Pirate Family

Chapter 1224 The Five Elder Star's Assassin

Marie Gioia, thunder and lightning flashed in Pongle Castle, and inhuman wailing sounds continued to be heard.

And Lorne stood in the center of countless ghosts, like the commander of the ghost army, looking at the two brave men in front of him, who kept rushing towards him.

A sword light that almost split the entire sky in half flashed, clearing a passage through the earth covered by ghosts, and the two Wu Lao Xing took advantage of this opportunity to rush into the passage.

But before they took a few steps, the ghosts behind covered them, covering the passage. The ghosts seemed to be endless, and they couldn't kill them at all.

At this time, the distance between the two five old stars was still fifty meters away from Lorne!

"To be able to do this, you are already very strong."

Lorne looked at the two strong men who were still struggling, and said lightly.

After completely releasing the ghost in his body, this is already Lorne's peak combat power. Even if the strong men on Anjibela Island are added together, it may not be possible to do better than these two five old stars .

The peak state that has been maintained for hundreds of years has made the strength of these two powerhouses go one step further!

You know, the closer the ghosts are to Lorne, the stronger they are. For so many years, Lorne has collected ghosts, how many strong people died in Lorne's hands, and even he himself doesn't know. There are so many ghosts wandering in the battlefield of thieves, and the number of ghosts in Lorne's hands has reached an astronomical figure.

Among them, there are many ghosts who were very powerful during their lifetime, but now, they are just puppets in Lorne's hands.

"Don't be too complacent!"

The old man with the sword shouted, even though his forehead was covered with tiny beads of sweat and his movement of swinging the sword had slowed down, he still maintained his pride.

With a single sword, five ghosts rushing towards him were chopped into pieces. He finally stopped, and he no longer had the momentum he had before.

He needs to regain his strength.

And more ghosts wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to sneak in, and burrowed into the old man's body.

As long as they get into the old man's body, they can compete with the old man for control of the body. One ghost can't do it, but what about ten, hundreds, and thousands?

When the quantity reaches a certain level, it will cause a quantitative change.

But at this time, the burly old man snorted coldly, and bombarded the space with his fists, a terrifying shock wave centered on him and spread in all directions.

Some ghosts who couldn't dodge were instantly swallowed by the shock wave and turned into pieces.

And these fragments of ghosts are the most delicious delicacies in the world for other ghosts, they scramble to grab these fragments and stuff them into their mouths

After eating the ghost fragments of their companions, the bodies of these ghosts became more substantial, in other words, their strength became stronger.

Most of what the two old men did was useless!

"I have to admit that we all underestimated you before. To be able to do this, you are indeed the most talented person in the history of this sea."

The old man with the sword was panting heavily. After a short rest, his physical strength had recovered a lot.

"If you are given time, it doesn't even take hundreds of years, it only takes a few decades, and you will be able to completely surpass us."

The old man with the sword was not stingy at all in his praise of Lorne. He had lived for hundreds of years, and he had seen a lot of various strong men.

Freaks who have trained physical skills to the peak, sword nerds who are obsessed with the way of swordsmanship, and fruit-capable people who have powerful devil fruits and then developed them to the extreme... Such strong people are innumerable in the long history.

Among these people, only those who are at the peak are qualified to enter Lovedrew, and among those who entered Lovedrew, only a small number of people can come out alive.

Everyone among their five old stars is this small group of people.

Therefore, they all have their own pride, and Lorne is the first person whom he admires so much.

So young, yet to come this far, even ahead of them!

"However, your biggest weakness is still too young."

The old man said slowly.

"Marie Joa, or the Heavenly Dragons living in Mary Joa, even if they all die, there will be no fluctuations in our hearts, and since we have known your strength for a long time, do you think, Why did we come to kill you without any hesitation after knowing that you came to invade Marie Gioia?"

The old man with the sword looked at the master of the ghost army through the boundless ghost army, and said slowly.

Lorne frowned. For some reason, he suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

He seemed to have forgotten something important.

"Because, fate has already been doomed, you are doomed to die in this place!"

The old man with the sword roared,

An indescribably domineering arrogance, centered on him, spread to all directions.

Integrating domineering arrogance into one's own battles is a skill that no peak powerhouse will be unfamiliar with, and Lorne has naturally mastered this skill, and, because he has different devil fruits, he and The fusion of different abilities produces different effects.

Integrating with the perception ability, Lorne will become an emotionless fighting machine that can dodge and dodge attacks and hit all attacks that can hit. This trick is called death.

Integrating with the fruit of the operation, Lorne can possess almost unlimited physical strength in a short period of time and become the master of the ROOM space. In the field, Lorne is almost omniscient and omnipotent. This trick is called hell.

Integrating with the devouring fruit, Lorne can devour all the objects that can be devoured, and obtain their characteristics, and strengthen this point, even the devil in the devil fruit, and even his own body is no exception. This trick is called ascending the gods order.

Merging with the ghost fruit, Lorne became the ruler of an army of millions of ghosts. Every ghost is a life of Lorne. The ghost is immortal, and Lorne is immortal. This trick is called the devil.

These tricks made Lorne who is almost invincible today, so after seeing the old man with the sword show the same tricks, Lorne was not at all surprised.

It's strange that they don't know this trick.

So Lorne didn't understand how confident this old sword-wielding man was that he could deal with him.

What is hidden among their five old stars?

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