Pirate Family

Chapter 132 The Gate of Heaven

Seeing the funny duo that suddenly appeared, Miss Crocodile wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in, and refused to admit that she was their leader.

The inscrutable image of a strong man that he had managed to build in front of Lorne collapsed like this.

"It's time for this farce to end." Lorne's face remained normal. Said to the guests in the bar.

"If anyone wants to avenge him, they can come to me."

"The ship with the emblem of the Mist Moon on the dock."

The guests in the bar shook their faces like rattles. Just kidding, these few people who are terrifying like demons, how could they have the idea of ​​revenge?

At the same time, a thought arose in their hearts, the vulnerable little boy who fainted at the door was really the super bounty criminal. Vinhill Lorne?

"Then, those who have nothing to do with this matter can leave." Lorne said calmly, he didn't want to care about these weak people.

The guests in the bar were relieved and ran away immediately.

"If that's the case, shall I go too?" Miss Crocodile extinguished the cigar in her hand and said softly.

"That's fine, I said I'll treat you to a drink." Lorne didn't mean to keep him, his ambition was never with a woman.

"Then drink it next time, I'll wait for you in the new world." Miss Crocodile put on a black fur coat, and then left with the two teasers without looking back.

"Boss, didn't you say you wanted to meet that super bounty criminal, Vinhill Lorne?" Abby was puzzled.

"I've seen it." Miss Crocodile paused, and said lightly to miss. Rose.

"Notify all cadres that we are leaving."

"Where are you going?"

"New world." Crocodile uttered such a term. Looking into the distance, his eyes are deep.

Edward Newgate, don't let me down.

"Oye!" Abby seemed a little excited when he heard the news. He also looked at the sea like Miss Crocodile. "I've had enough of this sea of ​​the weak."

Boom! Abby's handsomeness didn't last long when miss. Rose slapped him on the head.

"Since enough is enough! Hurry up and earn Bailey! If you still waste Bailey by being handsome like before! Then you are dead!"


At this time, only Lorne and his group were left in the tavern.

"Is the boss still there?" Lorne said lightly to the bar. It doesn't matter if these people leave, the whole tavern belongs to him.

You can drink as much as you want.

"Yes, yes." A middle-aged man climbed out from under the bar, and he looked at the killing god in front of him with a sad face. "What would you like to drink, guest?"

"Whatever you want." Lorne said indifferently. Since he had tasted the signature blood rum here, he didn't care about anything else.

Because after he tasted the fine wine of Oghongmu, the country of wine, it was difficult for Lorne to become interested in wine from other places.

"Okay, okay." The bar owner said tremblingly. He just wanted to leave but was held by Lorne, and his heart couldn't help trembling.

"Guest, what else do you want to order?" The tavern owner squeezed out an ugly smile.

"I forgot to ask, do you know how to get to Sky Island?" Lorne said.



When everyone came out of the tavern, it was getting late. Lorne finally got the information he needed from the bar owner.

When he asked the boss how to get to Sky Island, the boss was incredible. Although he didn't say anything, Lorne guessed that he must be muttering his own whims in his heart.

It's no wonder that Sky Island is like a fairy tale in the hearts of these people, it's just a thing to deceive children.

For example, the story of Germa 66, the evil army in the North Sea.

But it is a pity that whether it is Sky Island or Germa 66, they are all real things in the world.

It's just that ignorant people don't want to believe it.

So Lorne changed the phrase and asked the boss if there was an upwelling current near this sea area.

Because he vaguely remembered that the protagonist group in the original book took the rising current to go to Sky Island.

The boss thought for a while before giving Lorne an affirmative answer.

Two days later, when they arrived at the designated sea area, the Goddess of Mist was floating quietly on the sea.

Suddenly, a vortex suddenly appeared in the calm sea area ahead.

"Here we come." Lorne looked at the vortex and said lightly. Just as he was speaking, the vortex became bigger and bigger, and finally the sea level suddenly exploded, and a waterspout rose out of the sea and went straight into the sky!

"Hey, hey, boss, are we really going to take this upwelling current!"

Jody looked at the excited Lorne, a little apprehensive. He listened to the tavern owner's description, if the empty island really existed, then this rising current might be the only way to get to the empty island.

But there are only two results, successfully landed on the empty island, or the ship crashed and died!

"Of course." Lorne said lightly. Going to Sky Island was something he had planned a long time ago. Otherwise, he would be a little unwilling to let a fruit as powerful as the thunder fruit be left outside.

Jody is helpless, he knows Lorne's character, and no one can stop what he decides.

This is also the reason why he decided to follow Lorne in the first place.

After being brainwashed by Lorne, the warriors of the family are completely loyal to Lorne's orders, even if the mighty power of nature is ahead, they are not afraid at all.

Under Lorne's order, the Goddess of Mist sailed towards the rising waterspout.

The moment it touched the rising sea current, the Goddess of Mist, like fallen leaves blown by the wind, directly left the sea surface and sailed straight upwards.

The people on the boat only felt the world spinning, and they had to grab the railing or the flagpole with all their strength to avoid falling out.

"Are you kidding me?" At this time, even if Moerman was as calm as Mooreman, it would be a bit out of place. He stuck the famous sword in his hand, Heihongxue, on the deck, and firmly grasped the hilt.

Only Lorne hugged Anxi, sat on the statue of the goddess of the mist, looked at the sky in front of him, and laughed wildly on his face.

It's been a long time since I've been this crazy. This feeling of challenging life and death is really cool!

The boat pierced the sky and got farther and farther away from the sea, but the white clouds that should have been far away in the sky appeared in front of Lorne!

"Hahahaha! Rush up!" Lorne roared, his tone a little excited.

The sky has always been a difficult area for people to step into, but today, he wants to conquer the sky!

"Boss? Where is the sky island?" Jody saw a vast expanse of whiteness in the sea of ​​clouds, with no island or human habitation at all, and his heart sank.

"There, the sky above!"

The White Sea at an altitude of 7,000 meters failed to stop the progress of the boat. The Goddess of Mist broke through the White Sea and rushed towards the White Sea at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

"It's really interesting." At this time, Mooreman seemed to be infected by Lorne, and looked at the sea of ​​clouds in front of him with great interest.

Anyway, failure is death, and there is nothing wrong with dying in pursuit of freedom.

In the cloud country at an altitude of 10,000 meters, there is a huge gate in front of the country.

At this time, a ship flew out from the sea of ​​clouds and just landed in front of the gate of heaven.

This is all my archives. . . If there is no accident in the future, it will be updated twice a day.

One watch at 12:00 noon and one watch at 6:30 pm.

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