Pirate Family

Chapter 127 The Dust Man

"Boss, why is the fog on this island so weird?" When the pirate group landed from the port, the residents of Adela were still asleep.

The thin and wretched pirate frowned and asked suspiciously.

"Never mind it, the thicker the fog, the easier it is for us to run after grabbing things." The strong captain said greedily.

"Boss is wise!" The skinny pirate became excited after hearing what the boss said. The strong pirate caught a glimpse of a little girl walking slowly ahead.

This is a flower girl who came out early in the morning, and she was walking on the long street with a flower basket and humming a little song.

"Stop!" The strong pirate yelled at the little flower girl, startling the little girl.

"Do you know where the most treasure on this island is?"

"You, do you mean the royal palace?" The little flower girl replied tremblingly.

There is even a palace! The strong pirate became even more excited, "Tell me, where is the palace?"

"Yes, yes..." The first time Xiaohuanu saw such a vicious person, she was too scared to speak. The little patience of the strong pirate was quickly worn away. He raised the long knife in his hand, trying to scare her.

But it was discovered that the long knife could not be swung no matter what.

"Boss, you, look behind you." The thin pirate suddenly shouted.

The strong pirate looked back, and found that the fog behind him did not know when a woman's figure had condensed.

The white fogman grabbed his long knife in one hand. look at yourself.

"Yes, there is a ghost!" The strong pirate fell to his knees on the ground as if he had seen something terrifying.


From then on, Adela has the legend of the goddess of fog. Every devout believer of the Holy Truth will be blessed by the Goddess of Mist.

"I didn't expect to give your little bishop some prestige." In the Wayne Manor, Queen Agatha sat casually on the sofa with her long legs together, jealous to the man beside her.

There were only her and Lorne present, so of course there was no need to put on any airs of a queen.

Lorne turned a deaf ear to it. Agatha and Ariel had a good relationship before. Ever since one of them became the queen and the other became the bishop of a country, they often quarreled and became jealous over trivial matters.

Well, in fact, Agatha is mainly jealous.

Ai Ruili didn't even understand what it meant to be jealous, she just felt that Lorne and Agatha got too close, and she was a little disappointed.

"So, you are already able to use the ability proficiently?" Lorne changed the subject.

The fog itself doesn't have any offensive ability, and Lorne inspired Agatha to research in the direction of developing the fog itself.

Unexpectedly, Agatha would develop the ability of splitting the mist.

"Yes," the queen smiled slightly. She snapped her fingers, and pure white mist gushed out of her body.

Then they gradually gathered in the room, and finally condensed into a white fog figure, which looked like a woman.

I don't know if it's her bad taste, but this woman didn't wear anything except two close-fitting clothes, showing her proud figure to the fullest.

The fog man's face has not yet condensed, with ups and downs.

But for some reason, Lorne felt that this fog man didn't look like Agatha at all.

"After I compress the fog, I can condense a fog man avatar." Agatha pursed her lips and smiled. "But now I can only control one fog man's body at the same time."

"Not bad." Lorne felt the aura emanating from the mist clone, which was slightly weaker than Agatha herself. Not too bad though.

Doppelgänger itself is a powerful ability. Thinking about the later stage, the two are about the same in strength. When the fight was inseparable, one of them suddenly took a step back and showed a strange smile. Then he snapped his fingers, and countless fog men with similar strength as him ran out of his body.

How desperate is this, how can I fight this?

I just don't know whether the physical strength of the fog man gradually increases with the physical strength of the capable user, or whether it is related to the degree of compression of the mist.

"Of course, in order not to hinder little Lorne, he practiced very hard."

Agatha threw herself on Lorne and said coquettishly. Burying his head on Lorne's chest, a sly smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Actually, my fog man avatar has a special usage."

"What usage?" Lorne wondered.

"That's it," Agatha blinked. The Fog Man gradually came over. "It's just that the touch is similar to that of a real person."

"Would you like to try the service for two?"

Agatha licked her sexy lips.


Lorne looked at the fog man approaching, its face gradually condensed. Finally, I understand why I feel that this fog man doesn't look like Agatha at all.

You say you can play as long as you want, why do you want to be like Ariel.

Lorne was speechless.

Fortunately, the little bishop was not there, otherwise he would have to blow up. Lorne threw a punch casually, breaking the fog man apart.

However, Ariel seems to be in good shape?


For unknown reasons, Arlovin convinced Lorne.

With this "ghost fox" helping to manage the family business, Lorne immediately felt a lot easier.

Using Adela's national power, Lorne finally has his own fleet.

The leading flagship ship "Mruma", has a total length of 33 meters and a width of 12 meters. This is not too huge in the world of pirates.

This is because the "Smoky Goddess" adopts the latest mechanical power technology and the fog power technology specially made for Agatha, which is perfectly combined with the sailboat and can sail freely in most sea areas.

The ship is designed with a main gun and four secondary guns, which are standard weapons smuggled from the navy through the family weapon channel, but due to Lorne's demand, a fog kinetic energy system is also added to the gun.

Considering the needs of long-distance voyages, there is also a special fruit garden on board to avoid the occurrence of scurvy.

Even places where land animals and plants are farmed come to mind.


This is the dream ship designed by Lorne, his first step in conquering the sea.

With a ship, his long-awaited plan is finally on the agenda.

In the world of pirates, the number of devil fruits is extremely rare, and among them, natural fruits are even more rare.

Lorne's goal is the few powerful fruits that may have a source.

Thunder fruit.

Living in this sea for several years, Lorne has never heard of anyone who possesses the ability of the thunderous fruit, that is to say, this fruit is very likely to have been on the empty island!

Due to some accidental relationship, he ate the fruit of perception, but it did not affect Lorne's desire for this fruit.

The power to shock the world must be in your own hands!

Besides, Lorne looked at Anxi who was watching curiously on the "Goddess of Mist".

He also has to bear the grievances suffered by his subordinates.

This is the king's responsibility.

Because it was rewritten, there is no manuscript. So maybe only one chapter tomorrow, sorry.

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