Pirate Family

Chapter 1249 Hancock

Lorne waved his hand, and some attendants who were hiding in the dark moved out the chairs one by one.

Many people have sat on these chairs, but without exception, they are all heroes who have been powerful in the sea.

And now, Hancock came in front of Lorne. She also has the qualifications to sit in front of Lorne.

"Tell me what you want."

After Hancock sat down, Lorne said lightly.

He is not an unreasonable person. Since Hancock captured Jody and Fat Tiger, they are Hancock's captives.

And when the other party sent these two people back, he should follow the pirate's rules.

Or, give enough ransom. Or, turn your face and deny anyone, and directly kill these pirates for revenge.

In the past, Lorne liked to choose the latter, which also made him offend many people, but it also forged his reputation as a devil.

But now, Lorne is more used to the former.

He is the king of this era, and a king should have the courage to embrace everything.

"Whether it's wealth, money, fame, or status, I can give it to you."

Lorne said lightly, each of these things can keep the pirates in their hearts and minds.

"I don't need these things myself."

Hancock shook his head. She is quite a proud person, but her pride is not worth mentioning in front of Lorne.

Sitting in front of the Black Iron Throne, the empress of the pirate felt a bit cramped like an ordinary pirate.

After Hancock refused, Lorne threw out another condition without even thinking about it.

After all, the previous condition is too nihilistic, and any pirate with aspirations would not want it.

"I can also protect your Nine Snakes Island and keep you from being attacked by pirates."

After hearing this condition, the pirates under Hancock's command became short of breath. They widened their eyes and looked at Lorne.

This condition is much more valuable than any condition Lorne said before.

Because of some pirates, the reason why they joined the Shichibukai was because they took a fancy to the immunity brought by the identity of the Shichibukai.

Can exonerate the entire country from the guilt of the navy and pirates.

Among the current Qiwuhai under the king, Okuma, Jinpei, and her Hancock all joined the Qiwuhai under the king with this idea.

But now, the navy and the pirates are at war, and the world government requires the Shichibukai Kings to participate in the war, otherwise they will be deprived of their identities. This will undoubtedly make the status of the Shichibukai Kings awkward.

Because no matter how the war ended, their final situation would not be very good, so they had to find another way out.

This is especially true for the Qiwuhai kings who lead the country.

Therefore, Jinbe chose to join the war, and Daxiong seemed to have reached an agreement with the world government, and has been missing for a long time.

Only she, Hancock, has never made a statement.

As Hancock's subordinates, these female pirates know one thing very well, that is, Hancock doesn't want to help the pirates, and getting the protection of the Vinhill family is undoubtedly the best for them choose.

After all, as long as the Vinhill family has not fallen. In this sea, no one dared to take action against the forces that planted the banner of the Vinhill family. Moreover, due to the special geographical location of Nine Snakes Island, they don't need to worry like Shiping at all. They are afraid that the navy will take action against Murloc Island, so they can directly fall to the side of the pirates.

Lorne's proposal is undoubtedly very tempting to everyone on Nine Snake Island.

However, Hancock still shook his head.

"Although this proposal is very tempting, it is not what I want."

"Then what do you want?"

At this time, it was Lorne's turn to be puzzled, because it is impossible for people in this world to have nothing without desires.

If there is, it's just something you gave, which doesn't meet his needs.

Lorne really wanted to know if there was anything in this world that he could not give.

And Jody, who was captured by Hancock, was in a daze, he couldn't see through this girl at all. Being able to defeat herself shows that she is very powerful, and she didn't send herself to the navy in exchange for a bounty, which shows that she subconsciously does not tend to the navy.

So, what exactly does she want.

"This is our second meeting."

At this moment, Hancock raised his head and looked at Lorne.

Doubt flashed across Lorne's eyes, and he remembered that he had indeed met Hancock once before.

That's also because Jody was caught by Hancock on the way back when he went to Magnetic Drum Island to get the Tutun Fruit, and was also defeated by Hancock, so he could only fish people through the Void Gate.

At that time, I once told this woman that I was waiting for her in the new world, but I didn't expect that now this woman actually came to my door.

Lorne didn't believe that she would risk her life to come to her because of this nonsense reason, because once the negotiation broke down, she, all her crew members, and even the Nine Snake Island she had been sheltering all along, would disappear completely in the in the sea.

"Please give me a chance."

Hancock stood up suddenly, looked straight into Lorne's eyes, and said slowly.

"Please allow us to hang the flag of the Vinhill family!"

Jody's eyes widened. He thought of all the possibilities, but he just didn't expect that the reason why this woman came to Studio was because she wanted to join the gang!

And Lorne was also slightly surprised, because this also exceeded his expectations.

Hancock is a very proud person, such a proud person is absolutely unwilling to succumb to others. So Lorne didn't know why she did it.

However, he couldn't feel any deception from Hancock's mood swings. In other words, she is sincere.

This is also where Lorne is puzzled.

However, he didn't think much of it. Instead, he looked down at Hancock, and nodded.

"I allow it."

"From today onwards, you can hang the flag of the Misty Moon on your ship and among your forces. I allow you to take this flag and soar in the sea of ​​the new world!"

This meeting will soon end. And Jody looked at Hancock with a weird face.

This woman who has defeated him so many times in a row has become his companion in such a muddled way?

"I'm warning you, don't make any crooked ideas. I've been watching you. As long as you do anything that harms the interests of the family, I will tell the boss!"

"rest assured."

And Hancock showed a rare smile, like the kind of relieved smile that has been accumulated for many years and fulfilled at once, she said.

"Will not."

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