Pirate Family

Chapter 134: Bika Island

"As long as I pass through this gate, can I go to Sky Island?" Jody asked, looking at the magnificent gate of heaven in front of him.

All this completely overturned his cognition. It turns out that there are really islands in the sky above 10,000 meters.

"Actually, we are already on Sky Island." Lorne said with a smile.

The real gate of heaven is located on the Baihai Sea at an altitude of 7,000 meters, and there is a cloud road connecting the Baibai Sea at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

And their Mist Goddess, because of a special modification, rushed directly into the Baibai Sea by virtue of the rising current.

"I always feel that I can't use my strength." Mooreman waved the long knife and said with a frown.

Ever since he came here, he felt a sense of exhaustion in his body.

This is very uncomfortable for a swordsman like him who is used to mastering physical strength.

"Because of the thin air here, we Qinghai people will have a period of adaptation when we come here." Lorne explained, "Also, the material structure of this sea of ​​clouds is similar to that of the sea, which can effectively restrict those with abilities."

Lorne told what he knew.

"But, boss." Jody said, "You are the only capable person on this ship."


And the little girl Anxi sat on the statue of the goddess of mist at the bow of the boat, humming a ditty by herself.

Tears welled up in his eyes.

"Does this remind you of any bad memories?" Lorne put his cloak on Anxi.

Because the sky island is located in the high altitude, the temperature difference is very large. Lorne was afraid that the little girl would accidentally catch a cold.

"Found the intruder!" At this moment, several soldiers in white uniforms rode a strange vehicle and rushed towards the Goddess of Mist.

This tool called "Weiba" is similar to Lorne's previous jet ski, and can ride on the sea.

In their hands was a strange weapon that seemed to be made of shellfish.

"Keep alive." Lorne said calmly, looking at the menacing person rushing over.

In the "micro-sensing field", the aura exuded by these air island soldiers is not even as good as the ordinary soldiers in the Qinghai Navy headquarters below.

How could this interest him.

"Got it." Jody said indifferently, drooping his shoulders. Then suddenly jumped off the Goddess of Mist.

It landed directly on the Weiba of an empty island soldier. A ferocious and strange smile was revealed.

He was sent flying with one punch, and took control of the Weiba.

"How dare you attack the law enforcement officer?" The soldiers next to him were shocked and angry when they saw their colleagues being easily knocked into the air. The shellfish in his hand looked at Jody.

As if touching a certain switch, the shell knife suddenly burst into flames. It's like a flaming knife.

"An ability user?" Jody was a little dignified when he saw the flame knife. But he quickly dismissed his idea.

"Some kind of tool."

The black fist directly grabbed the flame knife, and Jody's armed color wrapped around his arm, lifting the soldier up.

"Save the captain!" The remaining soldiers shouted when they saw the owner of the flame knife being caught in this way.

"It's really noisy ants." Jody said impatiently, throwing the flame knife in his hand at the rest of the soldiers at will.

Boom boom boom!

The flame knife accurately hit the soldiers' mounts, and all the Weiba exploded.

The soldiers on the Weiba were directly blown away by the huge impact, and they did not know whether they were alive or dead.

"Didn't Lord Lorne tell you to keep alive?" Mooreman jumped to Jody's side and said with a frown.

"Isn't it?" Jody said with a smile, holding the captain of the Sky Island soldiers who was trembling with fright.

"I ask, you answer." Lorne sat on the bench, hugging Anxi. Said softly to the Sky Island soldier captain lying on the ground.

"I, I must know everything." Captain Sky Island said tremblingly.

"Tell me about the current situation here."

The soldier captain was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted.

"Now the ruler of Sky Island is a god, Gan Fore, he is a benevolent person, and he is committed to repairing the relationship between the Sky Island people and the Shandia..."

"That's not what I want to ask." Lorne was at a loss for words for a moment. If Sky Island was really as good as what the soldier captain said, then the tragedy of Anxi and her brother's wings being torn off would not have happened.

So Lorne put it another way. "Where is the war?"

"War?" The soldier captain didn't respond, "The Sandiya people are very restrained recently."

"Tell the truth." Lorne felt that the soldier captain was hiding something in his heart, and said coldly.

"I'll give you another chance, don't try to deceive me."

"Yes, yes," the soldier captain was so frightened that his back was completely wet in cold sweat.

"A group of remnants of traitors were found on Bika Island. The ruler there is busy suppressing it, but I heard that the suppression is almost over."

"Brother," Anxi whispered in Lorne's ear. "Bika Island is my hometown. My brother and I were caught by those bad adults there."

"I understand." Lorne nodded, then stood up and walked to the soldier captain, asking condescendingly.

"So do you know how to get to Bika Island?"


On the sea of ​​white clouds, a small boat with a statue of a goddess is sailing.

To be precise, the boat is not sailing, but a sea monster like an octopus is pulling the boat forward.

After Lorne learned the direction of Bika Island from the soldier captain, he threw him directly overboard.

If I promised myself not to kill him, I would definitely not do it.

As for whether he would take revenge on himself after he escaped with his life by chance? Who cares?

The sea of ​​white clouds stretches as far as the eye can see. If this white is replaced with blue, it will be no different from the sea.

This sea cloud is called cloud, but in fact it is not fundamentally different from the sea. At least that's the case for ability users. A cumulus cloud formed from rocky material carried by volcanic eruptions. The unique sea clouds and island clouds of Sky Island are formed.

These two clouds constitute the unique culture of Sky Island.

This octopus is a monster living in sea clouds, similar to small sea kings in the sea.

Its body is much lighter than Neptunes of the same size. When Lorne was about to go to sea, he suddenly attacked the Goddess of Mist from under the ship.

But after eating two heavy punches from Jody, the octopus became honest. Obediently pull the Goddess of Mist forward.

Since coming to the empty island, Anxi has been sitting on the goddess statue and looking into the distance. Everyone could feel the anxiety in her heart.

What a strong little girl, this is Lorne's evaluation of her.

As the Goddess of Mist traveled, a bulge appeared on the distant sea clouds.

A small island appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Anxi burst into tears.

Jody's eyes were full of fighting intent.

Mooreman was wiping his famous knife, Black Red Blood.

A strong wind blew in front of her, making it a little painful. Lorne stood at the front of the splint, with one hand in front, as if holding the entire Bica Island in his hand.

Eyes full of possessiveness.

He comes, he sees, he conquers!

I made a very mentally retarded mistake, and the research was not thorough. My fault. . .

Modified slightly. . . .

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