Pirate Family

Chapter 129: Arriving at Gaya Island

"Boss, is the destination ahead this time?"

Jody looked at the small island that appeared in his vision, showing a look of anticipation.

After half a month of sailing, Lorne and his party finally arrived at the Adumanda sea area.

Ahead is the largest small island in this sea area, Gaya Island.

Gaya Island is composed of two flat semi-elliptical pieces, divided into East Island and West Island.

Due to unknown reasons, countless pirates gathered here, even more than the residents of this island. It can be described as a veritable pirate town.

"Destination?" As the weather became hot, Lorne took off his fox fur cloak and handed it to the guard standing beside him. "Not really."

"But Miss Anxi's pointer is clearly pointing at this place." Jody turned to look at the navigator on board.

But I found that the little girl didn't know why, looking up at the sky, the corners of her eyes were a little moist.

The positioning pointer in his hand pointed straight to the sky.

"Our destination," Lorne said word by word with a smile on his lips.

"It's the sky!"


Gaya Island, Pirate Town.

A drunken pirate stumbled and walked on the street, but was bumped by a person who was walking towards him and fell heavily.

"Hey, hey, didn't you see someone?" The drunk man got up and said angrily. The man who bumped into him was wearing black clothes and black shoes, and put a black hood on his head. His whole body seemed to be shrouded in shadows. middle.

He is close to two meters tall, which is considered tall among ordinary people, but in front of a drunk who is more than three meters tall, he looks like a child.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something just now and didn't notice." The man in black apologized.

"If apologies are all you need, what do you need strength for?" The drunk sneered, drawing a long knife from behind and pointing it at the man in black's head.

"Choose, how much do you think your life is worth?"

The conflict between the two quickly attracted the surrounding pirates to watch, and a sharp-eyed person recognized the identity of the drunk and exclaimed.

"Isn't this Kerry the blackmailer with a bounty of 32,000,000 (thirty-two million) Baileys? The boy has suffered."

"My God! His boss is Elsie the killer tiger. This young man is going to suffer a lot."


Hearing everyone's amazement, the drunk Kerry laughed out loud, and he turned his head and said to the man in black.

"You know my name. If you are obedient, maybe I will spare your life."

"You are a reward offerer, right?" the man in black said suddenly.

"Yes, this uncle is a super bounty criminal with a bounty of more than 30 million Baileys. If you are sensible, why don't you hurry up and apologize to this uncle."

Kerry was stunned for a moment, and said proudly.

"Then," the man in black reached into his clothes, as if he was groping for something.

"Aim the sword at me, are you ready to die?"

"Dead?" Kerry laughed out loud as if he had heard the funniest joke. "You said let me die? It's up to you? You little brat..."

Before he could finish his words, he saw the man in black move slightly, and the black shadow in front of his eyes flickered. Kerry felt a chill in himself.

A dagger was stuck in Kerry's neck at some point, and blood gushed out from the wound.

Kerry covered his neck with one hand, and knelt down on the ground in disbelief.

"Your 30 million bounty should be enough for me to apologize."

The hood on the man in black's head fell off at some point, revealing his black hair.

The pirates onlookers were so scared that they could not speak. They did not expect that Kerry, a powerful pirate with a bounty of more than 30 million Baileys, could not survive a round in front of the man in black.

Those present didn't even see clearly how the man in black made his move.

"Excuse me, do you know where the Blood Deer Bar is?" The man in black stepped over Kerry and asked a passerby who was watching.

"Yes, at the port on the west coast." Passers-by did not dare to look directly into the eyes of the man in black, and said tremblingly, for fear of offending the man in front of him.

"Okay, thank you."

After getting the news he needed, the man in black walked towards the west coast without looking back.

"This is 32 million Baileys! Just leave it there, you are too wasteful." A tall woman with light blue curly hair walked out of the crowd, joined the man in black, and complained as she walked .

"There's nothing to waste." The man in black said lightly. "I'm tired of being a bounty hunter hunting pirates for a little Bailey."

