Pirate Family

Chapter 1225 Devil Fruit Mother Tree

Threatened by this terrifying domineering aura, the ghosts surrounding the two old men subconsciously took a few steps back, making room for the two old men to display their powers.

Overlord color domineering can deter everything in the world, even these incorporeal ghosts are no exception!

And Lorne didn't stop all of this, he just watched indifferently, he was very curious, what secret tricks the other party had.

"That's because your fate is already doomed."

The old man roared, before Lorne came here, their master, the man named Im, had already seen through Lorne's purpose through his own ability, and after seeing Lorne's fate, he immediately Issued such an order.

The remaining four five old stars surrounded and killed Lorne here.

Because in the fate he saw, Lorne died here!

That's why these five old stars are still full of confidence even though they are at such a big disadvantage.

"Do you feel strange why neither of us is capable?"

The old man with the sword drew his sword and looked at Lorne.

"Having ruled the world for hundreds of years, with our rights, what ability can we not get? Why do we still have no ability after so long, but rely on the way we used to fight as pirates to fight."

The old man's words woke up Lorne, and he finally realized that he seemed to have forgotten something.

"That's because, it's to deal with a capable person like you who has developed the fruit ability to the limit!"

A great sense of crisis rose in Lorne's heart.

Then he saw a tree shoot up from Mary Gioia's field.

It was a very strange big tree with spiral patterns wrapped around it, and this pattern was very familiar to Lorne.

Because this is the pattern on the surface of the devil fruit!

The moment this big tree appeared, Lorne felt an unprecedented sense of weakness, and all his fruit abilities were forbidden.

"All devil fruits originate from this devil fruit mother tree."

Looking at Lorne's appearance, the old man said slowly.

"And the tree that appeared here is a branch bred after hundreds of years of cultivation after cutting off the branches of the mother devil fruit tree. Although it does not have the ability of the mother devil fruit tree to manufacture and produce devil fruits, But it inherited another ability from that mother tree."

"That is, within the scope of this big tree, any devil fruit capable user will feel endless weakness, as if touching a sea tower stone."

"There is no way to display my abilities anymore."

The old man looked at Lorne. After the ghost army dissipated, the two of them felt a lot more relaxed. Because they were not capable people, this big tree had no effect on them.

This is their biggest hole card, and it is also the reason why they are confident that Lorne will surely perish in this place.

Because, no matter how powerful Lorne is and how perverted his fruit ability is, he is still a devil fruit ability user after all.

And as long as it is a devil fruit ability user, after approaching this big tree, it will be suppressed. Just like a child can't resist their parents after all, devil fruit users have no way to use their abilities within the range of this big tree.

After losing all his fruit abilities, Lorne suddenly fell from the peak powerhouse above this world, despite having a strong physique. But the current Lorne probably only has the combat power of an ordinary legendary powerhouse.

"At this time, are you still our opponent?"

The old man looked at Lorne and said slowly.

Under the ebb and flow, the advantages of the two parties have been completely reversed.

And in Panggle Castle, the flickering lightning and the plague mist that filled the air gradually dissipated.

Wu Laoxing, who controls the plague, said helplessly.

"These two wastes were actually forced out by Lorne."

He was also incapacitated.

You know, it took them hundreds of years to conceive the replica of this devil fruit mother tree. As long as it is irrigated with the blood of a devil fruit capable user, this big tree will take root and sprout in an instant.

However, since it is a replica after all, this kind of suppression on devil fruit ability users can only last for a short time.

But this time is enough, enough for them to kill Lorne.

"There is such an ability?"

Anilu frowned and looked around. He also lost his ability to control Thunder, and the situation reversed instantly. Some CP-0 agents around him looked at him with malicious eyes.

You must know that not all CP-0 agents are capable persons, and after all capable persons are unable to use their abilities, the combat effectiveness of these non-capable CP-0 agents will be revealed.

The situation is not good for me!

Enilu looked around, his hand-to-hand combat ability is not weak, but there is no way to compare with these strong fighters who specialize in physical combat.

Now he is like a sheep in the mouth of a tiger!

"Is this what you rely on?"

Lorne looked at the big tree protruding from the ground, and then at the two five old stars walking towards him, and said slowly.

This, indeed, might kill him.

"Could it be that you think you are still our opponent after losing your fruit ability?"

The old man with the sword frowned. He didn't know why, but seeing Lorne's unfazed face, he always felt uneasy.


Lorne replied frankly.

In this state, he might be the weakest legendary powerhouse in the sea.

"But you can't kill me."

Lorne shook his head again. It was just a little bit close, if that woman from Mary Joya took advantage of this opportunity to attack him, then Lorne would indeed die without a burial.

However, it was a pity that the woman didn't seem to have any intention of making a move. Even at the very beginning, Lorne used his perception ability to scan the entire Marie Gioia, but couldn't find any trace of the woman.

She doesn't seem to be here.

And this is Lorne's only chance to escape.

"Do it!"

The two five old stars looked at each other, and then rushed directly towards Lorne.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. After all, the replica of the Devil Fruit Mother Tree can only be used once. If Lorne escapes this time, they will lose the chance to sanction Lorne forever!

They must kill Loeng on the spot!

And in Pongle Castle, the CP-0 agents who surrounded Enilo were also preparing to attack Enilo at the moment when the two sides were about to fight. Enilo shook his head suddenly, revealing a sarcastic smile.

Then, a void gate appeared in front of Lorne and Enel at the same time, and the two of them went straight into the void gate!

The restrictive effect of the devil fruit mother tree can only cover the entire range of Marie Gioia, and it has no meaning to the door door fruit owners who are thousands of miles away.

Therefore, after realizing that the crisis was over, Lorne and Ainil directly used the door fruit and fled back!

Everyone was in vain!

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