Pirate Family

Chapter 128 cp0

"Uh, uh."

On the splint of the Goddess of Mist, a bald man lay on the railing and retched.

"You were a pirate before, why are you still seasick?" A swordsman holding a black and red long knife sneered beside him.

"If you want to blame, blame the speed of the boss's boat, I can't keep up." The bald man said sadly. "Also, Moorman, let go of your sword and see if you can stand still?"

"As a swordsman, I will never put down my sword." Moorman said coolly.

"Then don't use the scabbard to support your body!" said the bald man.

"I don't!"

Standing aside, Lorne let go of the rudder in embarrassment. Having just owned a brand-new boat, Lorne naturally wanted to have an addiction, but the perception ability that was always invincible in the past seemed to be invalid in front of this boat.

Lorne only opened for a short while, and made Jody and Moorman, two masters, vomit and diarrhoea, and felt extremely uncomfortable.

On the other hand, the little girl Anxi didn't respond. She sat on the statue of the goddess of mist at the bow of the boat and happily hummed a ditty.

This time, Lorne was well-prepared for the trip to Sky Island. He not only dispatched fifty elite fighters from the family, but also brought three cadres including Mooreman, Jody, and Anxi.

If Agatha and Kofir hadn't been guarding Adela's base camp, Fat Tiger was also arranged to protect Ariel and go to the Red Earth Continent to report the situation of the parish to the headquarters of the Church of the Holy Truth.

Situation Lorne wants to take them all.

Only when standing on the splint, Lorne felt that he had truly integrated into the world of pirates. That opened its hands, wanting to embrace freedom.

However, this brief comfort did not last long. Lorne and Jody both frowned.

"Boss, do you feel it?" Jody pointed to the bottom of the sea and said in a deep voice.

"En." Lorne nodded, and within the range of his "micro-sensing domain", a powerful aura from the bottom of the sea was rapidly approaching.

"Looks like a big guy is here." Jody sneered, rolling up his sleeves and preparing for a big fight.

The ship that has just been acquired cannot be lost.

"Let me do it." Mooreman closed his eyes suddenly, holding the hilt of the famous sword Black Red Blood with one hand, ready to go.

During the fight with Lorne, he deeply realized the importance of domineering. After joining the Vennhill family, he asked Fat Tiger and Jody, two domineering powerhouses, for advice on domineering skills.

Under Mooreman's assiduous study, he has initially grasped the superficial knowledge.

Although it was a beat slower than Lorne and Jody, he still vaguely felt a breath approaching from below.

Crash! The head of a huge monster emerged from the sea level in front of the Goddess of Mist. It was unusually huge, covered in black scales, and opened its mouth wide open. The whole ship is like a piece of pastry in front of it.

Lorne had previously concluded that the most powerful forces in the entire pirate world are not pirates, the navy, or the revolutionary army.

It's these giant beasts living in the depths of the sea, Neptunes!

Their bodies are unusually huge, and according to legend, some huge sea kings can even take off an island in one bite!

"In a thousand worlds, all flowers die, and everything changes," Mooreman suddenly opened his eyes. "I will kill myself!"

"Small World Red Moon!"

Moorman drew his knife suddenly, and a light red light of the knife swung out vertically, just hitting the bloody mouth of this giant sea king beast.

Sting, this Neptune suddenly froze.

Then this terrifying behemoth was neatly cut in half from the middle!

Dark red blood splashed out from the wound, and most of it spilled on the sea, dyeing the sea red.

But there was also a small amount of blood splashed on the splint of the Goddess of the Mist. If Lorne hadn't prepared to take out a black umbrella to cover himself and Anxi, their clothes would also be stained by the blood. dirty.

"The power is not bad." Jody praised, this is the terrifying destructive power of a swordsman. Even if his strength was somewhat stronger than Mooreman's, the most he could do was punch the sea king's vital parts with one punch, killing it with one punch.

And absolutely can't achieve this effect.

"Of course." Mooreman put the famous sword Black Red Blood into the scabbard and replied coldly.

"But I still want to ask you a question," Jody touched his head with a curious smile on his face.

"Do you swordsmen have to shout such a line before you zoom in?"


Mooreman was speechless, and turned his head silently, expressing that he did not want to admit that the funny man in front of him actually belonged to the same family as himself, and his status seemed to be a little higher than his own.

But when he turned his head, he happened to meet Lorne's eyes.

"You're done playing cool." Lorne looked at the filthy blood stains on the deck and said lightly, "Then please clean up the splints."


The sacred place of the Celestial Dragons, Mariejoia. A man with burns sits on a throne, and kneeling beside him are slaves dressed in funny clown clothes.

These slaves were all well-known pirates on the sea before, determined to dominate the great sea route. Now they are a clown pleasing their masters.

Some irony.

"You mean, you got news about that villain of the Vinhill family?" The burnt man stood up abruptly after hearing the report from the masked man kneeling in front of him, with an agitated expression on his face.

"Yes, St. Nedict, there was an incident of changing kings in the Kingdom of Flowers before. In that incident, there were several traces of prisoners in the city of advancement."

The masked man's voice was a little hoarse.

"A bounty of 30,000,000 (30 million) Bailey's magic hand, Kofir."

"97,000,000 (ninety-seven million) bounty on Carlos Jordi of Bailey."

"A prisoner with a bounty of 158,000,000 (one hundred and fifty-eight million), Tiger."

"These prisoners were all closely related to Vennhill Lorne during the prison escape incident in Advance City. Therefore, we infer that there is an 87.4% chance that the bounty 570 ,000,000 (570,000,000) Bailey's demon, Vinhill Lorne."

The masked man analyzed indifferently, but pointed at the truth of the matter.

"Okay, okay." Nedict Shenglian said three good things. He hated the Vinhill family deeply, and he wanted to get rid of them as soon as possible.

He was the one who ordered Lorne to be imprisoned in the Infinite Hell of Advance City before, so that Lorne and his father Caesar could never see each other.

Unexpectedly, the impregnable and impenetrable city in the legend was escaped from prison so easily!

This made Nedict feel a little crazy. At this time, Lorne's trace finally appeared, and he finally couldn't hold back his hatred.

"Help me lift Lorne's head here." Nedict said indifferently.

"Your lives are given by the Celestial Dragons, show your usefulness."


"As you wish, my majesty." The masked man lowered his head and said respectfully.

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