Pirate Family

Chapter 1239 Uninvited Guest

"Why do you think I should come out?"

Lola supported her little head and looked at the cold woman sitting in front of her.

"I don't know."

Sakura Miyari sat kneeling in front of Lola, while wiping her famous sword, Sakura Snow. Said coldly.

"The reason why I came out as a concubine is to protect you."

"I know, I know! Because my combat power is the weakest in the family. An ordinary pirate may be able to kill me."

Lola stuck out her tongue and said with some embarrassment.

Her main combat power is to rely on the mechanical armor that was created by her and then improved by two great scientists, Vegapunk and Gage, and stored in various coffins. The Er family, and then the bodies of the losers who were transformed into experimental subjects by Gaji.

Lola's combat power is quite weak, and maybe an ordinary strong man can kill her alone.

Therefore, when he heard that Lola wanted to go out to play, Lorne released Lola on the principle that he would not stop his family from doing anything.

However, in order to ensure Lola's safety, he still let Sakura Gongli accompany Lola.

After the Battle of Wano Country, Rika Sakuramiya's wish was fulfilled, and she directly joined the Vinhill family.

Due to the fact that she has nothing to worry about, her swordsmanship is more advanced. Another great swordsman in the family, Black Sword Mooreman and Sakura Miya Rika, can only lament the huge gap between the two.

Even Lorne doesn't know how strong Sakura Miyagi is now, but he can be sure of one thing, that is, at least in the new world, as long as he doesn't meet those few strong men, then protecting Lola is not an issue. Next.

That's why he dared to let Lola out.

"It's good to know."

Ying Gongli put back her famous sword, and then said coldly.

Lola was stunned for a moment, she really wanted to ask this Ying Gongli, if you can talk like this, does your family know?

But after thinking about it, her family members seem to know that she has facial paralysis.

"Do you like Brother Lorne!?"

At this time, Lola suddenly changed the subject. She leaned forward in front of Ying Gongli, and asked curiously.

"Otherwise, why do you only listen to Brother Lorne at home?"

Her wide eyes were full of curiosity.

"The relationship between the concubine and the master is just a simple relationship between the monarch and his ministers."

Sakura Miyagi said calmly.

"The concubine's body is nothing more than a sharp sword in the master's hand."

"Slaying the enemy of the lord, a sword that relieves the danger of the lord."

When she spoke, her face was expressionless. Instead, he stared coldly at the famous knife in front of him.

It was as if this knife was her life.

As if, her life is like this knife.

And Lola was at a loss for words for a while, she didn't know which muscle of her brain was wrong, and she even chatted with this three-no girl.

There must be something wrong somewhere.

"Do you like the lord?"

But at this time, Ying Gongli suddenly raised his head, stared into Lola's eyes, and asked coldly.

"I... no... Brother Lorne and I are just a simple family relationship..."

Lola blushed a little, she didn't expect Ying Gongli to ask herself back, and said falteringly.

Sakura Miyagi shook her head.


"But why, I feel that your attitude towards the lord is different from the attitude towards other people."

"This is because... because..."

Lola blushed even more! She blamed herself a little. Why did I want to talk about this topic with Sakura Gongli just now? This woman is simply a killer. It seems that she doesn't make moves easily, but once she makes a move, she will kill her!

Lola's head began to spin rapidly, and she was more serious than before thinking about the internal structure of the machine. She wanted to find a way to deal with Ying Gongli.

But at this time, Ying Gongli suddenly stood up and pulled out the famous sword in his hand.

"I, I, I, I said! Don't hit me!"

Lola was frightened directly, she didn't expect that there was such a violent heart hidden in Ying Gongli's heart.

He didn't answer her question, but wanted to do it.

"I really like Brother Lorne a little bit."

Lola took a deep breath, and then revealed the secret she had buried in her heart.

In fact, when she met Lorne for the first time, she liked this clean-looking man a little bit, and then Lorne saved their town, and she wanted to repay Lorne from the bottom of her heart.

After joining the Vinhill family, she devoted herself to helping the family develop various machines, not for her own future, nor for the family, but most importantly, for Lorne.

She wants to do her best to help Lorne.

But it is a pity that I am not the only one who likes Brother Lorne in my family. At least Lola knows about Big Sister Agatha and also likes Brother Lorne very much, while Violet spends all day with Brother Lorne. stick together. Then everyone knew that in Lorne's heart, there was only Miss Garrett who grew up with him as a childhood sweetheart and experienced his most difficult and humble years.

As for the others, Lorne treated them as his own family members.

When Lola went out this time, she also wanted to go out to relax.

She covered her head, her cheeks flushed, and said in a low voice.

"I told you the biggest secret! Don't tell anyone else!"

If it was ten minutes ago, Lola certainly believed that Ying Gongli would not reveal her secret, because her character did not like chatting with others.

But now, Lola is not sure, because this woman can even use a knife to extract a confession, and there is nothing else she can't do.


But at this time, Sakura Miyagi said suspiciously,

"Be careful, there is a ship ahead."

She felt that the aura of the people on that boat was by no means inferior to hers, they were very powerful people, and just now Lola faltered and said a lot, but Ying Gongli didn't hear clearly.

It turned out that I was wrong. Ying Gongli took the knife not to threaten herself, but to say, with her character, how could she do such a thing.

Lola patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

But for some reason, she always felt a sense of loss.

"The people on board are very strong. Let me wait, there may be no way to protect you."

Ying Gongli pulled out her own knife and said solemnly.

She picked up the knife and was ready to fight at any time.

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