Pirate Family

Chapter 1242: Sakura Miyagi and Secret Service Agents

The leader was a middle-aged man wearing a black goat mask, his appearance could not be discerned, but to Ying Gongli, it didn't matter who the other party was.

It is enough to be sure of two things.

One is whether the opponent is an enemy.

The second is whether you can kill the opponent.

Other than that, other things don't matter at all.

So, she was ready to fight.

When the distance between the two ships reached 200 meters, Sakura Miya moved.

She drew out her knife, and with a frightening slash, she cut through the sea and roared directly towards the ship.

Ying Gongli directly skipped the link of making harsh words, and directly launched the most ferocious attack on the opponent.

The slash cut the ship in half, and the entire warship sank.

Several tall black figures jumped directly from the small boat, as if they were constantly stepping on transparent bricks in the midair. They kept beating in the midair. In almost a few moments, they They came to a distance of less than 50 meters from Ying Gongli and the others.

This distance has already entered the attack range of most powerful people.

"You guys go first, this place is handed over to my concubine."

Sakura Miyagi said calmly. She is the sharpest sword. This sword can only be used to kill people, not to save people.

With scruples about Lola and the others, Ying Gongli has no way to show her true strength at all, so it is better to let Lola and the others leave here first, and she can deal with it alone.

Without hesitation, Lola ordered Yang Fan directly, while Ying Gongli jumped up lightly, then stepped on the air a few times suddenly in the midair, and came to the midair to confront these CP-0 agents.

The moon step, by constantly stepping on the air, achieves the effect of floating in the air. This technique was invented by the Navy and is called the Sixth Form of the Navy. It is one of the compulsory courses for all secret agents. It may even be treated as waste by the secret service training camp.

Therefore, every agent, even the unknown CP-0 agents, has mastered this skill.

However, for the pirates, the sixth style of the navy is a mysterious and untold secret. Only a few gifted people have the opportunity to learn it by watching the navy perform this trick. And more, they can only drool watching these practical moves.

However, Sakura Miya is different. She did not learn this move by imitating the navy, but sent back the secret of the navy's sixth style through the secret agents of the family hidden in the navy.

Among other things, the more practical "shaving" and "moon steps" can be said to be known by everyone in the family.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Ying Gongli and these agents confronting each other in mid-air, Lola's boat has already sailed a long distance.

Looking at the fierce battles coming from behind, the sound of swords slashing and guns roaring, Bonnie said with some concern.

"Can she really handle it alone?"

Because she has never been to sea, Bonnie is not very clear about the power structure in the sea.

She only knows that the most powerful sea area on the sea is called the New World, and in the New World, the most powerful force is the Vinhill family, and the Four Emperors who can rival the Vinhill family.

However, now, due to Shiji among the veteran four emperors, Kaido has fallen into the hands of Lorne one after another, and the most powerful Whitebeard died in the siege of the navy, so the Vinhill family faintly Joyo has the momentum to become the dominant family. It can even compete with the Navy Chamber.

But Rika Sakuramiya is just a little-known cadre in the Vinhill family. Can she really deal with these CP-0 agents?

Bonnie expressed doubts, because she knew how powerful these CP-0 agents who seemed to have no identity and no name were after fighting these agents.

"Trust her! She is Ying Gongli!"

Lola patted Bonnie on the shoulder, reassuring the latter slightly.

Believe in your family, and there is no problem.

But at this time, the ship suddenly shook violently.

Then, two agents wearing CP-0 masks suddenly jumped onto the deck of the ship from the bottom of the sea!

In Ying Gongli's terrifying slash before, after the ship was destroyed, these two agents did not use moon steps to chase after the ship, but chose to dive into the sea and slowly move towards him under the water surface. with the boat approaching.

They used secret techniques to block their breathing, so even Ying Gongli's domineering look and knowledge did not detect each other.

After the ship moved away from the area they were fighting, the two agents chose to emerge from the water and jumped onto the deck.

The two agents looked at each other, one agent took a step forward, his fist was covered with jet-black armed domineering, and he was ready to fight in an instant, while the other agent, with a figure like lightning, walked towards He rushed towards the direction of the cabin.

Their purpose is very clear, that is to find the mechanical body of the tyrant bear that was stolen by Bonnie. This is a secret research of the world government. The mechanical clone troop!

Bonnie exclaimed, and rushed towards the agent who rushed to the cabin, and at the same time, a white halo flashed in her hand.

"Age Decay!"

She's ready to use her powers straight away, turning this powerful agent back into infancy. But the other party seemed to have expected Bonnie's ability, so he didn't choose Bonnie to fight head-on. Instead, he moved past Bonnie with a quick flash of his body.

This is the difference between the top powerhouses. When not using their abilities, there is an astonishing gap in the flexibility, strength, and speed of the two sides.

At this time, Lola was calmer. She knew that her fighting ability was weak, so she had no intention of fighting the opponent head-on. When the agent was about to attack, Lola turned around and ran away.

The agent was obviously also taken aback. When he attacked the ship, he was ready to die in battle, because he knew that there were people from the Vinhill family on the ship, and not long ago, Lorne They washed Mary Joya, the sacred place of Tianlong people, with human blood, and many agents died there.

And I was spared because I was performing another mission at the time.

Therefore, when he saw the flag of the Vinhill family appearing in front of him, the agent felt uneasy. But he could only grit his teeth and rush forward.

Because, Big Bear has a lot to do with it, if it is stolen, waiting for his result will not be much easier than death.

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