"I really don't know how to calculate carefully. The boss is always saying that the organization doesn't have enough funds because of people like you." The tall slender woman continued, "You should restrain your temper, Abby."

"Compared to this, I care a little more." The man in black named Aibi suddenly stopped and said slowly. "Boss heard that there is a big pirate group recruiting soldiers here, so come and have a look."

"But as far as I know, why does the boss care about these things?" Abby said suspiciously. After he was tired of the life of a bounty hunter, he decided to go to sea to see the world.

Then he met the boss, and after being overwhelmed by the boss's courage, he decided to join the forces under his command.

This tall woman is his partner.

"Because this big pirate is extraordinary." The tall slender woman straightened her hair. "This is the famous newcomer a few years ago."

"A terrifying newcomer who was issued a bounty of up to 570,000,000 (570 million) by the world government for destroying the city of advancement with his own hands."

"Vynhill Lorne."

"Don't shoot at him casually, Mr. 3."

"I see, miss. Rose." Abby rubbed his temples with a headache, but there was a trace of fighting spirit in his eyes. "I would like to know how strong the monster with a bounty of hundreds of millions of Baileys is."


When Lorne set foot on this island, he even thought that his whereabouts were known to the world.

Because the island is full of news that the great pirate Waynhill Lorne is going to recruit troops here to enter the new world.

However, after inquiring carefully, I found out that this "Venhill Lorne" has been staying on this small island for nearly half a month, and I don't know how many powerful pirates have been summoned to serve him.

It turned out to be a counterfeit, Lorne couldn't help but chuckle, and then he felt relieved.

It's just that he didn't expect that this kind of impersonation of others would happen to him. Lorne didn't know whether he should be happy that his reputation was too big, or be angry that someone ruined his reputation.

The noon sun was a bit dazzling, but the temperature dropped strangely, which surprised Lorne.

Lorne was wearing black sunglasses and a black fox fur cloak as he walked on the street. Behind him are Anxi, Jody, Moorman and others.

"Where do you think the boss is going?" Jody followed behind, muttering to Mooreman.

"The supplies are all left to the soldiers at home. The boss should want to go shopping on the street."

Now Moorman put on a dark brown samurai uniform, looking heroic, he followed Lorne with his hands in his arms, and said indifferently.

"That's it." Jody touched his head, it's so boring, if there is some pirate who doesn't have eyes to mess with him, it will be fine.

"Bored?" Lorne stopped in front of a bar, "How about going in for a drink?"

On the signboard of the bar, there is the word "Blood Deer".

"What special wine do you have here?" Lorne leaned his hands on the sofa and casually said to the bartender.

"Blood rum, sir." The bartender said with a smile.

"Sounds good," Lorne said with a smile, looking at his subordinates. "What do you think?"

"It's been a long time since I tasted blood, boss." Jody licked his lips.

"It's all right."

Mooreman held the sword and nodded indifferently.

"Then this is it. Three glasses of blood rum and a glass of juice." Lorne said to the bartender, coming to a new place is to taste their specialties.

"But, brother, wouldn't blood be scary?" Anxi said timidly.

"Anxi, don't be afraid, you drink juice." Lorne smiled and stroked the little girl's head.

"Oh." The little girl sat on the sofa obediently after hearing Lorne's words.

The bartender quickly came up with a plate on which three glasses of blood-red liquid were swaying.

Under the strengthening of the fruit of perception, Lorne, whose sense of smell became extremely sensitive, smelled that the liquid in the wine glass did not come from human beings, but some kind of animal blood. Mixed with regular rum.

It was dubbed the name of the blood rum.

"It's kind of interesting." Jody laughed, picked up the liquid in the glass and drank it down, leaving a smear of scarlet at the corner of his mouth.

Lorne held the wine glass in his hand and savored it slowly. The blood stimulated the taste buds, and with the spicy alcohol, it really had a special taste.

"What a cute little girl." A somewhat hoarse female voice sounded beside Lorne, she looked at Anxi who was trying to drink juice, and praised.

