Pirate Family

Chapter 1223 Fall of Legend (4)

Mary Gioia, Pongle Castle.

After being impacted by the strong outsiders, most of the entire castle collapsed, and the surviving Tianlong people fled frantically towards the outside.

This day will be the nightmare of their lives.

And Ainilu did not stop these people, because in his opinion, the lives of these Tianlong people are as worthless as ants.

What he cares about is the feeling of controlling the world afterwards, and the hearty battle.

"Before, the matter of Golan Island was written by you."

Enilu looked at the old man standing in front of him, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Even the navy is played around by you, thinking that the terrible plague fruit has really reappeared in this world, and you don't know that the person who controls this fruit is actually your own."

"But after paying such a high price, your purpose is only to prevent us from getting the last piece of historical text. Is it really worth it?"

Eneru is surrounded by lightning, and the green mist that permeates the ruins will be dispelled by the lightning as soon as he approaches him. And the luck of other people in this ruins is not as good as that of Enilo.

These people were all shrouded in the plague, they lay on the ground and began to howl, after a while, these people slowly stood up from the ground, then their eyes were blank, and they walked towards Enil Road step by step like walking corpses come over.

Among them, there are even some unlucky Tianlong people!

But in the eyes of the old man, the lives of the Tianlong people seem to be not much different from the lives of the soldiers in Pangle Castle.

They are all like ants.

For this, Enel appreciates him very much.

At least, this old man who is his opponent is fundamentally different from those Tianlongren pigs.

"Whether it's worth it or not doesn't depend on you."

The old man said slowly, some of the infected who rushed towards Anilu were directly struck by lightning as thick as a water snake, and their whole bodies were turned into coke.

But these infected people are not afraid of death, just like dead soldiers, they will never take half a step back.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the old man looked at Anilu as if he had the chance to win.

"You are considered by us to be the biggest scourge of this era and a turning point in history. We must erase your existence and bring history back on track."

"For the continuation of history, this price is certainly worth it."

A thicker plague fog spread out from the old man's body.

The space around Anilo was gradually compressed, getting smaller and smaller. His only choice seemed to be to incarnate as a thunderbolt, and escape when the plague covered all escape routes.

But is running away in Enel's character?

of course not!

As a god, how could he escape? !


Countless thunder snakes flew out of Anilu's body, and then rushed towards the old man from all angles.

But at this time, one was wearing a white robe. The figure wearing the gas mask suddenly stood in front of the old man, and covered the domineering body with his own armor to block the impact.

Razer tore countless rips in his clothes, and he could vaguely see some black spots on his robust skin under the robe.

This is the trace of being scorched by the high temperature of lightning.

But this man remained silent and stood in front of the old man unswervingly. It seems to be the most loyal guard in the world.

"Our five old stars perform their own duties. Some are responsible for managing the navy, some are responsible for handling the social affairs of subordinate countries, and some are responsible for communicating with the Tianlong people. My duty is to manage the intelligence department."

Seeing this scene, the old man said slowly.

"The entire CP-0 department is directly subject to my orders, or in other words, I am the real ruler of the CP-0 department!"

While the old man was talking, more strong men who wore gas masks and couldn't see their faces came here and surrounded the place.

The old man never thought about a fair 1V1 duel with Enel, he only valued the result, and the result he wanted was that the people brought by Lorne died here.

And in order to achieve this result, he didn't care about the process needed.


Among them, a man wearing a greedy wolf mask looked at Enilo with resentful eyes, and said in a hoarse voice.

"Do I know you?"

This inexplicable resentment made Enilo feel a little confused. He couldn't help but glanced at the CP-0 agent, and asked suspiciously.

"You bastard! My whole life has been ruined by you! How dare you forget me!"

The hoarse-voiced man roared in the angriest voice possible.

"Asshole! Asshole! Asshole!"

His glory, his past, his most valued companion, even his face, his name, everything about him was destroyed by that man named Lorne.

In the man-eating cave on Suan Island, this man hid under the corpse of his companion. He swore that if he could get out alive, he would definitely take the craziest revenge on the Vinhill family. .

And this old man named Wu Laoxing saw his desire for hatred and specially made him a member of CP-0.

The man gave his everything and became a dog under the command of Wu Laoxing. He waited until today to get the chance of revenge.

And this man from the Vinhill family dared to say that he didn't know him! ?

"Asshole! Asshole!"

"Remember, this is just the beginning of my revenge. The man who ruined the name of your Vinhill family is called..."

The man yelled, he was about to say his name. But at this moment, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest.

He looked down, and at some point a black hole appeared in his chest. The skin and bones on the edge of the hole were all burnt into charcoal by lightning.

And the Avenger, who finally walked in front of the Vinhill family, fell down slowly.

The plague mist crazily poured into his body, his eyes widened.

He is not reconciled! In the end, he still didn't take revenge on that family, but at this time, he didn't even have the strength to move his fingers.

"Sorry, I don't like to remember the names of trash fish."

Enilu withdrew his fist and said lightly.

The Vinhill family has gone all the way, and they have offended many people. If he remembers everyone's names, when will he remember them?

And the other CP-0 agents didn't show any expressions after seeing their companions fall.

It's just a dead dog, and it's still the kind of scrawny dog ​​that doesn't have any fighting power.

What's the point?

"Sorry, but you don't mind killing one of your dogs."

"of course not."

The old man smiled.



Numerous thunders entwined around Anilu's body, and his whole body was like the God of Thunder who had turned into the nine heavens.

"It's time to fight."

Enel said so.

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