Pirate Family

Chapter 1248 Meeting

"Kuran's transformation is coming to an end, and now Big Bear's consciousness has basically been cleared. At least I can't detect any thinking fluctuations in his brain."

Vegapunk looked at Lorne and said solemnly.

"In other words, the current big bear is just a shell. Even I can't do anything about it."

Lorne was silent for a moment.

Man is not God after all.

Even if Vegapunk has the most advanced technology in the world, he still can't create life. Even if he can easily install a virtual machine on Big Bear's body, this is not Big Bear after all.

It's just a clone.

"I see."

Lorne nodded, expressing his understanding.

Then, after installing all the body parts taken out of the big bear back, Lorne left the laboratory.

Counting the time, now Lola should be back with Bonnie. Lorne was going to tell the two women the bad news.

He has done his best.

Lorne didn't need other people's understanding, not to mention that his friendship with Big Bear was not too deep, so Lorne could only say that he had tried his best.

The next step is to find a way to decipher the ability of the woman above Mary Joa by studying Bonnie's time-based devil fruit ability.

If Lorne knew that Lola was worried that he would kill Bonnie and then take out her abilities, Lorne could say that Lola was too worried.

Because, he doesn't need to be so troublesome at all, he just needs to deprive Bonnie of his perception ability, forcibly control Bonnie, and then cast the time-based fruit by himself, that's enough.

However, to Lorne's surprise, it was not Lola and his party who returned to Sdio first, but the militant duo, Jody and Fat Tiger, who were supposed to come back last.

To be precise, it wasn't that the two of them wanted to come back.

Instead, they were escorted back.

"Is this the man's territory?"

Hancock set foot on the land of Steo, and a wave of heat hit him.

The geographical climate of this place is extremely hot, even though it is already cold winter, but most of the residents on the island wear a single piece of clothing and bathe in the mild sunshine.

As for Hancock, she was already prepared. When she disembarked, she also changed into cool clothes, so walking in this city was not too out of place.

Two Amazon Lily female warriors escort Fat Tiger and Jody. Looking at the weird eyes of the Vinhill family soldiers guarding the port, Jody almost wanted to bury his head.

This is the truth, it's a shame to throw it home!

Fat Tiger, on the other hand, looked indifferent.

"Miss! Do you still have the rose cake you ate before?"

He said flatteringly to a black long-haired female warrior wearing an animal skin swimsuit.

"I still want to eat some..."

And this female soldier with long black hair has a gloomy face. This guy almost ate up their half-month ration! If it wasn't for the captain Hancock's order, she really wanted to throw this fat man down to feed the sharks!

Hearing Fat Tiger's words, Jody's head lowered even further, and he was completely ashamed to face others!

How did I find such a teammate!

"I warn you! You probably don't know your situation now. Our boss is very powerful. I advise you to let us go directly, so that both sides will have room for detours, otherwise our boss will definitely kill you!"

After some warriors of the Vinhill family noticed the strangeness here, they slowly approached them, but Jody hadn't given up his last struggle.

As long as you don't let others know that you were arrested, then you don't have to lose face!


Hancock said flatly.

"Let me tell you, you may have just entered the sea, and you don't know what kind of person our boss is. What he hates the most is..."

Jody wanted to continue, but he didn't realize it until now.

"What did you say?"

Hancock didn't speak, but waved. Several female warriors of Amazon Lily, as if they knew about it a long time ago, let go of the ropes that bound Jody and Fat Tiger.

Jody twisted her body, as if she couldn't believe that this woman let herself go just like that.

At this time, the warriors of the Vinhill family had also come to this side. They recognized the core cadres of the two families, Jody and Fat Hu, and immediately cast a questioning look.

And Jody shook his head, signaling them not to act rashly.

Because, until now, Jody didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in this woman's gourd.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Hancock came to Steo's black iron castle.

In other words, according to the legend, the residence of the man known as the devil, is as famous as the eternal floating continent Vermaeu, the mysterious land of samurai Wano, the unsinkable boat Moby Dick, and the kingdom of all nations Cake Island. Black Iron Castle.

The residence of the Four Emperors.

But now, the first three places have disappeared into the sea, leaving only two places, Cake Island and Black Iron Castle, still standing in the new world.

However, at present, Charlotte Lingling, no matter in terms of momentum or strength, has no way to be on the same level as the man called the devil. Therefore, the Black Iron Castle is called the pirate's hero. holy place.

Countless newcomer pirates have had a dream when they went to sea, that is, one day, after they become famous, they will be able to rush into the black iron castle with their most trusted subordinates, and create a battle with the man sitting on the throne. Earth-shattering battle.

In the end, he was crucified on his own throne, and he became the king of the new era.

And this dream has never been realized.

That man, until now, is still like the sun, hanging high above the sky, watching the various disputes in the sea coldly.

The first impression of the Black Iron Castle is that it is empty.

Incomparably empty.

Numerous kerosene lamps were neatly hung on the stone pillars, illuminating the empty hall. And there are no guards in the hall, as if it is endless.

After walking for a long time, everyone finally saw an iron throne standing in the center of the hall. Countless sharp long swords were cast into the back chair of the iron throne.

This is the legendary Black Iron Throne. A place where only that man can do it.

At this moment, a young man with long black hair and wearing a black robe was sitting on the throne, looking at Hancock and his party with calm eyes.

It's like the monarch is looking at the subjects who pay tribute.

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