Pirate Family

Chapter 135 Inheriting the Holy Object

The architectural style of Bica Island is completely different from that of Sky Island ruled by Gan Fall.

There are many towering buildings built with cloud bricks on the island, and some Beidong robots are walking on the long street to clean up.

The whole island is full of futuristic sci-fi style.

"Report to the High Priest. The work of suppressing the remnants of the traitors has come to an end. But because the last time the methods were not mild, these remnants of the traitors seem to have a tendency to resist."

In the tallest cloud tower on Bika Island, a sky islander wearing a silver fiber uniform was telling the high priest sitting on the throne.

Due to the sudden death of the previous ruler, he did not have time to designate a successor, so the high priest handled the affairs of Bika Island on his behalf.

"Rebels, shoot and kill!" The high priest said calmly, without a trace of emotion, he stood up. The white wings spread out behind him, like an angel.

His wings are surprisingly long, far exceeding that of ordinary sky islanders.

Seeing the high priest like this, these subordinates lowered their heads even lower. As a strong man who inherited one of the three sacred relics of Bika Island, this high priest is the most well-deserved strongest in Bika Island after the death of the previous god.

"Wait," the high priest seemed to think of something. "What happened to the remnants of the traitor who stole the holy relic of God?"

"Report to the high priest, he is imprisoned at the bottom of the temple, and he can do it after he has completely digested the holy relic of the god." The subordinate knew who the high priest was referring to, and said quickly.

Except for one of the three sacred relics of Bika Island, which was given to the ruler of Sky Island as a diplomatic gift decades ago, the remaining two have always been kept by the god and the high priest.

Those who inherit the sacred object of God will have the ability to control thunder, as if they are the real incarnation of gods.

Those who inherit the holy relics of the high priest will turn into real angels and redeem all living beings.

They gain power and rule the island of Bika. Before dying, he will go to a secret room in the temple to keep the holy relic and pass it on to the next successor.

By virtue of this, the gods and high priests have ruled the island of Bika, and have done so for hundreds of years.

However, there seems to be some deviation in the inheritance of the previous generation. The sudden departure of the previous god caught the entire Bika Island by surprise. Because there was no time to return to the secret room of the temple, the holy relics of the gods were also missing.

After being searched by the high priest, he found that the lucky one who inherited the sacred relic of the god turned out to be the remnant of a traitor.

And in the previous suppression process, the most severe punishment was imposed on him.

Cutting off its wings is the most terrible punishment for Sky Islanders.

This made the high priest feel a little overwhelmed. The person who inherits the holy relic of God is the successor of Bika Island. This has been the rule on this island for hundreds of years.

But the seeds of hatred between the two sides had already been planted, and every time the high priest saw the stubborn and resentful eyes of the little boy who inherited the holy relic of the god, he felt a deep headache.

He had to be imprisoned at the bottom of the temple prison and bound him with the chains of sea clouds.

When he has completely absorbed the power of the sacred object of the gods, he will be locked in the inheritance secret room, and the sacred object of the gods will be left behind after his death.

This is the method developed by the rulers of Bika Island after hundreds of years of practice.


Lorne stood on the Goddess of Mist, listened to Anxi's description, thought for a moment before saying in a deep voice.

"Is your brother named Enilo?"

"That's right. How does the big brother know the name of the big brother?" An Xi looked surprised, but she had never mentioned the name of the big brother to the big brother.

Sure enough.

Lorne finally figured it out at this moment.

The so-called three sacred relics of Bika Island are probably devil fruits, right?

The sacred object of the god corresponds to the thunder fruit.

The sacred object given to Angel Island corresponds to the horse fruit of Gan Foer's mount, the Pegasus form.

As for the ability of the high priest, it seems that it never appeared in the original work. Lorne couldn't figure it out for a while.

These three fruits are passed down in Bika Island in a wonderful way. This is why Qinghai has never had a thunderous fruit.

Lorne probably guessed about Enilo's life.

As the remnant of a traitor, he was captured by the ruler of Bika Island, cut off his wings and imprisoned him. This is why Enilo, as a Sky Islander, has no wings.

Because of the chance, he obtained the power of the Thunderbolt fruit, and launched a crazy revenge on Bika Island.

In the original book, he even erased the entire Bika Island from the sky, which shows the resentment in his heart.

"So, what is the so-called remnant of the traitor?" Lorne still had one last question in his mind.

An Xi was about to speak, but saw Lorne's eyes flicker.

"Be careful!" Lorne picked up Anxi's small body with one hand, and pulled her away.


A laser shot right where Anxi was standing, melting a small hole in the splint.

In the space, some sky islanders wearing silver and white uniforms appeared at some point, and behind them there was a jet made by a blast shell, which allowed them to fly in the sky.

"You can even escape our laser x15, you are considered powerful enough as an intruder."

The leading flying warrior held a strange weapon in his hand, and looked down at everyone on the Goddess of Mist.

"Cover up the remnants of the traitors and enter the country illegally. Intruders, you have committed the second-class crime of Bika Island."

"If you catch him without a fight, you can still escape death and be able to spend the rest of your life in the temple prison."

"It doesn't matter what crime we committed. But I hate looking up at people," Lorne said, and Jody and Moorman heard it. Leaping up directly, sword light intertwined with fists, these soldiers didn't even have a chance to resist.

The aircraft behind him was smashed and fell to the deck of the Goddess of Mist.

"Little Anxi, there may be some blood in a while, if you are afraid, please close your eyes first." Lorne said softly to the little girl.

Hearing this, the little girl obediently blindfolded her eyes.

At this time, Lorne walked slowly in front of those soldiers, and directly stepped on the head of the soldier in charge.

"You have committed two crimes. Do you know that?"

The soldiers were still struggling, but in front of Lorne's absolute power gap. It's as powerless as a mayfly shaking a tree.

"One, it destroyed my ship."

"The second is to attack my companion."

"Both are capital crimes," Lorne said, looking at the soldiers who gradually became terrified at their feet.

"What are you going to buy your life with?"

"Betrayer, death deserves more than guilt!" Even though he was afraid, the soldier captain still said stubbornly.

"Looks like a tough guy, I admire you." Lorne said.

"Then you take your persistence and die."


The little girl opened her eyes only after the splints were cleaned.

"Boss, I think you seem to have become a lot more violent recently." Jody said suddenly. Lorne's performance just now was completely beyond his expectations, and he was like the usual gentle and gentle Father Wayne.

That kind of bloodthirsty cruelty made Jody feel a little lingering fear.

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