Pirate Family

Chapter 1241 Joelle Bonnie

In the end, Lola decided to help this woman. On the one hand, the current Vinhill family has reached the point where it is at odds with the world government. If they offend them a little more, it will have no impact on the family at all.

On the other hand, it was because this woman was too pitiful. Looking at this woman, she thought of herself who was oppressed by that vicious pirate on the small island.

At that time, I was as desperate as the woman now.

It was Lorne's appearance that became a ray of light that pierced the darkness in Lola's heart and brought her out of that hell.

And now, Lola has decided to be a light to others.

In the Vinhill family, there are mad scientists, war fanatics, beasts obsessed with fighting, demons who regard human life as nothing, and arrogant gods. These lunatics form this crazy family.

And Lola is one of the rare normal people in this family.

She is a kind person.

After seeing Lola nodded, the woman seemed relieved.

"Thank you, thank you." She said incoherently.

"You haven't told us your name yet!"

But Lola's focus is not on the issue that the secret service may attack at any time.

"This is my mistake."

The woman also patted herself on the head. She was so anxious just now that she forgot to introduce her name.

"My name is Joelle Bonney," said the woman.

"Joelle Bonnie?"

After Lola heard the name, there was a hint of surprise in her eyes. She and Ying Gongli looked at each other, and it was obvious that Ying Gongli's calm expression trembled slightly.

"Is there a problem?"

Bonnie looked at Lola suspiciously. She had never appeared on the sea before, nor did she cause any major incidents. This time, sneaking into the science base of the world government and rescuing the big bear was her craziest move. .

She was very sure that she didn't know the woman in front of her, and even the name of the Vinhill family had only been seen in newspapers. In fact, if it wasn't because she was desperate, she would definitely not want to be with this crazy man. Families, resulting in any intersection.


Lola shook her head and said calmly.

But her heart was not peaceful at all, because the woman in front of her was exactly the woman that Brother Lorne had searched for for a long time on the sea, and even used his family's power to search frantically, but found nothing in the end.

"May I ask, are you a devil fruit capable user?"

Lola still couldn't help but said that she wanted to confirm her guess.

"Yes, I ate the fruit of age, and I can move the age of the object forward or backward a little."

Bonnie answered Lola's question without hesitation, but it was with this ability that she turned all the guards guarding the science base of the world government into babies, and then sneaked in.

Now that they are all seeking each other's protection, Bonnie doesn't think it's necessary for her to hide this.

It's the person Brother Lorne is looking for!

After hearing Bonnie's words, Lola has also confirmed her guess.

Because of the setback in front of the woman above Marie Gioia, Brother Lorne has been looking for a solution to the time system ability, even after completing the long-level plan of ascending to the gods, becoming the god in the mouth of Mr. Vegapunk, mastering After obtaining multiple devil fruits, Lorne still has no solution to the woman's ability.

Because the devil fruit ability of the time system is really too buggy. Any fancy fruit ability is meaningless in front of time.

Forced to do so, Lorne could only choose the next best thing, looking for other time-based devil fruits to explore the mysteries of time.

This woman named Joelly Bonnie was Lorne's first target.

At this time, Lola is also entangled, because if they are saved, Joelie's existence will definitely be discovered by Brother Lorne, and then Brother Lorne is likely to kill Joelle directly and use her fruit ability take out.

Although she is a member of the family, Lola has always been a little unacceptable to Brother Lorne's "cannibalism" behavior.

Moreover, Lola was unwilling to let this woman who risked becoming an enemy of the world government for the sake of other people die like this.

However, Qiao Aili is indeed the person Brother Lorne is looking for. If there is no ability of Qiao Aili, Brother Lorne may not be the opponent of the woman above Mary Jo.

So Lola started to struggle. In the end reason overcame emotion.

He decided to take this woman back. At worst, I beg Brother Lorne for the last time.

"You guys, go back with us first, as long as you arrive at Sidio, you will be safe for the time being."

Lola spoke.

"As for the big bear, you don't have to worry about it, because there are scientists in the family who are more powerful than Courant who transformed the big bear. We will definitely be able to save the big bear." While speaking, Lola waved herself said with some pride.

I am also a very powerful mechanical engineer!

Bonnie nodded gratefully, and the soldiers of the Vinhill family lifted the glass petri dish containing the big bear. Then it was carried into the cabin of the Vinhill family.

Everything is ready, Lola is ready to drive the boat back to the voyage, after all, the purpose of her coming out is just to relax, not to really want to make a scene at sea, so Lola doesn't care whether she has defeated any powerful opponent .

The boat turned its bow with full left rudder, but before the boat had sailed far, everyone saw another boat gradually appearing on the sea.

The speed of the ship was extremely fast, and the course was straight towards Lola's ship.

Their goal is very clear, it is this ship!

"This is the pursuit force of the world government!" After seeing the menacing boat rushing over and the tall figures wearing masks that could be vaguely seen standing on the deck of the boat, Bonnie's expression was terrified. Said.

She had fought against these people before, but the result was that she was no match for them at all! If it wasn't for a seaspout that appeared on the sea at that time, blocking the opponent's ship, he and others might have been caught by them.

And now, meeting them again at sea, this made Bonnie feel a little flustered.

However, Lola calmed down. She looked at Sakura Miyagi next to her, who gave her a reassuring look.

So, she made a decisive decision.


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