Pirate Family

Chapter 1253 Age Fruit

"In other words, I can freeze the bear's body with ice, and even after hundreds of years, his body will not rot. It will be as good as before."

Even though Lorne has a fighting power no less than that of a god, he is not a god after all.

To create life, to create something out of nothing, this is the ability only God possesses. And Lorne could only do nothing.

So, he gave Bonnie the right to choose.

Neither option was what Bonnie wanted, but she had no choice.

If even Lorne can't help himself, then no one in this world can help him.

After sobbing for a while, Bonnie finally recovered.

"I choose the second one."

She stood up and said slowly to Lorne.

"Please take good care of the bear's body."

Bonnie is still unwilling to give up, she thinks there must be a way, and there must be a way to save the bear.

The fruit abilities in this world are almost endless, why can't there be a devil fruit that can just solve the predicament at this time?

Lorne nodded and didn't speak. He didn't change the habit of other people's decisions.

What's more, he respects Big Bear's decision, as well as Bonnie's.

After Bonnie made this decision, Lorne waved his hand, and some soldiers hiding in the dark came out and moved the bear's body back.

These people can handle this matter well without giving orders.

After the crystal coffin containing the big bear left her sight, Bonnie wiped away her tears and looked at Lorne.

The help of the Vinhill family is not free, she knew this very early on.

Lorne helps her, and she has to do things for Lorne.

Now, she is ready.

"It's time to start!"

Bonnie closed her eyes, raised her head, and pointed her immature face at Lorne.

"Please hurry up, I have to find something that can help Big Bear."

She pretended to be calm and said, but her trembling body still betrayed her.

And Lola next to her opened her mouth wide into an O shape.

The development of this plot is different from what I thought! ?

"Then offended."

Lorne left his void throne and walked down towards Bonnie.

Seeing this scene, Lola was even more shocked.

Brother Lorne! Shouldn't you have refused? ! !

Lorne ignored Lola's crazy associations in his heart, but walked up to Bonnie, and then lightly touched Bonnie's shoulder with his own hand.

Bonnie's body trembled slightly, and through the touch of her palm, Lorne could even feel her heart beating much faster.

"here we go."

Lorne said lightly, Bonnie felt her consciousness plunged into boundless darkness.

In the next moment, she opened her eyes and began to look at everything around her.


Lola stared blankly at Bonnie. This little girl exuded an aura of a king. Although her appearance hadn't changed in any way, it made people feel oppressed by submission.

But this sense of oppression made Lola feel more intimate, because this feeling was the same as that of Lorne.


Lorne, or it should be Lorne who controls Bonnie's body, said lightly. Then he held out his hand.

The hands are extremely slender, and the ten fingers are as white and tender as green onions.

"Come out."

Bonnie said lightly, and following his order, a group of Vinhill family soldiers came out of the shadows and lined up in two rows beside her.

And Bonnie walked towards the first soldier, and then slightly touched the soldier's body with her own hand.

"Is this the ability to use it?"

Bonnie frowned, a pale white light flashed across her fingertips, and then spread throughout the soldier's body in an instant.

The soldier's body trembled slightly, then shrunk in a circle.

From a young man of twenty-five or sixteen years old, he suddenly became a teenager of fifteen or sixteen years old.

"Is it to make the body degenerate or grow, instead of directly making the body degenerate to the time period a few years ago?"

Bonnie frowned and said with some disappointment.

These soldiers are clone soldiers manufactured by the Vinhill family through Gadge's technology.

When they were manufactured, their bodies maintained the peak state of the twenty-five or six-year-olds. So, they don't have the stage of fifteen or sixteen years old at all.

Lorne originally thought that after using Bonnie's ability, these clone soldiers would directly degenerate into an embryonic state, but he didn't expect that Bonnie's ability was born out of nothing, creating an unnecessary time stage.

This made Lorne slightly disappointed.

Because this age fruit is not so much about controlling time and letting the enemy degenerate to their state decades ago, or decades later, it is more about catalyzing their bodies, allowing their bodies to grow faster or regress.

The difference between the two is that the former must be a time-based devil fruit, while the latter may not.

Now it seems that Bonnie's ability is more like the latter. That's why Lorne was disappointed.

Immediately afterwards, after using the ability a few more times, Lorne gradually became proficient in the operation steps of this ability. He casually patted a soldier on the shoulder, and dozens of wrinkles appeared on the soldier's resolute face in an instant, and then his whole body shrank several times, directly changing from a strong man who was two heads taller than Bonnie to a An elderly man.

The old man straightened his spine, trying to stand up straight, but failed in the end and fell to the ground.

But none of the soldiers around had the intention of helping their comrades.

They are the most loyal fighters of the family, and they will not do unnecessary things without orders from the family.

And Lorne felt enough of Bonnie's ability, so he immediately released the ability, a white light flashed, and the bait crawling on the ground, the dying old man, became a strong man in an instant.

They quickly returned to the team, and Lorne waved his hand to signal them to leave.

After these strong men left, Lorne's body snapped his fingers, and then Bonnie trembled all over, and suddenly woke up from the darkness.

"I'm ready...to begin!"

She said slowly with a trembling voice. This is the first time she has come into contact with Lorne so closely, and seen the well-deserved king of this era so closely.

The suffocating pressure almost made her breathless.

"Not for now."

But Lorne smiled and said so.

"I don't need you now, for the time being."

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