Pirate Family

Chapter 138 The Boy Who Controls Thunder

The hand of the priest holding the gun in front of Lorne trembled, and he even wanted to get up and aim at the demon directly.

But when he thought of the terrifying speed of that demon, he suppressed the thought again.

Trembling, he walked towards the priest lying by the wall step by step, his eyes were dim, and he was in a state of desperation!

"Do you really want to do this! Lil!" The priest lying by the wall was surprised and angry,

He didn't expect that the friendship between his old friends for decades would be so vulnerable in the face of life and death!

"I can't do anything, old friend," Lil said with a wry smile. The demon behind him was too powerful for him to resist.

"Your wife and children, I will take good care of them. Scarso."

He raised his pistol slowly and pointed it at Skasso's head.

"Aren't you going to shoot?" Lorne urged from behind, "Or do you two want to die together?"

A strange smile appeared on Lorne's face. Through his ability to perceive fruit, he could clearly sense the emotional changes of the two in front of him.

Betrayed anger,

The fear of being weak,

Facing the struggle of old friends,


These emotions were absorbed by Lorne like drugs, and he felt a hint of pleasure from the soul.

This was the first time Lorne felt that this fruit was not that bad.


With a gunshot, a small hole was punched in Sikaso's head by the laser. He couldn't believe that his old friend could actually shoot!

"Papa papa." Lorne applauded as he walked to the priest named Lil.

"Beautiful betrayal!"

"I now give you the chance to live."

"You devil!" Lier didn't have the joy of the rest of his life at all at this time, but only remorse and annoyance.

"This is your choice," Lorne said calmly, "When you point your weapons at others, you should have the consciousness of death."

"Or," Lorne stared into Lear's eyes, "do you feel that your own life is much more noble than others', that if others can die, you can't?"

"Devil, devil, devil." Lorne's words seemed to have defeated the last line of defense deep in the betrayer's heart, and Lear had collapsed, so he could only mutter to himself.

"If you want to collapse, take me to your prison first, and then collapse. Otherwise, isn't your companion's sacrifice in vain?"


Only a small part of this rocket-like temple is on the cloud surface, and most of the rest are buried deep in the island cloud.

There are many seemingly sophisticated instruments inside the temple, but due to disrepair for a long time, they are no longer usable.

The gods of the past dynasties transformed the ground floor into a prison for the prisoners of Bika Island.

Led by the betrayer Lear, Lorne soon reached the bottom of the temple. Anxi was a little scared by the dark and humid environment around her.

The little girl grabbed Lorne's cloak tightly, for fear of being left behind. At the same time, the eyes looked around, as if looking for something.

"This is it." Priest Lear led Lorne to the deepest part, the door of a room.

Lorne looked at the black door, which exuded an aura that made him extremely uncomfortable.

It's like the sea.

"You finally couldn't bear to come and kill me?" The door of the room was slowly opened, and a young boy's cold voice came from inside.

A teenager with scars all over his body and his eyes covered by a black cloth was tied to a chair.

"Brother!" Hearing this voice, Anxi couldn't help but rushed over. He didn't care about the blood stains all over the boy's body.

"Anxi?" Obviously heard his sister's voice in front of her, and her tone was finally not as arrogant as before.

"Didn't I send you to Qinghai? Why were you caught by them?"

The boy's body began to struggle violently, dragging the unhealed wound on his body, bleeding again.

"You bastards of the temple! I eat the holy fruit of the gods! Something is coming at me! Don't hurt my sister!"

"Brother, it's not." Seeing the blood continuously flowing from the boy's body, Anxi quickly held him down when he was excited, and said distressedly.

"Don't let little Anxi worry about you." Lorne took off the boy's blindfold. Stare into his black pupils.

"Or, your courage is only here."


When Lorne first saw the boy, he still couldn't associate this scarred child with the domineering and rebellious god Enel in the original book.

But it is precisely because of such torture as a child that a person's heart becomes distorted, right?

"Who are you?" The boy named Enilu looked at the strange boy who was about his own age, his eyes were full of warning.

"Unlock his chain." Lorne ordered Lear. The moment he touched the chain of Enilo, he felt that the chain was made of sea stone, which is why The reason for being able to restrain Enel, a natural ability user.

Not only that, the walls of the entire cell were doped with fragments of Hailou Stone, the purpose of which was to restrict Enilo.

It's really...well-intentioned.

"Are you a running dog of the temple?" After the shackles on his body were untied, Enil moved his body and said indifferently to Lorne.

I have recovered the power of "God", if this man has any malice towards himself and his sister, then send him to hell!

"A lackey?" Lorne froze for a moment, then smiled. "No, I am a conqueror."

"Conqueror of the Temple."

"The chains that bind you have been untied, I am curious what you are going to do now?"

Lorne looked at Enilo with a smile on his face. It seems that he doesn't mind at all that the thunderous fruit that he is bound to get has become someone else's pocket.

"Of course it is to slaughter all the lackeys of these temples!" A resentful expression appeared on the face of the young Enilu.

"I want to return the pain on my body to them ten times and a hundred times!"

"Good idea." Lorne turned slightly sideways, making way for Enilo.

"I promised to let this priest live, so I can't kill him." Lorne said softly, pointing to Lear who was kneeling on the ground.

"But the high priest of the temple is outside!"

"Let me see how intense the anger you have suppressed for a long time is!"


bang bang bang! Jody blasted the high priest flying with a punch, and hit the ground heavily, making a big hole.

The surrounding houses had already been turned into ruins because of the battle between the two people.

The high priest struggled to get up from the ruins.

"It's so damn resistant!" Jody rubbed the sweat on his head and cursed.

This bird man's knowledge and knowledge are good, and he is on par with himself, but the development of armed color and ability is not enough. He only knows how to use his wings to attack.

If that's the case, Jody can easily clean it up. But this person's physical recovery ability is really terrifying!

Feeling no matter how much damage you have done to it. It will heal automatically in a short while.

"You, can you only do this? Then prepare to accept the punishment." The high priest climbed up from the ruins and said to Jody disdainfully.

If he wasn't too embarrassed, maybe he really thought he was the one who had the upper hand.

"The one who should be sanctioned is you!"

Just as the high priest was about to continue fighting, a blue lightning rushed over from the direction of the temple and hit the high priest's chest heavily.

The thunder and lightning practice condensed, and a young man walked out of the blue.

Between every gesture, there is a light blue thunder and lightning entanglement!

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