Pirate Family

Chapter 137: The Rebellious Priest

"Take off his wings for me."

Lorne said lightly.

"Understood, boss, leave it to me." Jody smiled grimly.

Along the way, it was Mooreman who took the initiative to deal with the enemy, and he couldn't hold back his fighting spirit long ago.

"Then I'll leave it to you. I'll see this bird man kneeling in front of me later."

Lorne nodded, pulled Anxi and walked towards the interior of the island. Jody's volunteering was exactly what he wanted.

Lorne's combat method is to rely on the combat intuition brought by his keen perception to fight the enemy in close quarters.

Defeat opponents with the fusion of priestly fighting techniques.

If it was on the ground, Lorne really didn't pay attention to this strangely dressed birdman.

However, he was able to fly in mid-air, and Lorne had nothing to do with it.

It would be great if there was a teacher of Six Forms, Lorne thought at this moment. Before advancing in the city, Turner and Lorne explained the technique of "shaving" in the six styles.

After several years of practice, Lorne has almost mastered it, but another practical "monthly step", Lorne has not been able to get the hang of it.

"It's really arrogant and ignorant!" The high priest was furious after hearing Lorne's words. This kid in a black cloak simply didn't take himself seriously!

"You have offended the majesty of the temple on Bika Island," the old man said in a deep voice.

"Now I declare that you are sentenced to death and executed immediately!"

The high priest's wings waved lightly, and countless feathers shot towards Lorne like bullets. This time, the speed was much faster than before, and there was even a thin layer of domineering winding around the tips of the feathers.

"How could you offend our king?" Mooreman suddenly appeared behind Lorne, randomly pulled out a long knife, and with the blessing of knowledge and domineering, cut off the feathers one by one.

"Where are you looking? Your opponent is me!" Jody suddenly jumped up high, with black domineering entanglement and arms, and punched the high priest.


"Let's go, take me to find your brother." Lorne didn't turn his head. He held Anxi's little hand and said softly.

This is the trust in his two subordinates.

"Oh, oh." Anxi nodded her head blankly. She grew up on Bika Island. In her small worldview, gods and high priests are absolutely invincible.

So she will be afraid.

But now this fear was broken by Lorne's strength.

As the two walked on the street, the aborigines of Bica Island ran back to their homes and locked the doors and windows as if they had seen some demon.

It's really terrible! This man was able to compete against the high priest of the temple!

"Brother, why did they run away when they saw us?" Anxi was puzzled. When she was the remnant of the so-called traitors, they were the ones who hid from the residents of Bika Island.

"Because of being weak." Lorne explained, "Weakness makes people feel scared."

"What is fear? Is it an emotion?" Anxi tilted her head and thought about it, but she was still a little confused.

"That's what fear is," Lorne lowered his head and thought for a while. "It's the same feeling you had in the cage on the stage at the Aughongmu auction before."

"That feeling?" The little girl thought for a while, "Anxi felt so warm when she saw her big brother."

"Does fear mean liking big brother?"

"Then Anxi has always been terrified!"

The cute little girl looked at Lorne with a sweet smile on her face.

Looking at Anxi's smile, Lorne was momentarily absent-minded. Subconsciously wanted to touch the little girl's head.

In Lorne's eyes, Anxi at this time overlapped with Garrett who was on the isolated island before.

Back then, Garrett was about the same size, and she also smiled like an angel.

How many years have I not seen Garrett? The girl who also called her brother?

Let's go to the new world once there is a chance, Lorne secretly made up his mind.

Their smiles were the last softness in Lorne's heart.

It seemed that all the mechanical warriors on Bika Island had gathered at the port, and were dealt with by Lorne's men.

There are only a few cleaning robots scattered throughout the street.

After seeing Lorne, he immediately rushed over with red eyes, but was smashed to pieces by Lorne's random punch.

The two walked all the way to the very center of Bika Island, in front of the tallest tower, without any obstacles.

"Here is the temple." Anxi explained, "My brother and I were once caught and locked up by bad adults."

"This is the temple?" Lorne looked up at the tall building, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"It's really interesting."

The entire temple is a cylinder, wider at the bottom, and gradually sharper at the top.

It is not made of cloud bricks like other buildings on Sky Island, but made of a silver-white metal!

This is not like a building for living, but rather like an aviation rocket from Lorne's previous life!

It's just that it seems to have been in this place for a long time, and the outside of the temple is slightly rusty.

"Those who trespass on the temple, die!" The door of the temple opened slowly, and several priests in silver-white robes rushed out from inside.

The pattern is a little simpler than that of the old man before, but it can still be regarded as the same style.

If it was said that he felt strange about the old man's strange clothes before, now that Lorne saw these priests, he thought of this temple like a rocket.

Isn't this the space suit from the previous life?

This world of pirates is getting more and more interesting, the corners of Lorne's mouth turned up.

How many secrets are still buried in this world?

"You're blasphemy!"

Seeing Lorne standing at the entrance of the solemn temple, several priests even dared to show such a smile and shouted angrily. Then he took out a laser pistol of the same style from his body and aimed at Lorne.

"Have you never found out?"

But in their eyes, that arrogant blasphemer suddenly disappeared. The next moment, Lorne appeared in front of the priests.

"The weapons you are relying on are too weak." Lorne swung out a fist, hitting the priest's abdomen, and directly smashing him into the temple.

"The defensive power of the clothes is not bad, but your physical fitness is too poor."

If the power of an ordinary person is converted into ten powers, the priest's power is only eight or nine, even worse than ordinary people in Qinghai.

However, the priest who was beaten by Lorne was able to struggle to get up, which showed how strong the defense power of the clothes was.

bang bang bang! Lorne threw out a few more punches, and the black armor wrapped around his hands, greatly increasing his punching power! It directly penetrated the lower abdomen of several priests.

Let them die with incredulous eyes.

"Evil, demon!" Seeing such a ferocious Lorne, the last priest didn't care about upholding the dignity of the god. His hands softened, and he couldn't even hold the laser pistol firmly. He knelt on the ground limply .

"Very good, very good, you won't die if you kneel." Lorne looked at the priest with interest. He said with a smile.

"Bah! Coward! Traitor!" The priest who was first knocked into the air by Lorne cursed disdainfully when he saw his companion's behavior.

Tremblingly, he picked up the laser gun in his hand and aimed at Lorne.

"Hey, I really don't know how to cherish precious life." Lorne saw this scene with regret on his face.

He picked up the laser pistol that fell on the ground and stuffed it into the hand of the priest kneeling in front of him.

"Come on, let me see how strong your desire to survive is."

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