"Can I sit next to you?"

"Please go ahead." Lorne said with a smile. It is difficult for a gentleman to refuse a lady's request, especially if this lady is a beauty.

The woman was wearing a black fur coat which was opened wide open, revealing a black suit shirt underneath.

This can't hide her mature and perfect figure at all. Wearing a pair of black suit trousers on the lower body, the slender legs are crossed, exuding a mature charm.

If one had to describe this woman with an adjective, all Lorne could think of was heroic.

"Smoking cigars?" The woman took out a cigar box from her clothes, saw Lorne nod slightly, took out one, and handed it to him casually. Then I lit one myself. Faintly spit out a smoke ring.

So cool, when she first entered the bar, all the men in the bar were attracted by her.

But everyone was on guard, this woman's face was too unfamiliar, they couldn't grasp her strength, and no one dared to be the first to strike.

Lorne took the cigar and lit it with a smile.

He had always felt that he was not interested in women, and now he knew he was wrong. He just wasn't interested in little girls.

Although Ariel, or Agatha, Domino, their appearance and figure are not inferior to the woman in front of them, they are all too young.

Lorne has always treated them as sisters. But only this mature woman aroused a trace of interest, a trace of long-lost desire.

"What's wrong, little brother." The woman exhaled a smoke ring, and looked at Lorne with black eyes, "Do you like me?"

Lorne shook his head, throwing all distracting thoughts behind him. The so-called affection between children is nothing compared to the pursuit of power.

Moreover, the power hidden under this woman's charming appearance is unfathomable, and she is also deeply feared by Lorne.

"Hahahaha, what a cute little brother." The woman smiled pretentiously. It took a long while before he recovered, and said to Lorne charmingly. "Or you can hang out with me, I can cover you."

"A man said that to me a long time ago," Lorne smiled. "But I rejected him. I've always disliked submitting to others."

"Someone said the same thing as me?" The woman was a little surprised, "Then he has a good eye."

"Yes," Lorne said. "His name is Golden Lion Shiji."

"The Golden Lion Shiji who had a war with Whitebeard just now?" the woman asked suspiciously.

"That's right." Lorne replied with a smile, recalling in his mind the scene of the forces reaching out to him when they had just escaped from the advancing city.

"Hahahaha, little brother, you are really amazing!" The woman raised her glass, "Cheers to Shiji's good vision!"


The two glasses collided slightly, and a smile appeared on the woman's face. But Lorne knows through perception.

She believed what she said just now!

"The Golden Lion ever invited you?" At this moment, a drunk suddenly stood up and walked in front of Lorne tremblingly. Holding a wine bottle in his hand.

He glanced at the woman sitting next to Lorne. Then he yelled at Lorne.

"Little brat, don't be kidding me! Do you know what kind of character Golden Lion Shiji is?"

The drunk suddenly smashed Lorne's head with a wine bottle.

"That's a legendary pirate who stands on top of all pirates! How could he have anything to do with a kid like you?"


The wine bottle hit the person's body, broke suddenly, and the wine splashed.

Jody, who was sitting by the side, suddenly stood up and blocked the drunk's sudden attack with one arm.

"How could you offend our boss in the first place?"

A cruel smile played on Jody's lips. Prepare to get rid of this lifeless pirate.

But at this time, a white palm was placed on the drunk man's chest.

The woman didn't know when she suddenly stood up. She said with a smile.

"Leave this kind of rubbish to me."

"What, you call me trash." The drunk man raged, he wanted to let this lifeless woman know what real power is!

Watch me blow you away with one punch, the drunk man thought to himself, he swung out a punch, and what appeared in his vision was a thin and withered arm.

Whose arm is this? Why do all the pirates drinking around look surprised?

That was the last thought on the drunk man's mind.

In the eyes of others, the moment the woman touched the drunk, the drunk's body shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the end, it even turned into a mummy!

Speed ​​up the tempo a bit, will it be better?

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