Pirate Family

Chapter 136 High Priest

"Really?" Lorne replied with a smile. However, Jody and Little Anxi nodded seriously at the same time.

"Maybe it's been suppressed for too long?" Lorne said. Ever since he came to this sea, he has been restrained everywhere and had to swallow his anger.

During your years in prison, live with some of the world's toughest prisoners. Lorne felt like he was about to become a lunatic too.

After finally escaping from Jincheng City, he was betrayed by the golden lion Shiji.

Come to Adela and disguise yourself as the gentle Father Wayne. Lorne felt that his nature had been suppressed.

In secret, he often couldn't help venting his desire to destroy. The Vinhill family has developed so many enemies to this day. How many were tortured to death by Lorne?

It was only this time when he went to sea that Lorne felt he had truly found himself. This feeling of hitting and killing if you want to fight.

It's so cool!

Pulled by the giant octopus, the Goddess of Mist continued to head towards Bika Island.

These soldiers are estimated to be the advance troops of Bika Island, after Lorne defeated them with thunder. It is tantamount to going to war directly with Bika Island.

But who cares?

Lorne squatted down and picked Anxi up. Put it on your own chair.

"Are you afraid? Was my method just too cruel?" Lorne felt a feeling called fear brewing in the little girl's heart.

The little girl shook her head and pursed her lips.

"Does that mean I'm a bad person?"

"No, it's not." The little girl said slowly, "Big Brother is a very gentle person."

"What's the reason?" At this moment, Lorne was not sure what the little girl was thinking.

"Yes, it's because." The little girl said fearfully, "I am the remnant of a traitor. If I go to the island, I will be executed!"

"Big brother will also receive the same punishment for protecting me."

After Anxi said these words, she seemed to remember something terrible, and her whole body trembled.

Lorne's face was gloomy, and he couldn't figure out what happened to leave such an unforgettable memory on a little girl.

Make her so terrified.

"Now, can you tell me about the traitor?"

Lorne said slowly.

He wanted this little girl to smile again.

Let her regrow her wings and become an angel.

"The remnants of the traitor are," the little girl thought for a while. Said slowly.


According to legend, the Sky Islanders did not live in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky from the very beginning.

They belonged to a great kingdom before, because the ancestors yearned for the infinite land of the moon. Take to the sky in a huge spaceship.

But halfway through the flight, the spaceship couldn't move forward for some reason, and the ancestors of Sky Island stayed in this sea of ​​clouds and started living.

But the good times don't last long, and people's pursuit of dreams will never stop.

Among the group of people living in the empty island, some people still have not given up their desire to go to the infinite land.

They stole the huge spaceship and most of the supplies of the Sky Islanders, and wanted to abandon their companions.

But on the eve of their escape, their plan was seen through by the first-generation Godhead High Priest.

Most of the entire escape team was left behind, and only the spaceship loaded with the high-end technology of the Great Kingdom was able to escape.

The escapees who were caught and stayed were called traitors by the people of Bika Island.

Their descendants have been cast aside by the residents of Bika Island generation after generation, and they will not be allowed to set foot on this land forever.

This is the history of Bika Island.

After listening to it, Lorne only grasped two key points.

Great kingdom, cutting-edge technology. These are two things that are rarely mentioned in the original pirate novels. But hidden in the history of the entire Pirate World.

The history of eight hundred years ago has disappeared for a hundred years. All hinting at the glory of that kingdom.

But all of these things are passing, and Lorne didn't take it to heart.

All he wants is to strengthen himself and conquer everything.

The Goddess of the Mist has finally arrived at the port of Bica Island. Lorne and the others just got off the boat. There were loud sirens on the island.

In the eyes of the robots wandering around, there is a red indicator light, and there is a strange laser gun similar to that held by the flight captain just now. He rushed towards Lorne and the others.

"It's really a unique welcome ceremony." Lorne laughed.

This kind of weapon can be said to have an advantage in the face of ordinary pirates. Most of the pirates in the paradise cannot withstand the damage of laser light.

But when facing domineering and powerful people, the shortcomings of this weapon are infinitely magnified.

Its power storage time is too long, and it is impossible to hit the knowledgeable and knowledgeable.

"Don't let them harm our ship." Lorne ordered calmly. He has the ability of perception and is not afraid of this laser weapon, but the Goddess of Mist behind him cannot bear the huge destructive power.

"Understood, boss." After hearing Lorne's instructions, Mooreman walked forward indifferently, grabbing the hilt of the famous sword Black Red Blood with his right hand.

"Beep beep. The intruder is found, ready to start the annihilation plan!"

Cyborg warriors uttered metallic, electronically synthesized sounds. The laser weapon in his hand aimed at Moorman and began to charge.

"One knife, Juhe cut!" Mooreman squeezed the saber lightly in his hand, and pulled out the famous sword, black red blood, from the scabbard suddenly. With a dark red knife light, it streaked across the bodies of all the mechanical warriors.

Bang bang bang bang!

After a while, these mechanical warriors all exploded. Not a small pit is left on the island cloud of Bika Island.

For fighters and swordsmen of the same level, the latter's distance-breaking power is far stronger than the former.

Especially in the face of a large number of miscellaneous soldiers, I am afraid that only the overlord color domineering owner can catch up with the swordsman in cleaning speed.

"You guys are provoking Bika Island."

The thick smoke dissipated, and an old man wearing a silver-white sacrificial robe with huge white wings on his back appeared in midair.

The wings of the sky islanders are usually decorations, but the old man's wings waved slightly, stagnantly flying in the air.

He looked indifferently at the people standing on the island.

"It seems that a powerful guy has come." Jody looked at the angelic old man with a trace of fighting spirit on his face.

Lorne nodded. In his "micro-sensing field", the old man's speed was surprisingly fast. The moment Mooreman pulled out the knife, he flew out of the tall tower in the center of the island and came to the here.

The old man looked down in mid-air, and soon found Anxi who was evasive.

"Hmph! It's a mere remnant, do you think you can provoke God by bringing a few outsiders?"

"Simply," the old man waved his wings lightly, and countless feathers shot out from them.

"wishful thinking!"

Swish, Swish, Swish!

The speed of the feathers was too fast, and they rubbed violently in the air, making noises.

But it's just thunder and rain. Moorman drew his knife at will, and with a slash, he easily cut off these feathers in midair.

From the beginning to the end, Lorne didn't mean to dodge. He stared at the old man in midair, squinting his eyes slightly.

"I remember I said, I hate looking up to people."

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