Pirate Family

Chapter 130 Miss Crocodile

"Not bad strength, I should call you Ms. Sha," Lorne commented. From the beginning to the end, he didn't move a bit, as if he was sure that the drunk would not be able to hurt himself.

"Or should I call you Miss Crocodile?" Lorne's voice was very soft, and his eyes met the woman's.

Others may not be able to see clearly, but Lorne, who has the ability to perceive, easily saw how the woman turned the drunk into a mummy.

Her hands turned into sand, completely absorbing the moisture from the drunk's body.

And this ability only corresponds to one character in One Piece World.

Currently one of the most mysterious King Shichibukai, a pirate who is too controversial because the bounty is too low, and a person with the ability to rustle fruit.

Sand crocodile, Crocodile!

Through this short shot, Lorne can conclude that the woman in front of him definitely has the strength to sit firmly in the position of King Shichibukai!

The vision of the world government is indeed vicious.

What Lorne didn't expect was that this sand crocodile was actually a woman.

"I've never shown my ability, but you can recognize it." Miss Crocodile sat down lightly, with her legs together. He looked at Lorne with a smile on his face. "It seems that your intelligence ability is good."

Lorne was a little embarrassed, intelligence ability was the biggest shortcoming of the Vinhill family. Lorne was able to recognize Crocodile because he had seen some intelligence analysis in his previous life.

About the ambiguous words that Doflamingo, who is the same king as Qibuhai, said to her in the war on the top, and the threat of the monster king Ivankov to her in the advancing city.

"Then I invite you again now, will you agree?" The woman named Crocodile paused, looking straight at Lorne.

"The boy of the Vinhill family."

Lorne was not at all surprised when his identity was called out. Although the Baroque Studio under Crocodile is a killer organization, it is also known for its intelligence capabilities.

It is only natural that she can grasp her own information.

"Just call me Lorne." Lorne said with a smile. "But even if you say it a hundred times, I will still reject you."

"Because my ambition is not just a king's Qiwuhai!"

"Hahahaha, as expected of the man who rejected Shiji." Miss Crocodile laughed loudly, but she didn't look rude at all.

On the contrary, there is a sense of heroism.

"The Shichibukai under the king is not a position worthy of praise. You know what happened to Moonlight Moria some time ago."

Lorne nodded. A while ago, one of the seven kings under the sea, the super pirate Moonlight Moria fought against the apex pirate Kaido in Wano in the new world.

This war has touched the nerves of the entire New World, and all the pirates turned their attention to Wano Country.

As a result, Moonlight Moriah had no ability to resist in front of the powerful Kaido Pirates. Legend has it that the entire Moriah Pirates were buried in and country.

This made the new world doubt the deterrence ability of Qibuhai under the king, and the people began to question the correctness of the Qibuhai system.

"Did they think that becoming king Qiwuhai would be able to rule the world?" Miss Crocodile drank a glass of wine, her face turned slightly red. Added a few traces of charm to her heroic face.

"Wrong! What deters others is not identity at all, but strength!"

"It's a terrifying strength!"

This kind of argument that power comes first is very suitable for Lorne. Lorne raised his glass, tilted it slightly, and then drank it down.

"It doesn't matter if you reject me." Miss Crocodile smiled heroically. "I will go to the new world and challenge the strongest man in the world."

"Whitebeard Edward Newgate!"

"When I am Megatron in the new world, I will allow you to hang my flag."

Miss Crocodile said lightly, but she had a bit of arrogance.

Who is Edward Newgate with White Beard?

He is the second in the entire age of voyages. If it is not for his unintentional fame, it is unknown whether the title of One Piece will fall on Gol D. Roger.

Before that, there was a world-renowned war with the mighty Golden Lion Shiji in the New World, which let the world know what monster-like strength is.

Such a strong man, in the eyes of Miss Crocodile, is just a challenge target?

Speaking of arrogance, this sand crocodile is the real arrogance, right?

"If you fail, I will also allow you to wear the family crest of the Vinhill family." Lorne said playfully.

The family crest of the Vennhill family is the Misty Moon newly designed by Na Lorne, which represents the severing of ties with the old Vennhill family.

Although it has long been determined that Miss Crocodile's challenge will end in failure. But Lorne still offered her his own olive branch.

"Then, thank you Brother Lorne." Miss Crocodile smiled slightly.


At this moment, the door of the tavern was suddenly kicked open, and a black-haired boy in a navy uniform walked in with a cigar in his mouth.

"Who hurt my dear subordinate?" The boy said slowly, followed by a few strong pirates, holding swords, looking coldly at the people in the tavern.

"Oh my god, it's the leader of the Lorne Pirates stationed on Gaya Island, Vinhill Lorne!"

"It's the monster with a bounty of more than 500 million Baileys! Now these two outsiders have suffered."

"Look behind him, is it Brother Thorn Dog! Those two monsters with a bounty of more than 40 million Baileys!"

"It seems that these foreigners are in danger."


Hearing the exclamation of the pirates, the expression of the fake "Lorne" gradually softened.

But he was still in a bad mood. Today, in this short period of time, he lost two important subordinates one after another.

They were all killed by foreigners.

If you can't take revenge quickly, the pirate group you have built up with great difficulty will fall apart!

"Boss, this." Jody sat on the sofa, looked at Lorne whose face was gradually turning cold, but couldn't help smiling.

The appearance of this fake "Lorne" is obviously imitating the photo that Lorne just came out of the city of advancement and was used for the arrest warrant taken by Newsbird.

However, Lorne didn't care about someone pretending to be himself, and being able to attract the attention of the Navy Headquarters was not necessarily a bad thing.

And there was only one reason that made Lorne really angry.

That's the counterfeit, it's so ugly!

"Let me deal with it. I haven't done it for a long time, and the knife is almost rusting." Mooreman, who was holding the famous knife Black Red Blood, got up and walked towards the gate of the tavern.

"It's good to dare to come here." The counterfeit said angrily when he saw that someone dared to ignore his reputation. "Brother Thorn Dog, you two come on, show them some color."

"Okay, my lord captain," the two pirates with bayonets took a step forward with grinning faces, and walked towards the oncoming Moorman.

They want to let this kid who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth know what real power is!

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