Pirate Family

Chapter 131 Counterfeit

"Hey, boy, are you also a bounty hunter?" The elder brother of the Thorn Dog brothers took a step forward and looked at Mooreman with a smile on his face.

"Is it a bounty?" Mooreman pulled out a piece of the famous knife Black Red Blood, "It's considered."

"Then how much is your bounty?" the younger brother of the Thorn Dog brothers said sharply.

"33,000,000 (thirty-three million) Bailey." Mooreman said lightly, and at this time he had already walked in front of Brother Stingdog.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The guests in the bar burst into laughter when they heard Mooreman revealing the bounty offer.

This ruthless swordsman, whose bounty is not as good as any of the Stingdog brothers, actually tried to fight two with one?

You know, the two brothers cooperate tacitly, even if they face their pirates with a far higher bounty, they can still compete one or two.

"It turned out to be rubbish!" Brother Thorndog was even more disdainful, aiming at Moorman with the weapon in his hand and slashing at him.

"Trash go back to hell, that's where you should be!"

"This life has been entrusted to the sword, and the sword is in the hand." Mooreman's eyes flashed a frightening light, and he swayed slightly, casually dodging the attack of the stab dog brother.

"There is no one in the world that can stop me!" Only two movements were made in the hands.

Out of the knife, out of the knife.

Everyone didn't see his movements clearly, they only saw Brother Jigou suddenly remained motionless. Wait until Mooreman walks past them.

These two powerful pirates fell to the ground with a crash!

"Isn't it stupid to use a bounty to measure strength?" Lorne sat on a chair and smiled at Miss Crocodile.

"Indeed, you can only know who is strong and who is weak after fighting." Miss Crocodile commented.

These two people may be the most qualified people in this sea to ridicule the statement that only bounty theory is based on strength.

Lorne's bounty is 570,000,000 (fifty seventy million) Baileys, more than seven times Crocodile's 81,000,000 (81 million) Baileys.

But if anyone wants to say that Lorne is far stronger than Crocodile, Lorne will probably be the first to slap him twice.


The fake "Lorne" saw Mooreman walking directly towards him, and was scared out of his wits. His thighs were shaking constantly, and he couldn't even escape.

"Even if you are lucky enough to defeat Brother Thorn Dog, you will definitely not be able to defeat Lord Lorne who has a bounty of more than 500 million!" Behind the counterfeit "Lorne", a man in denim came out. Stand in front of the fake "Lorne".

"But letting Master Lorne deal with a small shrimp like you is too insulting to his reputation, so let me deal with you."

The cowboy has two revolvers at his waist, which are his weapons.

He is a rare strong gun.

"He's Devil Cowboy Dick! A pirate with a bounty of 60,000,000 (sixty million) Bailey!"

"I've heard about his deeds. It is said that it only takes one second for him to fire twelve rounds of bullets! It's so fast that people can't react!"

"I didn't expect that even he joined the Lorne Pirates. Are they going to dominate the sea?"

It seems that Dick is also a man of the hour in this pirate town, and many people in the bar know him.

But Dick still looked at Moorman coldly, with both hands on the handle of the revolver, looking for the best time to shoot.

Patience is the best quality of a shooter!

This is the time! There was a gleam in Dick's eyes! Both hands suddenly drew the revolver from his waist.

bang bang bang bang...

Bullets sprayed out from the barrel, emitting flames and thick smoke. Dick silently counted the bullets

The eighth shot, the ninth shot. Should he be dead?

The thick smoke cleared, and what appeared in front of Dick was not the body of that bastard swordsman, but Mooreman's disdainful eyes.

He didn't know when he had already rushed in front of him!

Then you are dead! You will never be able to hide from my rapid fire at this distance!

Dick was not surprised but pleased. His revolver was aimed at Mooreman's heart!

"Go to hell!" Dick yelled, and pulled the trigger. But the weapon that had saved his life many times before, like a partner, did not make the sound of a bullet being loaded this time.

His revolver had been cut off at some point!

"You lost." Moore said lightly, leaning against Dick's ear.

This battle can't even be called a battle, but a massacre! As the captain who sailed to the Chambord Islands, Moorman's knowledge far exceeds that of these pirates.

The reason why the bounty is not high is simply because he doesn't attack ordinary people very much.

In addition, after obtaining the famous sword Black Red Blood and starting to practice knowledge color domineering.

His strength is not at the same level as these pirates!

The famous knife in his hand, the black red blood, had pierced Dick's chest.

Blood dripped slowly along the blade of Yaoxie.

"How is this possible?" Dick fell down in disbelief, muttering to himself.

"How is it possible to have such a fast speed?"

"It's you who are too slow." Mooreman put the famous sword Black Red Blood into the scabbard. He looked at the fake Lorne coldly. He had already seen the falsehood of this impostor, and killed him with black and red blood, dirtying his knife.

"There is no subordinate to help you now, right?"

"No, don't." The counterfeit Lorne saw Moorman, who was like a murderous god, his feet went limp, and he slumped on the ground, crawling backwards continuously.

"Don't kill me! I have an irresistible relationship with Golden Lion Shiji, if you kill me, he will avenge me!"

"You let him ruin your reputation like this?" Miss Crocodile looked at Lorne whose face was getting ugly, and said with a smile.

"Hmph!" Lorne snorted coldly, what this impostor did completely angered him.

"Kill him." Lorne ordered Moorman coldly.

This counterfeit violated two laws of death.

One is that he has an inseparable relationship with Shiji. You know, Lorne and Shiji are enemies of life and death!

The second is that he is so cowardly! Get ready for the enemy!

In the name of my Lorne! Even if you die, you can only die standing up!

This is why Lorne is really angry.

After being on Judicial Island before, he swore that no one would let him bow his head!

After hearing Lorne's order, the counterfeit Lorne was already desperate. At this time, he regretted that he would listen to others and pretend to be the super bounty criminal.

I also regretted that my brain was pumped and I wanted to come here to avenge the two subordinates.

But there is never regret medicine in this world.

The famous sword in Moorman's hand, the black red blood, was raised high. He wants to end this impostor's despicable life.

But at this moment, Mooreman seemed to have sensed something, and swung the knife horizontally. A sudden hooked claw seized his knife.

Then a black figure fell from the sky, just in time to knock out the fake Lorne.

"Sorry, I missed it." Abby patted the dust off his body and apologized.

"Bastard Mr. 3! I told you not to shoot casually!" A tall woman ran over quickly from outside and angrily scolded Abby.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, miss. Rose. I just want to hurry up." Abby rubbed his head with embarrassment.

The tall slender woman wanted to reprimand Abby, but she was surprised when she saw Miss Crocodile sitting next to Lorne calmly drinking.

"Hey, boss, you're here too!"

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