Pirate Family

Chapter 1258 Morgans


Morgans yelled in horror, he didn't expect that the person who did it to him was not the people of the world government, but this lunatic.

As a result, he fell down immediately, and he no longer had the arrogant and domineering look just now.

Because there is a very simple reason, that is, Lorne really knows how to kill people.

Lorne doesn't care about your threats, as long as you offend him, he will definitely kill you.

Prior to this, countless big pirates had proved this matter with their own lives. Therefore, Morgans did not have the courage to verify it again.

"Also, I don't want you to fake some news."

Lorne sat on the Black Iron Throne, looking down at Morgans. The man who controlled the news lifeline of the entire world felt shivering under Lorne's gaze.

"I just, want you to let ordinary people in the whole world know something."

Lorne showed a playful smile and his smile was flat, as if he had thought of something quite interesting.

"Something they should know."

As Lorne said, Morgans didn't dare to breathe.

Although he didn't know what Lorne wanted him to announce, Morgans knew one thing. That is this matter, which is likely to affect the new world. It is a big event ten times more terrifying than Morgans imagined!

Under normal circumstances, when Morgans heard of such a good thing, he would not hesitate to do it without the threat of others, because publishing all kinds of eye-catching news is one of the pleasures of Morgans one.

But this time, for some unknown reason, he was suddenly frightened.

It's like a rich man who is greedy for money and is suddenly hijacked by a giant dragon in front of his treasure house.

The rich man trembled, but the dragon said that he would give him all the treasures in his treasury.

"Are you going to reject me?"

Lorne stared at Morgans through the void gate. Although he didn't show any expression, it made Morgans feel as if the weight of the entire Marie Gioia Mountain was pressing on him.

Make him breathless.

In the end, reason prevailed over desire. But fear overcame reason.

Morgans, succumbing to his survival instinct, slowly bowed down to Lorne.

A generation of kings of the underground world, facing a hero more terrifying than himself, he chose to surrender.

"Rebecca, you are in charge of supervising Morgans."

At this time, Lorne said slowly to the pink-haired girl standing behind Morgans.

"Understood! Brother Lorne!"

The girl Lorne called Rebecca nodded excitedly. She is Violet's niece, the girl Rebecca who was rescued from Suan Island. After being tempered by the Suan Island incident, Rebecca has grown a lot, and this is the first time she has completed the task independently.

With her own power, she found the lair of Morgans, which the family had been looking for for a long time but failed to find, and captured him in one fell swoop.

Lorne's plan was able to go so smoothly, thanks to Rebecca.

The Void Gate slowly closed, and Lorne's image disappeared into the motorboat. At this moment, Morgans stood up panting heavily.

At some point, his back was completely drenched in cold sweat.

It was horrible, it was cruel, it was dangerous.

Morgans' body was still trembling uncontrollably. Just now, he was like walking around the door of hell.

If there was any hesitation in his answer, Morgans had no doubt that Lorne would kill him directly, and then find someone to take his job.

Anyway, for Lorne, all he cares about is the result, and he doesn't care about the process.

"Now, you can tell me, what is the big event that your family has been planning for so long?"

Morgans looked at the girl Rebecca next to him, and asked slowly.

He was very curious about what kind of information required the Vinhill family to mobilize so many people, because according to Lorne's understanding of himself, as long as it was important news, he would report it without hesitation. Unless he was sure that he would not dare to report the news, he would directly threaten himself.

Morgans was very curious about what kind of news made Lorne think he would be terrified.

"It's just a few simple things."

Rebecca smiled and handed Morgans a small note. And when Morgans saw clearly the text on the small note, he raised his voice an octave and shouted in horror.

"Are you crazy? Do you know what this is doing?"

"We've already gone crazy."

The girl smiled like a flower. But Morgans fell into an ice cave.


After Lorne dealt with Morgans' affairs, he let it go, because he believed it. Rebecca will definitely be able to do the rest.

As for whether Morgans would go back on his word and directly violate the agreement with himself because of fear of this matter, Lorne hadn't considered this situation.

Because Morgans is a smart man, he knows one thing very well. After reporting this incident, the world government will regard him as an enemy, and will frantically send CP-0 agents to assassinate him, and his existence will even be censored. The world government is wiped from the shadows. But it's also possible to be alive.

But if he broke the agreement with Lorne, he would die.

After knowing this, he must follow the agreed steps and act.

Otherwise, Lorne would not let him go, and neither would the entire Vinhill family.

Morgans had no choice.

Then, Lorne turned his attention to the second matter.

Nicole Robin's ship has entered the Roxor waters, and Hancock and his party are on their way to pick her up.

However, Enilo happened to be recovering from his injuries in the nearby sea area. After being severely injured, Akainu had already recovered. He left the naval base yesterday and appeared on the sea again.

And his goal is exactly the direction of Anilu's recovery.

The collision of these few things gave Lorne a headache.

Originally, he didn't want to get rid of the navy of the new world so early, otherwise the sea would be boring in the future.

But since it collided, Lorne would not avoid it.

Just in time, he now wants to know how powerful this red dog who claims to have the most destructive devil fruit in the world is.

After all, it's been so long since his debut, and Lorne has never fought against Akainu.

Lorne wasn't sure if Enel, who was injured at this time, would be Akainu's opponent. Therefore, he is ready to fight Akainu.

However, before that, he had a better idea.

One, the idea that the navy can be easily deterred.

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