Pirate Family

Chapter 1254 The Navy's Upcoming Action

Bonnie felt a little confused, because a few seconds ago, Lorne needed her very much, but she just closed her eyes, and Lorne seemed to have finished his work, looking at her with disgust. Looking at Bonnie.

However, she didn't try to figure out the thoughts of these superiors. Since Lorne said it was fine, she didn't care.

"Then I'm going."

Bonnie said carelessly to Lorne that she still had to find a way to treat the big bear.

"Pay attention to safety."

Lorne said with a smile.

"Because...the navy is about to make a big move."

Lorne said so, and Bonnie waved her back to Lorne, indicating that she knew.

"How do you know that the navy will make a big move?"

At this time, Lola widened her eyes and looked at Lorne curiously.

Reasonably speaking, this should be an important secret of the navy, why is Lorne so clear.

You know, she didn't hear the wind at all!

"My guess."

Lorne said lightly.

"Right now, the battle in the new world seems to be very stalemate, but for the navy, after all, it is a long-distance battle. Once they are dragged down, they can easily fall into a passive position."

"In fact, their current situation is quite passive."

"Even if Whitebeard was besieged and killed, it didn't improve the battle situation, but made the pirates even more excited."

"Because the main force of the navy hasn't appeared on the main battlefield for too long, Charlotte Lingling's participation in the battle has caused heavy losses to the navy. In this situation, the navy has only one way to regain the situation..."

"any solution?"

"That is, just like besieging Whitebeard in secret, follow the same pattern, and then kill a Pirate Emperor."

Lorne said calmly, as if what he said had nothing to do with him.


However, Lola was incomparably surprised, because...there are only three Pirate Emperors left in this sea.

The red-haired Shanks, who can't see the dragon's head and tail, and Charlotte Lingling, who is in the main battlefield. And himself, Vinhill Lorne!

"You mean, is the navy going to take action against the family?"

cried Lola! This news was enough to cause a sensation in the entire sea.

Its popularity is no less than that of the Warring States Period when it declared war on pirates all over the world.


However, Lorne still said in an indifferent tone,

"Because our position is undoubtedly choking the navy's throat. As long as we are behind the frontal battlefield, the navy will not dare to devote all of its forces to the frontal battlefield."

Lorne said slowly, he took out a chart and spread it on the table, which was the information obtained by the family's agents.

The strength of the navy is the blue dot, and the strength of the pirate is the red dot.

In the interruption of the new world, red and blue are intertwined, and this is the main battlefield of the navy and pirates.

And the location of the Vinhill family happened to be in the middle of a bunch of blue dots!

"That said, we have to be ready to fight."

Lola has calmed down from the shock just now. Since the navy plans to attack them, they should also be ready to fight.

Now, quite a few of the family's senior cadres are scattered throughout the New World, following Lorne's orders, and making a fuss in the New World.

Lola's first reaction was to call all these cadres back to avoid being attacked by the navy one by one.

"It's not necessary."

"Under normal circumstances, their target must be us. But this will not help the current situation in the sea."

Lorne shook his head and said slowly.

"Because, both the Warring States and the world government are very clear about one thing, that is, if they want to kill me, they must pay a painful price. This price may be too painful for them to bear, and they may not even have the strength to finish this war."

In fact, after fighting those five old stars, Lorne already had a very clear understanding of his own strength.

As long as you don't fall into the range of the devil fruit tree and your own abilities are suppressed, even if the woman who manipulates time does it, relying on the world government, there is no way to kill yourself.

It is quite a euphemism to cause the world government to suffer heavy losses.

"Warring States dare not gamble on whether they can kill me at a very small price. So his target may not be me."

Lorne said calmly.

"You've made a big circle, will the navy attack us?!"

But Lorne's words had already confused Lola's little head, she said in a daze.

And Lorne smiled, touched Lola's little head lightly, and said slowly.

"I mean, don't care. We don't have to care whether the Warring States has the consciousness to gamble everything."

The current Lorne is no longer the kid who stood at the foot of the mountain and looked up at the mountain.

He had already stood on the clouds, looking down at everything under his feet.



The development of the matter was as expected by Lorne. After the riots in several bases were quelled, the main force of the navy drove towards the main battlefield.

As for Charlotte Lingling, she also seemed to sense a sense of crisis, appearing less and less frequently on the main battlefield, faintly, with the tendency to run away. And because of the passive sabotage of the Charlotte family, the navy's battle line was finally stabilized. And there is a tendency to counterattack.

And these are not things that Lorne cares about.

Lorne was more concerned about another matter.

Through the information that Roger left on the huge straw hat, Lorne determined the burial sites of several historical texts.

Among them, Lorne had already confirmed the location of most of the historical texts, so he sent three teams to the last location to find clues.

What's ingenious is that this last location is impressively located in Lorne's former base, not far from Adela, the country of flowers, to be precise, in Adela, the country of flowers, and Aoge Hongmu, the country of fine wine. The middle.

There is a small island here, and the inhabitants of the island are good at brewing wine from various flower petals.

This is also in line with the information that Lorne obtained on "Gorland Island". The location of the last piece of historical text is a place related to wine.

The elite agents of the Vinhill family were all carefully selected by Lorne, and they were the strongest among the family soldiers.

Each of them, placed in the Paradise, or in the four seas, is a strong man on his own. When the navy cleans up the pirates in the Paradise, and his main force is in the new world.

The family's agents soon found the island.

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