Pirate Family

Chapter 1217: Pirate's Irony

CP-0, the most mysterious and powerful secret service of the world government. They have the right to intervene in any department within the world government.

In the sea, many people have heard of the name CP-0, but everyone has a doubt in their hearts, that is, where did the World Government find so many nameless and strong men.

No one can answer them. Over time, the pirates can only think that the territory ruled by the world government is too vast. In such a vast territory, it is not difficult to find some powerful newcomers.

But this secret, Lorne has learned clearly through Turner and Domino's narration.

The real identities of these CP-0s, or their past identities, are all the powerful prisoners in the advance city.

The reason why the world government seldom executes these prisoners after catching them is that on the one hand, it is afraid that the powerful devil fruits of these prisoners will spread outside, creating another terrifying powerhouse, and on the other hand, it is because the world government needs thugs.

Freedom is the most precious thing.

After detaining these people for a period of time, the world government will detain these prisoners individually and give them a choice.

Abandoning his past identity and becoming a dog of the world government, he still carried his own unwillingness, his past glory, and died of old age in the promotion city.

Not all strong men have such awareness. In fact, quite a few strong men choose to abandon their past identities.

After joining the World Government, they have a new identity, which is CP-0.

If it wasn't for his sister, and Domino mentioned it to himself, Lorne couldn't believe that the most powerful military department in the hands of the world government, which claims to be just, is actually composed of those notorious pirates.

It's just that, after knowing that those five old stars were also pirates, Lorne didn't seem to be surprised.

This world is, after all, the world of pirates. Navy and pirates are one!

"It's him! It's this man who killed many Tianlong people!"

The fat Tianlong who was let go by Ainil pointed at Ainil and roared angrily.

After having a few CP-0s as backers, the fat Tianlong was no longer as humble as before, and looked at Enilo with resentment on his face.

"You kill him for me!"


Enilu sighed and sat up from the ground.

Why don't these people know how precious life is?

A few balls of thunder surrounded Anilu's body, and Ainilu looked at the CP-0s in front of him whose breath was gradually getting dignified, twisted his head, and showed a smile.

"You guys are finally here."

The reason why he tortured and killed these Tianlong people was just because of boredom, and what he liked more was fighting.

Especially, fighting against the strong.

These people who came out of the promotion city can be called strong.

"You go to me!"

Fat Tianlong saw several CP-0 agents motionless, and shouted at the top of his voice. But when he just raised his finger and pointed to Enilu, a thunderbolt fell from the sky and hit him.

The Tianlongren suit on his body instantly turned into fly ash, and his whole body also turned into a black thing on the ground.

"It's noisy."

Enel frowned and said. This stupid Draconian is too noisy.

After finishing speaking, he looked at the several CP-0 agents in front of him and spoke slowly.

"Is it just you guys?"

"More CP-0 agents are on their way, you're doomed."

An agent said, he looked at Enilo with a complicated expression, as if he was thinking of himself many years ago.

Back then, I was also so rebellious, but in the end, I ended up in this fate. He really wanted to know if the man in front of him, whose eyes were above the top, could still maintain his pride after being caught by the world government and wearing that humiliating collar.

"Therefore, unnecessary fighting is unnecessary. You may surrender."

Another CP-0 agent said that he chose to surrender.

Although Enilo is very powerful and famous in the new world, they are not weak.

It's a real fight, but a waste of time.

"Surrender? You asked me to surrender."

Enel was a little surprised. He didn't expect that at such a time, someone would ask him to surrender.

They did have a chance to surrender before they landed on Marie Gioia, but after doing such a thing, the people on both sides have reached the point where fire and water cannot be tolerated.

Surrender is tantamount to death.

Besides, Enel was not afraid.

"You may have misunderstood something."

He looked at the CP-O agents in front of him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I just think that there are too few of you, and a few more people will be considered a warm-up."



Lorne saw that in the Pongle Castle behind him, he was suddenly hit by a thunderbolt as thick as a stone pillar, and then countless thunderbolts roared, and the lightning flashed.

The roar of the strong and the desperate wailing of the weak can be vaguely heard.

"Let's have fun."

Lorne said slowly, and then continued to walk forward.

At his feet lay the corpses of several masked CP-0 agents.

These people surrounded Lorne before they found Enilo. Then they shot together, trying to kill Lorne directly.

But unfortunately, they failed in the end.

And the result of failure is death.

For these people, Lorne did not have the slightest mercy. Although they might have been powerful heroes in the past, since they had abandoned their identities, in Lorne's eyes, they were his enemies.

When dealing with enemies, Lorne has never softened his heart.

"You devil!"

A CP-0 agent looked at Lorne who was walking towards him step by step, and said in horror.

He knew that Lorne was very strong, but he didn't expect that Lorne was so strong that his group of people would easily be resolved by Lorne.

"I seem to have an impression of you."

Lorne looked at the CP-0 who kept retreating. He had just punched him, but a strange light appeared and bounced his attack away.

"Refraction Fruit, you seem to have gone to Adela to look for me before, but you didn't catch me in the end, and then created a mess in Adela."

Lorne thought hard, and finally remembered, there is no way, this fruit ability is too obvious.

At that time, I had no ability to resist these CP-0 agents, but now, the status of the two has changed.

Seeing Lorne remembering himself, the agent was even more frightened. He wanted to run away, but the air around him seemed to be like jelly, and he couldn't use any strength at all.

"Your ability is good, but now it belongs to me."

Lorne looked at each other and said lightly.

Then, he directly controlled the opponent's perception ability, and threw it into the space of the "castle fruit" in his hand.

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