

Although, over the years, it's not the first time it's been hacked.

They encountered Roger's invasion ten years ago, Caesar's attack seven years ago, Caesar's alliance with Redfield five years ago, dragon attack, and the Mary Joya massacre made by Erinys and Lorne three years ago.

The Tianlong people have become much more cautious than before. If it is not necessary, they will never leave this place.

"That group of stupid navies went to attack the new world with heavy troops!"

Pongle Castle, small garden.

A Tianlong man looked at the battle report sent by the navy and said angrily.

"What if other people take this opportunity to attack us? Will this group of idiots come back to protect us in time?"

He is a survivor of the Mariejoa massacre a few years ago. Although Pongle Castle has been repaired at this time, there are no traces of the previous massacre anywhere, but the male Tianlong man The memory of the massacre is still fresh.

In front of the cruel pirates, the dignity, pride, glory, and rights of their Tianlong people all lost their effect.

From a high-ranking ruler of the world, he became a pig ravaged by others.

This sense of humiliation made him almost unable to breathe.

But the fear in the face of death suppressed this humiliation. Even after so many years, this Tianlong man couldn't stop shaking when he thought of the man who led his subordinates to rush to Mariejoa to cause massacres.

What is even more infuriating is that after doing all this, the man returned to the sea of ​​the new world safe and sound, making waves in the sea by himself, and now he vaguely has the momentum of the king of the new world.

Thinking of this, the Tianlongren crushed the information in his hands into pieces.

Anger, unwillingness, humiliation, fear, all kinds of emotions are mixed.

In the end, it all boiled down to complaints against the Navy.

"A bunch of trash!"

The world government has spent so much resources and established a navy not just to protect the Tianlong people, but this group of navy has allowed the murderer who killed the Tianlong people to go unpunished for so long.

Don't they know that they tried their best to surround and kill that man without losing money? The Tianlong man didn't believe that the man could still survive in the battle where the entire navy was mobilized and no losses were considered.

"Sooner or later, I will let Wu Laoxing ban the position of marshal in the Warring States Period."

The other Tianlong nodded and agreed with his companion.

What they need is a navy that is obedient and able to seek greater benefits for themselves, not a so-called partner of justice.

Even if the lives of a million untouchables add up, they are not as noble as the toes of a Celestial Dragon!

And the Tianlong people do have the right to impeach the admiral, if the Tianlong people are really dissatisfied, let alone a mere admiral, even the current commander-in-chief, they can also impeach!

The reason why Warring States can sit in the position of marshal is only because the navy and pirates are at war now. He is far away in the new world and can selectively accept orders from the world government. If it is an order he is unwilling to accept, he can even refuse it. , and now the war between the navy and the pirates is in full swing, rashly changing the admiral may cause unpredictable consequences.

That's all.

Two Tianlong people were complaining in the small garden, and at this time, a Tianlong person saw a small black spot appearing on the Tianlong in the distance.

"what is that?"

The Tianlong man looked at the little black dot and asked suspiciously.

"What else is there, it's just a meteor."

His companion pouted, and said nonchalantly.

After finishing speaking, he was ready to return to his residence, torture those slaves, and vent his desire.

Some time ago, he had just caught a murloc slave, with thin skin and tender flesh, and a whip was whipped on her body. The sobbing sound of the murloc slave was as melodious as music, which made him intoxicated.

At this time, another Celestial Dragon patted him on the shoulder.

"What happened? Could it be that group of revolutionary troops attacked?"

The Tianlong man said with some complaints.

However, it is too late for the revolutionary army to hide from the world government, so how dare they attack this place?

With suspicious eyes, he looked along the finger of another Tianlongren.

The small black dot kept enlarging in mid-air, and then gradually revealed its outline

This is not black, but a golden color that is as dazzling as gold.

No, it should not be said to be as dazzling as gold, but this thing was originally made of gold.

This is a golden boat!

And when he saw the boat clearly, the Tianlong man covered his mouth, and said the name of the boat in a tone of despair and shock.

"Golden Proverb!"

He will never forget this small boat, because a few years ago, this small boat came to Mary Gioia in the same posture that fell from the sky, and then caused that tragic massacre.

More than half of the Tianlong people died in that massacre, including most of the friends and family members of the two Tianlong people.

He will never forget the appearance of this ship in his life.

Nor will the ship, the owner's name, be forgotten.

"Wynhill Lorne!"

Another Draconian spoke the name of the ship's owner in a fearful voice.

"He's coming again!"

Then, the two Celestial Dragons turned around and wanted to run away, but because their strange clothes caught their feet, the two Celestial Dragons fell directly to the ground. Grass, but fled to the distance in despair.

Escape, this is the only thought in the minds of the two of them at this moment.

Last time, this demonic man came to Mariejoia and caused the Mariejoia massacre, in which more than half of the Tianlong people died.

So, this time, what did he want to do when he came to this place?

The two Tianlong people couldn't imagine, nor dared to imagine.

The Golden Proverb was like a meteor, hitting the ground of the Tianlongren heavily.


The boat punched a deep hole in the ground.

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