Pirate Family

Chapter 1222 Fall of Legend (3)

The Red Earth Continent, the side close to the New World.

A group of people in cloaks stood on the edge of a cliff, overlooking the entire sea.

"It seems that that guy Lorne has already started to act, did he attack Mary Gioia single-handedly? It really seems like something that guy likes to do."

The leading man in the green cloak turned his head, looked in the direction of the highest mountain in the Red Earth Continent behind him, named Marie Gioia, and showed a faint smile.

At this time, the top of Marie Gioia was completely covered by a group of shadows, and within the shadows, thunder and lightning flashed like the end of the world.

"Lorne BOY has always been like this. He will definitely do what he said he would do."

Next to the man, a man who was a little shorter and also wearing a cloak said, his voice was a masculine male voice, but when he said it, there was a kind of feminine affectation.

Then, he took off the cloak directly.

"I have already left the jurisdiction of the world government, so there is no need to hide my identity."

The man said slowly, inside the cloak was a perverted man wearing black mesh stockings and heavy makeup on his face.


The leader man agreed, and he also took off his cloak. Following his movement, a group of people standing behind him threw down their cloaks in unison.

These people are the main members of the revolutionary army who have been wanted by the world government for a long time!

And the man at the head is the leader of the revolutionary army, the most ferocious prisoner in the world, the son of the naval hero Garp, and the most promising vice admiral in the navy.

Monkey D. Long!

He looked at the time, then said lightly.

"It should be almost time."

"Bello Betty GIRL is quite reliable, she should be ready for the ship by now."

Bello Betty is one of the commanders of the four major armies of the Revolutionary Army, the commander of the Eastern Army, a person with the ability to inspire fruit, and one of the dragon's right-hand men.

Sure enough, as soon as the transsexual man's voice fell, the phone bug in Long's arms rang, and then a woman said in a flat, calm voice.

"Everything is ready, the ship has docked at the designated place...Ah! Hurry up and fire, those damn navies are coming again!"

"Is there a problem, Betty?"

Long asked.

After a burst of gunfire roared, Betty was able to answer the dragon's words.

"Everything is settled, head. Most of the main force of the navy is not in the bases at the front end of the New World, and their backbone is also in the meat ground in the middle of the New World, so the people who come here are all trash , I can solve it by myself.”

"Thank you, Betty."

Long said lightly, and then Betty hung up the phone directly.

"Betty Girl is as reliable as ever!"

The Shemale King couldn't help sighing, he held his cheeks with both hands, looking like a young girl Huaichun, while the people around him seemed to have gotten used to it a long time ago, without any expression.

"Since the stage has been set up for us, how can we not perform?"

Long looked at this endless sea, which was the top sea area in the entire world, and now in the entire world, all the strong men gathered in this sea area, carrying out the most tragic fight.

And this fight, how could their revolutionary army be missing?

"Are you ready? Warriors fighting for this world."

The dragon opened his hands, as if to embrace the whole world.

"Ready at all the time!"

Behind him, all the revolutionary soldiers shouted with the most excited voice.

"Then, let's start our show."

Long said indifferently, and then, he jumped and jumped directly from the edge of the red earth continent.

"It's crazy. If you have been in contact with the Vinhill family for a long time, you will become such a lunatic."

The Human Demon King said helplessly, but he still followed the dragon without any hesitation and jumped off the cliff.

All the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army jumped off the cliff one by one, like fanatics who were not afraid of life and death.

The bottom of the red earth continent. In other words, the entrance to a new world.

A naval warship was drifting quietly in this sea area, and some naval warships around were slowly approaching here, but they were all repelled by the fierce artillery fire of this warship.

"Warriors, cheer up and let this group of marines know how powerful our revolutionary army is!"

On the deck of the battleship, a woman with short purple hair, sunglasses, and a simple vest on her upper body, showing her proud figure without any shyness, shouted with a cigarette in her mouth.

And the revolutionary army on board, after hearing the woman's voice, seemed to have taken a stimulant, and instantly cheered up.

They turned their guns, aimed at the approaching naval warships, and fired directly.

This naval warship actually suppressed more than ten surrounding naval warships in terms of firepower!

At this time, as if feeling something, the woman turned her head and looked towards the sky.

Countless black dots emerged on the mountain-like wall at the edge of the red earth continent, and then gradually grew larger.

"They are coming!"

The woman shouted excitedly, the dragon's body hit the deck heavily, but when he was in mid-air, he withdrew his strength, so it didn't cause too much damage to the deck.

The others, on the other hand, rode on a huge crow and were carried by the crow to the deck of this warship.

"Thank you, Callas BOY!"

After landing, the Shemale King thanked the black crow who turned into a man wearing a plague doctor mask and a black feather coat, but the latter turned his head to one side, expressing that he didn't want to pay attention to this pervert.

"Is that what you said there is no problem?"

Long looked at the more than ten naval warships surrounding this sea area, and he could see in the distance that at the end of the sea level, more naval warships were rushing towards this place. He said helplessly.

"I just stole one of their naval warships. Who knew they would chase me like crazy. If I hadn't waited for you, I would have easily thrown them off."

"I see."

Long said helplessly that he didn't want to get entangled with these people, so he waved his hand.

All of a sudden, a tornado suddenly rose up in the originally silent sea, and the tornado kept moving, engulfing all these naval warships.

"Hurry up!"

Long said calmly to his subordinates, the sea tornado directly involved the naval warship, and then threw the warship out.

He chose the simplest and most direct way to leave the encirclement of these navies.

"Our goal is that the Navy's base is located in the New World!"

"Ready to make a fuss?"

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