Pirate Family

Chapter 1247 The Pacifist Plan

There is no doubt that the world government's tracker is contained in this petri dish, otherwise there is no way to explain how the world government found Bonnie who escaped with the big bear so quickly.

That's why Rob Lucci didn't send Big Bear's body back in person, but called Lorne's people to pick it up after dealing with the CP-0 agent.

After all, his identity as a CP-9 agent is still useful for the time being.

And after receiving this glass petri dish, the Vinhill family didn't hold back. Because Lorne had already placed the location coordinates of Sanchuan Road on the ship, if any accident happened, he would directly use this coordinates to cross the sea and come to the ship.

But unfortunately, those CP-0 agents didn't seem to move so fast, and they didn't catch up until the ship returned to Sdio.

"long time no see."

Lorne looked at the body of the big bear lying in the glass petri dish, and said slowly.

As the former king Shichibukai, Lorne and Daxiong still have friendship. Apart from his two allies, Doflamingo and Miss Sha, Lorne is most optimistic about the big bear.

Because it's very simple, he can't see through this man.

Although Hawkeye Mihawk is also taciturn and powerful, but Mihawk's goal is very clear, he himself is a sword, a sharp sword. But Lorne couldn't see what Big Bear wanted.

Although he was tall and burly, he was always standing in the corner, holding a book from the Church of Holy Truth, slowly reading it.

Later, Lorne had an opportunity to ask the current pope of the Church of Holy Truth, Ariel, one of his friends, and the latter told him about the book that Big Bear was holding. It is a teaching of the Church of Holy Truth.

And the core idea is two words.

Dedication and trade-offs.

These two words run through Big Bear's life.

What did he give and what did he get.

Lorne was curious.

But unfortunately, for Lorne's greetings, the big bear lying in the petri dish seemed to be a corpse and did not respond.

A part of his body has been transformed into a machine. Through the parts that have not been transformed, Lorne can even see the structure of some internal mechanical parts.

A big pirate who has been all-powerful in the sea has fallen to this point.

Lorne felt pathetic. Then, he put his hand on the glass petri dish.

The next moment, the surrounding space trembled slightly again, and Lorne, Agatha, and the glass petri dish containing the big bear all disappeared on the deck in an instant.

As if it never appeared.

But the soldiers on the ship had the same expressions as before, as if they had long been accustomed to all this.


"It looks like the handwriting of that guy Courant."

A few minutes later, in SKY, the Vennhill family laboratory, Vegapunk carefully examined the body of the big bear lying in the petri dish with a magnifying glass.

"Couran? Are you talking about Courant who succeeded you as the chief scientist of the navy after you left?"

Gage next to him frowned slightly.

He has heard of such a name, and it is said that he is a genius scientist who is not inferior to Vegapunk in talent, but the subject he and Courant are studying is too surprising, so the two have never had any intersection.

"It's him, otherwise other people's handwriting would not be so rough."

Vegapunk nodded and said so.

He had a look of disdain for this successor who claimed to be as talented as himself.

"He may have made some achievements in poison gas and human life sciences, but in terms of mechanical transformation and human cloning, he is too commonplace."

Vegapunk did not hesitate to deny Courant's transformation of the bear.

"So you know what he's doing?"

And Lorne, who was standing beside him, suddenly spoke after listening for a while.

"What did this so-called Courant do to Big Bear?"

This is something Lorne is very concerned about, that is, what is the navy, or the world government, secretly plotting?

"Of course I know. In fact, many years ago, when I was still working in the Navy, the Navy found me and wanted me to participate in a project."

Vegapunk paused, and then slowly said the name of the subject.

"The Pacifist Project."

As if afraid that Lorne would not understand, he continued.

"To put it simply, the pacifist plan is to use cloning technology to create clones of the strong, and then use mechanical technology to transform these clones into robots controlled by the navy."

"Because in doing so, these cloned robots lose their ability to think independently, and their actions are quite stiff, like a toy with a larger size, so I gave up this subject after conducting research for a period of time. Then I turned around and devoted myself to another subject, which is the study of life amplification technology.”

"And at that time, Courant was my deputy in life amplification technology."

Vegapunk briefly described this period of the past. At that time, their research base was "Punk Hazard", but later this place was destroyed by the invasion of Xie Nianhuo and the ghost hand Yaze.


But Lorne noticed that Vegapunk said this word, and this word evoked a long memory in him. "

"Yes, this plan is called pacifist by the navy. These cloned robots are quite stiff due to mechanical transformation, but their original idea is to use a person with a strong body as the clone mother, so that after cloning , These clones can also have quite strong combat effectiveness, and combined with advanced weapons, they are enough to suppress most of the pirates in the new world."

"The big bear is the mother they are looking for?"

At this time, Lorne understood.

Among the seven seas of martial arts under the king, Big Bear may not be the strongest in battle, but he has the most powerful physique.

In this regard, whether it is Mihawk or Lorne himself, there is no way to compare with Big Bear. That's why the Navy reached a certain deal with Big Bear.

By modifying the big bear, and then promoting the research and development of the pacifist.

"Probably so."

Vegapunk nodded. He didn't expect that after he left the navy, the world government would restart the plan, and even use his deputy at the time, Courant, to lead the plan this time.

He checked Big Bear's body again, and then said to Lorne in a somewhat uncertain tone.

"It's just that there is some bad news that I have to tell you."

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