Pirate Family

Chapter 133 Redfield

Great Way, Paradise, New Fordic Seas.

"Report to Marshal! According to the latest battle report from the front, the big mom Charlotte Lingling of the new world has made contact with Beast Kaido."

In the warship's office, the phone buzzed non-stop, and a guard reported to the man sitting on the chair.

"Do these two bastards want to unite? They still don't care about the Navy!"

Admiral of the Navy, Gang Gukong hammered the table vigorously, and said angrily.

"Did he think he would be invincible after defeating that trash Moria?"

"No matter how angry you are, it won't help. The new world has long been out of our control."

At the conference table, a thin old woman propped her cheek with her hand and said calmly.

However, from her dry and wrinkled face due to old age, one can still vaguely see her original demeanor.

"Besides, our top priority now is to get rid of that guy. The man whose strength is not inferior to those monsters in the new world."

"This is also the reason why we have transferred most of the elite of the navy."

"Xiaohe, you are still so calm." Steel Gu Kong took a deep breath.

"Why haven't Garp and Sengoku arrived yet?"

"Report to Marshal Steel Bone Kong, Mr. Garp and Mr. Sengoku have just finished dealing with the matter of the new promotion city, and they are on their way here now."

A man in the uniform of a vice admiral leaned on a chair, and said to Gang Gukong.

He was extremely tall and wore a blue and white suit underneath. A blue turban holds down her curly black hair.

He is one of the Navy's new monsters, Aokiji Kuzan!

"That man has been staying on this island for half a month. When the navy's encirclement is formed, he can't escape with his wings!"

Beside Kuzan, stood an equally tall vice admiral, with his hands folded on his chest, and he said with a resolute face.

"But I can't figure it out. A mere pirate is worthy of our navy headquarters' elite?"

"It's for safety, Sakalski. That man is one of the legends, after all."

Ms. He looked at the indifferent Sakaski, and gently revealed the man's name.

"After all, that's Baloric Redfield!"

"Forget it, let's not wait for Garp and the others." Steel Bone Kong frowned, "Let this Ryder be the first prisoner in the new city."

"The majesty of the world government cannot be desecrated!"

He got up and walked out of the meeting room, followed by Sakaski and Kuzan.

Polusalino, the last monster recruit in the navy, had been waiting at the door for a long time. He was lazy by nature and hated this time-wasting meeting.

At this time, another sailor ran up to Steel Gu Kong in a panic.

"Report, report to the Marshal." The navy said intermittently. "A person set foot on the small island ahead, and seemed to be walking towards the wanted criminal Redfield."

"Who?" Gang Gukong asked.

The sea soldier seemed a little scared, and said tremblingly.

"It's Vinhill Kaiser!"


The island is densely wooded and full of strange rocks. But there is a strange flat land in the middle of the island. It seems that all the objects that originally existed here were destroyed by a powerful force, and the place became extremely flat.

An old castle was built on the ground, and an old man in aristocratic uniform was sitting on a chair in front of the castle, quietly drinking tea and reading a newspaper.

"The New World with Stormy Waves?" The old man looked at the headline of the newspaper and said coldly.

"It's just a small wave." The old man sneered, "The real wolf of the era has not yet arrived."

The next thing he saw under the newspaper was that there were several incidents where he pretended to be a super bounty criminal, Vinhill Lorne, to recruit pirates to expand his power.

Relying on Lorne's bounty of more than 500 million yuan, these counterfeit pirates expanded their power wildly, but their huge reputation also brought huge dangers.

These counterfeit pirates, without exception, failed to sail to the new world.

"Wynhill Lorne?" The old man chewed on this name, which had been brilliant in the previous years' events in Advance City, but quickly disappeared.

"Is that your son?" The old man suddenly raised his head and looked into the depths of the forest.

An old man wearing a black aristocratic robe and holding a cane came out of the forest.

"Your knowledge is still as good as before, Ryder." The man holding the cane said calmly.

The old man named Ryder snorted coldly. The moment the old bastard set foot on the island, he had already sensed his whereabouts through his knowledge.

"If you're just here to show off your son, then you can get out now." Ryder snorted coldly, "I never allowed you to get close to me, you traitor."


The man called Caesar sat beside Ryder, casually picked up the wine that Ryder put on the table and drank it.

"It seems that so many years of life have made you forget your upbringing as an aristocrat." Redfield sneered, but it didn't stop Caesar's unreasonable actions.

"How long has it been since we met?" Caesar put down the wine bottle and said suddenly.

"It's almost seventeen years since the Mary Joa incident."


Redfield corrected. "Sixteen years, seven months and five days."

"Has it been that long?" Caesar seemed a little unbelievable, "I feel like Jing was still by my side yesterday. I didn't expect it to be so long."

"Don't be quiet!" Redfield said coldly, "It's an insult to her to say her name from a coward like you."

"That's right, I won't mention the past." Caesar seemed to have no intention of refuting. He pointed to Lorne in the newspaper and said with a smile.

"This is Jing's child, isn't she beautiful?"

The newspaper used the photo on Lorne's arrest warrant. He was smoking a cigar, with a look of disdain in his eyes.

His face, however, has a softness, which is different from the resolute Caesar.

"If you want to talk about these meaningless things, then you'd better get out." Redfield issued an order to evict the guest. "It's my kindness that I didn't sink you into the bottom of the sea now."

"Hahahaha, you still haven't changed, Ryder. Cough cough." Caesar laughed loudly, but it seemed that something in his body was affected, and he coughed violently.

"Is it because I haven't exercised for too long, and my body has decayed and aged?" Redfield sneered.

"Ryder," after coughing, Caesar suddenly sat up straight and said calmly. "I'm dying."

It was as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

After hearing this sentence, Ryder's eyes flashed brightly, and he looked at Caesar.

"Your ability should be able to see my physical condition clearly." Caesar said calmly.

"So I'm going to entrust Jing's child to you. Take good care of him."

"Who is going to help you take care of the children?" Redfield said angrily, "You can take care of your own children, live a good life for me, bastard!"

"I'm almost at my limit, you and I both know this. I just came here this time to see you."

Caesar stood up and looked into the distance, "Just let my broken body do one last thing for you."

At this time, the navy's warships had completely surrounded the island.

Marshal Kong Kong stood on the flagship's splint, his eyes full of solemnity.

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