Pirate Family

Chapter 1216

The perception ability centered on Lorne and spread to all directions, covering the entire Marie Gioia almost instantly.

With the blessing of knowledge and arrogance, Lorne's range of perception has reached a terrifying level, and every plant and tree in Marie Gioia is under Lorne's surveillance.

He's looking for anything suspicious.

Lorne didn't know what Roger had left in this place, and the note he left for Luffy didn't say it clearly.

But Lorne is very clear that this thing must be quite obvious, as long as he sees it, he can recognize it!

"In that direction?"

Lorne looked behind Mary Gioia in the direction of the Tianlongren's treasure house. Lorne has already scanned the entire Pongle Castle several times, but he has not found anything eye-catching. Therefore, the last place where Roger might put things is only there.

Tianlongren's treasury where the Tianlongren store their secret treasures!

Every year, the world government will collect "Heavenly Gold" from its member states and use it to pay tribute to the Tianlong people. These treasures are peeped by countless pirates, because even if any batch of Heavenly Gold is intercepted, they will get riches. wealth. But for so many years, there are very few pirates who have succeeded.

But not every country can afford so much wealth, so they chose another way, which is to replace the gold in the sky by collecting all kinds of rare and precious things from the sea.

The Tianlong people put these precious things in the Tianlong treasure house. For so many years, there are countless rare treasures stored in the Tianlong treasure house. Any one of them can be sold for a jaw-dropping price.

But Lorne is not interested in these wealth. If Roger wants to store something here, there is no place more suitable than this Tianlongren treasure house.

Moreover, a smile appeared on the corner of Lorne's mouth.

That terrifying woman known as the Heavenly Dragon Wall seems to be living in this Heavenly Dragon Treasure House.

To be precise, it lives in a piece of ice in the center of Tianlong Treasure House.

So, how will she react when she comes here this time?

Lorne was very curious about this, so he walked towards the Tianlong Treasure House.

Wherever he went, anyone who tried to stop him fell into endless illusions before he could do anything. And those panicked Tianlong people were besieged by the Pangger soldiers who were supposed to protect themselves.

Wails, begging for mercy, and shouting and cursing were endless.


Anilu was playing with the thunder ball in his hand, and there were cokes scattered all over the ground under his feet. Through the outline of these cokes, it could be seen that the owner of these cokes was once a person.

In front of him, a large group of Heavenly Dragons gathered in a corner, trembling.

The dignity and rights they possessed disappeared in front of Enilo, even if they begged, begging for mercy was meaningless.

The man in front of him is like a devil!

"Next, who is it?"

Enel said slowly.

"Don't worry, I'm fair, and I will definitely give the winner among you the right to live."

After finishing speaking, he casually ordered two Tianlong people,

"Just the two of you."

Before the two celestial dragons had time to react, they felt a burst of power coming from their backs, and the other celestial dragons pushed them out!

"You bastards!"

A fat Tianlong almost fell to the ground. He got up and yelled viciously at the group of trembling Tianlong hiding in the corner.

The other Tianlong who was pushed out was relatively thin and tall.

Both of them are famous slave owners of Mary Gia, and what they like most is watching their slaves fight each other. Watching them kill their relatives and friends for a little hope of surviving.

The cries of the opponent's fight are the most beautiful music in the hearts of these two Tianlong people.

And even after the victory, they will mercifully restore the winner's freedom on the surface, but secretly, they like to imprison the winner in a cage, and then listen to the opponent's desperate cries.

But I didn't expect that karma has reincarnation, and now it's the turn of the two of them to become someone else's toys.

"I am merciful."

Anilu was lying on the chair, like a monarch watching a show.

"I said, if I will let your winner go, I will definitely let you go."

"Come on, let's start your show."


The fat Tianlongren was the first to react. He pretended to be angry and approached Enilo, but the moment he approached the thin and tall Tianlongren, he waved his heavy fist and hit him hard. It touched the lower abdomen of the thin and tall Tianlong.

"Sorry, I want to live."

Looking at the puzzled eyes of the thin and tall Tianlongren, the fat Tianlongren said hoarsely.

"You are my best friend, you must want to watch me live, right! Don't worry, I will definitely avenge you in the future!"

There is a huge gap in strength between the two, and under the sneak attack, the thin and tall Tianlongren is no match for the opponent at all, he was brought down in a few strokes, and then the fat Tianlongren directly rode on the opponent's body On the ground, he waved his fist and beat the opponent's head.

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!"

While beating, he was still apologizing.

I don't know how long it took, but the thin and tall Tianlong who was lying on the ground had already stopped struggling, while his head became bloody and bloody, and he couldn't see clearly, so the fat Tianlong stopped his movements.

Behind him, came the applause of Enilo.

"Papa papa."

"It's wonderful."

Enilo clapped his hands and said softly.

In this world, is there anything more satisfying than ravaging these high-ranking Tianlong people?

"You can leave now."

After getting the permission of Ainilu, the fat Tianlongren escaped from this nightmare place by rolling and crawling.

On the other hand, Anilu snapped his fingers, and a thunderbolt struck the thin Tianlongren's body. The body of the Celestial Dragon was turned into a pile of coke in an instant.

"Next, who is it?"

Enilu's gaze scanned the group of Celestial Dragons, as if looking for the next thing to do.

But at this time, the smile on his face suddenly retracted, and he glanced outside the door.

Outside the lobby, several dangerous auras are approaching.

After almost breathing, a group of men in white suits and masks broke through the wall and appeared in front of Enilo.

CP-O, long overdue!

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