Pirate Family

Chapter 1227 Changed Fate

Lorne glanced around. Although she didn't know what Roger had left here, he was very clear that this thing must be quite special, and he could recognize it at a glance.

And in this largest treasure house, Lorne obviously did not find such a thing.

Just when Lorne was about to turn around, he suddenly heard a woman's cold voice.

A barefoot woman in a long white dress appeared behind him at some point.

And the moment he felt this woman, Lorne's whole body shuddered.

Because, this woman is the opponent Lorne fears the most.

That, the woman who controls the power of time!

She didn't even leave Marie Gioia!

"Aren't you surprised, why I was obviously in Marie Gioia, but a few days ago, when you fought those five old stars, I didn't make a move."

The woman came to Lorne, and the distance between the two was less than one meter.

At this distance, Lorne is confident that he can instantly kill any strong man in this world...except for this woman in front of him.

Because for her who has the power of time, there is no essential difference between one meter and ten thousand meters.

She is also Lorne who has become a god, the only opponent who can't be solved.

Lorne didn't speak, nor did he choose to retreat, but looked at her calmly.

He is very clear that this woman has lived for hundreds of years, even longer than those five old stars, but time does not seem to have left any traces on her body. From the outside, she and A sixteen-year-old girl, no difference.

The only thing that is sure is that she is not hostile to herself now, because if the woman makes a move and delays Lorne before those five old stars use the devil fruit tree. Well, Lorne couldn't even escape.

And now, if a woman has any hostility towards herself, she can directly use the time ability to directly let her time pass quickly, from youth to old age, and lose her fighting power.

But she didn't do this, so Lorne believed that she would not shoot herself.

At least, for the time being, he will not shoot himself.


Lorne nodded,

"It's just that what makes me even more curious is why you are here."

"You obviously have the power to control the world, even if those five old stars add up, they may not be your opponent. Why are you imprisoned here?"

"who are you?"

"A name?"

The woman muttered to herself, a hint of memory flashed in her eyes.

It seemed like hundreds of years had passed since no one had asked his name.

"I forgot."

The woman thought hard for a long time, but in the end she still didn't say her name.

"Then why didn't you attack me?"

Lorne had no choice but to be able to forget her name, but since it was this woman, he had nothing to do. He cautiously asked his second question.

At this time, there were bursts of hurried footsteps outside the gate of Tianlong Treasure House. Other CP-0 agents had already got the news that Lorne was invading here, and they were rushing towards this place.

Lorne didn't want to be disturbed, so he snapped his fingers.

For a moment, the movements of these agents stopped.

They all entered the fantasy space created by Lorne.

"Because you're funny."

The woman tilted her head and looked at Lorne.

"You are the only one in his long history who has not seen through the future. I think you should be able to do some interesting things."


Lorne read the key words in the woman's words, and at the same time, a man appeared in his mind.

That man who stood on the top of Marigia Castle and said he was waiting for him when he passed the Red Earth Continent.

"Because of your appearance, the historical direction of this sea has deflected to a certain extent, but he still recaptures your future. Your future is already doomed, and that is to die in Wano Country."

The woman's tone was calm, but she uttered another shocking news.

Will he die in Wano Country? !

Lorne frowned. If someone else said this to him, he would definitely sneer at it, but if this woman mentioned it to him, Lorne had to think about it seriously.

"But I didn't die. Does this mean that fate can be changed?"

Lorne asked back.

If the future is already doomed, then why am I standing here now?

"That's because someone helped you."

Facing Lorne's rhetorical question, the woman seemed to have guessed it a long time ago, and she stared at Lorne firmly with her beautiful eyes.

"At this point, you should be very clear about who changed your originally destined destiny."

Who changed his originally destined destiny?

Lorne frowned and began to think.

The experience in Wano country flashed in his mind like a slide show, until finally, when Lorne resolutely rushed towards the ghost giant.

Mrs. Shi!

He remembered that when he faced the ghost giant, he was exhausted and close to defeat, but Mrs. Shi suddenly appeared and accelerated his time to ten seconds later. The outcome of this battle.

She changed her destiny!

If it weren't for her, I would definitely not be the opponent of the ghost giant at that time, and it was precisely because of Mrs. Shi's words that all the truth lies in Rafdru, so Lorne was determined to go to Radruh Determination.

"It's like people on the bank looking at the clear stream in the mountains. The stream is clear, and people can clearly see the direction of the stream and the small fish in the stream, but once someone muddies the stream, then the future will not be clear. It will become cloudy."

"So, after that, he won't be able to observe your future."

"You are the only one who can kill him."

"He is waiting for you in that place now, and only in that place can he see the future most clearly."

Of course Lorne knew who the woman was referring to, and what that place was. But he also had some doubts in his heart.

"Why are you helping me?"

Lorne frowned and asked suspiciously.

"Because I want to die."

The woman, on the other hand, said the most terrifying words in the most flat tone.

"You are the only one I saw that had the chance to kill me."

Lorne was silent, and it took a while before he asked his last question.

"So, where is the thing that Roger left in this place before?"

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