Pirate Family

Chapter 1226 Return

The two five old stars froze in front of the sky treasure house. They didn't expect that Lorne would run away just like that...run away.

According to Lorne's character, shouldn't he fight to the death?

But the effect of the Devil Fruit Mother Tree has already been activated. This big tree is frantically absorbing nutrients from the earth. Soon, Marie Gioia will become a dead place. After losing the supply of nutrients, this big tree It will also wither.

In this world, there is only one place that can support a devil fruit mother tree, and that place is obviously not Mary Joya.

"Now how to do?"

The plague came out of the ruins of Pongle Castle, because he was still under the suppression of the Devil Fruit Mother Tree, and now he also lost his ability.

"Could it be possible to catch up and go to the New World to fight him to the death in Lorne's lair?"

Zhuangshuo Wulaoxing said helplessly that this replica of the Devil Fruit Mother Tree was already their last trump card. If this did not kill Lorne, then they would have lost the chance to kill Lorne at sea.

"We can only let him go back."

The old man with the sword sighed. In this battle, they have fully understood Lorne's combat effectiveness, and none of them among the five old stars, in a one-on-one situation, is Lorne's opponent.

If there is no way to solve Lorne's almost endless ghosts, then there is no way to solve Lorne.

"His purpose is to become the king of this world, and if he wants to become a king, he must go to that place!"

After thinking about it, the old man with the sword said so.

They originally prevented Lorne from going to that place because they didn't want Lorne to know the truth of the world and their secrets hidden in history, but now, Lorne already knew the identity of the five old stars, so they also There was no need to stop Lorne from going to Ralph Drew.

If they had known that Lorne was so persistent and rejected their invitation without even thinking about it, they should have put Lorne in Ralph Drew, where Lorne would have nowhere to escape!

"So, this Marie Gioia?"

The plague old man frowned and said.

Because the vitality of this place is absorbed by the replica of the devil fruit mother tree, this sacred place of Tianlong people will become a dead place without a blade of grass after a short period of time. There is no way to live anymore.

"It's just a matter of moving. It's not like I haven't done this kind of thing before."

The old man with the sword said lightly.

"At the beginning, I moved from Wano Country to the Valley of the Gods, and then moved from the Valley of the Gods to Marie Gioia. This is not the first time I have experienced such a thing."

In just a few words, the old man with the sword actually revealed a shocking secret. The Tianlong people actually lived in Wano country a long time ago.

If Lorne heard it, he would be able to connect this information with what he heard from Hiyori before, that Wano country used to have the title of "Golden Country". There are no gold deposits, and there are not many gold products found on the island, so why is it called the country of gold.

Now that I think about it, it turned out that the Tianlong people lived in the Wano country before, and the whole world paid tribute to the Tianlong people. Countless precious treasures were continuously transported from all over the sea to the Wano country, which created the "Golden Country" of the Wano country. reputation.

As for why the Tianlong people moved out of the Wano country, if Lorne knew the information, he would definitely guess and bury the thousand-meter-tall ancestor of the giant family called "ghost" in the inner sea of ​​Wano Can't get rid of the relationship.

Of course, these are all assumptions, even if Lorne knows this information, it doesn't matter.

After the plan to siege and kill Lorne failed, the five old stars also withdrew from Marie Gioia, leaving the CP-0 agents under their command here to help clean up the battlefield and deal with some of the surviving Celestial Dragons.

In the past few days, the devil fruit tree has been growing vigorously, and soon grew to a height of more than ten meters.

However, the surrounding land gradually lost its luster, as if it had become a dead place.

On the fifth day, the big tree had grown to a height of 30 meters, and Marijoia was completely dead. In the whole of Marijoia, except for this big tree, there was no trace of other plants. .

Due to the loss of nutrient supply, the fruit tree gradually began to wither and wither.

Gradually, it lost its initial suppressive power against devil fruit capable users.

The Tianlong people have already evacuated, and only some Pangger soldiers and CP-0 agents are sorting out Mary Joya's things and preparing to move them out of here.

And at this moment, a void gate suddenly appeared in the sky of Marie Gioia.

Lorne walked out of this void gate, looking at the devil fruit tree in front of him that was gradually starting to wither.

"Sure enough, you can't underestimate anyone."

Although the devil fruit ability in his body has been suppressed to a certain extent, at least he can still use it, Lorne muttered to himself.

If he hadn't controlled Sanchuan Road, a brainwashed tool man who could create a legendary gate that spanned thousands of miles at any time, he might have fallen into this place.

The perception ability directly scanned the entire Marie Gioia, but did not find the shadows of the five old stars. It was only then that Lorne was sure that they had really retreated. After losing the biggest support of the devil fruit tree, they also had no way to deal with Lorne. And Lorne knew that this fruit tree could restrict Lorne, and it was impossible for Lorne himself to come back and die, so he didn't have the idea of ​​waiting here.

But they didn't expect that Lorne actually came back. His desire for the thing that Roger hid in Mary Joa was beyond the imagination of the five old stars.


A few figures flashed past, and some CP-0 agents spotted Lorne who suddenly appeared in Mary Gioia, and rushed over immediately, but when they saw clearly who the intruder was, they were all stunned.

No one dared to act rashly, because the man standing in front of them was Lorne who had caused endless killings!

"I'm not interested in you."

Lorne waved his hand casually, and then walked towards the Tianlong Treasure House.

The wealth accumulated here by the Tianlong people who have searched the sea for hundreds of years has not yet had time to move away. But Lorne was not interested in these treasures, he smashed the gate of Tianlong Treasure House with one punch, these treasures that had been sealed in the secret room for hundreds of years finally saw the light of day again!

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