Pirate Family

Chapter 1238 Attacking Navy

Ten minutes later, Jody and Fat Tiger fell at Hancock's feet covered in bruises.

"Why didn't you say before that this woman is so strong!?"

Fat Tiger said with a shocked face.

The woman in front of her looks quite young, but whether it is the mastery of two-color domineering or the application of abilities, she is quite outstanding.

At least, from his point of view, he didn't find any mistakes. Hancock's crew didn't even make a move, and she pushed Jody and Fat Tiger to the ground by herself.

"At that time, I also lost like this."

Jody said with a depressed face. He died before leaving the army. He didn't expect that the first enemy he encountered just after he appeared on the sea would be able to send him back.

If he fled back in a desperate manner now, he might be ridiculed by those guys.

Fortunately, Hancock did not make things difficult for these two people, she asked coldly after the two brothers fell down.

"Tell me, where is Lorne?"

"I tell you! Don't think that you have defeated us, you are the opponent of our boss. In front of our boss, you are not much different from an ordinary person!"

Jody fell to the ground and yelled. And Fat Tiger agreed.

"Enen... Ugh! Don't step on my stomach."

Hancock frowned, and stepped directly on Fat Tiger's fat belly. The man begged for mercy.

"Tell my concubine."

Jody and Fat Tiger looked at each other, and the two brothers immediately understood what the other was thinking.

Anyway, it's already embarrassing, and everyone will laugh at you if you escape now, so it's better to take this woman back.

In this way, at least there is a chance to contact the senior cadres of several families, and then get back the place before he completely loses face.

"The boss is in Sdio."

Fat Tiger cleared his throat and spoke.

"take me."

And Hancock said coldly, there is no doubt that he brought the queen.


Anilu was alone in a small boat, drifting aimlessly in the sea of ​​the New World. As the strongest man in the Vinhill family, second only to Lorne, Enel, who has the strength of a legendary pirate, of course chose to be alone, floating on the sea.

He had already encountered several World Government teams, some of which were composed of CP-0 agents, and the two sides fought fiercely on the sea.

As a result, after asking about the other party's purpose but failed, Enilo directly sank these people into the sea.

It's just that I don't know if the world government has received any rumors, or that Enilo's luck is not good. Later, Enilo never met the world government team again.

It seems that the sea of ​​the whole new world has become empty.

After thinking for a moment, he decided to drive the boat and headed towards the direction where the navy was still on the battlefield.

In that main battlefield, you should be able to encounter some interesting things.

And when there were still three or four days' voyage away from the main battlefield, Enilo suddenly encountered an unexpected guest.


Enilu looked at the man who was burning with flames in front of him, and called out the man's name suspiciously.

This man was surprisingly the same new-generation powerhouse who had participated in the assassination of Lorne on Angelbella Island, Wu who held the Sun Fruit.

At this time, Wu Lang was extremely embarrassed, his chest was full of marks left by the battle, and a big hole was broken in his abdomen.

He hid in the forest on a small island, using herbs to repair his physical injuries, and after seeing Enilu's arrival, he got up first and was ready to fight, but the physical injuries still made him Slightly frowned.

"what happened?"

Enel asked suspiciously.

Although he doesn't have any friendship with this crow, and the other party has fought with his boss Lorne, but this is just a normal exchange between pirates. Moreover, Enilo is very optimistic about this young strong man, if it is not born at the wrong time, there is no possibility of establishing a great legend in the sea.

But now Wu has lost the light in his eyes, hiding here, extremely tired.

"After I left Anjibela Island, I heard the news that the navy had declared war, and then I came directly to this battlefield."

Wu sat on the ground, and said helplessly.

"At the beginning, because the main force of the navy did not show up, the war went smoothly, and I also killed all sides on the battlefield, but later, after the news of Whitebeard's fall spread, the main force of the navy came from the rear of the New World. Back on this battlefield, the war has become quite anxious."

"I wanted to retreat temporarily, but I encountered a large navy force head-on."

"It wasn't a big deal at first, but in this naval force, there is a person with the ability to restrain me."

Wu said somewhat unwillingly, if it wasn't for the capable person who restrained himself, he wouldn't have lost so badly.

"You mean, Akainu?"

Anilu thought for a while and said the name.

Wu's ability is the sun fruit, which can turn his body into a small sun. Anyone who approaches him will be reduced to ashes because he cannot withstand the high temperature of the sun.

In the navy, only the red dog with the lava fruit will not be afraid of the black fruit, because the red dog itself is made of lava, how can it be afraid of high temperature?

Enilu imagined that scene, the red dog directly ignored Wu's ability, approached Wu step by step, and then directly beat Wu violently with armed domineering.

Wu smiled wryly and didn't say anything, which was regarded as acquiescing to this matter.

"I see."

Enil got up and was about to leave this place. Wu's news was still important to him. At least he knew that the navy had left an admiral on the frontal battlefield. Otherwise, what's the point of a fierce war? ?

But at this time, Enilu frowned suddenly, and the next moment, there was the sound of gunfire from the sea.

Countless shells pierced through the air and fired in salvo in the direction of the small island.

"The Navy was after me all the way."

Wu looked at Enilo helplessly.

"You should be involved in me now."

As he spoke, he struggled to get up.

"You go, this matter has nothing to do with you, they are coming for me."

After saying this, he was ready to walk out of the forest and fight the navy to the death.

But at this time, Enilo showed a hint of joy on his face.


He shook his head and walked out with Wu.

"That's what makes it interesting."

Enel said so.

He originally came here, just looking for some interesting things to play, and the navy is here, how could he leave?

The two walked out of the forest, and more than ten naval warships were docked on the sea not far away.

A middle-aged man with a resolute face stood on the warship and looked at the two of them from a distance.

He snorted coldly, and his hands turned into lava.

And Enilo showed a faint smile.

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