Pirate Family

Chapter 1259 Nicole Robin

"Sister, do you think that guy Lorne uses us as tools?"

On a square red pirate ship supported by two giant snakes. A female pirate with orange hair spoke dissatisfiedly to a woman in a red tropical dress in front of her.

"Send us with this kind of mission!"

The orange-haired woman was quite dissatisfied. After all, they were also one of the pirate groups of the Shichibukai, and they also had a considerable reputation in the New World. Come now and join your Wienhill family.

And the first task you gave us was actually this kind of task of picking up and dropping off people!

This is not the most extreme, the most extreme is that even if it is the task of picking up people, you, Lorne, seem not at all at ease, and even dispatched two other pirate ships.

Is this underestimating their strength?

If she didn't know that Lorne was the idol her sister admired most since she was a child, the orange-haired woman couldn't swallow this breath.

"There is no way, who told the Vinhill family to have a big business?"

Another woman with emerald green hair also began to feel sly.

Although they are both Hancock's younger sisters, they have completely different ideas from Hancock.

In their view, this troubled world is a crisis, but it is also an opportunity.

In this world, why can't there be a female One Piece! They want to push their sister to the position of One Piece, to the pinnacle of this era!

Let the latecomers, when talking about this era, can't help but think that the most famous of this era is not Lorne, Roger, or the Age of Discovery.

It was their older sister, Boa Hancock.

Although this idea is a bit naive, it is the true idea of ​​their two sisters.

But this idea was ruthlessly broken by his sister, because Hancock did not show any fascination with the title of One Piece. Instead, he directly took the entire Nine Snake Pirates and joined the Vinhill family.

This matter was not even approved by the former king of Amazon Lily Island, the mother-in-law who raised them.

Yes, now Nine Snake Island has been included in the Vinhill family, and even many aborigines on Nine Snake Island don't know about it yet.

But since this is what their elder sister did, as younger sisters, they can only support it unconditionally. However, I didn't expect that Lorne would be so arrogant, and the task assigned to them was to come to this place to pick up someone.

It is said that he is just a subordinate of another king Shichibukai.

How can this not make them complain.

"Shut up."

Hancock, on the other hand, glanced at her two younger sisters. The two women felt their sister's cold eyes, and suddenly there was only one thought in their minds.


Sure enough, the next moment, Hancock suddenly covered his flushed cheeks and said shyly.

"Since this is Master Lorne's plan! Then there must be his idea! We just need to follow this plan!"

Hancock revealed a girlish and shy look. Say so.

The pirate ship of Nine Snakes stayed in this sea area for a long time. Finally, a watchman saw a pirate ship like a bunker appearing at the end of the sea.

The hull of this ship is covered with traces of roaring artillery fire. Even if you haven't seen it with your own eyes, you can imagine what a tragic war this ship has experienced when it sailed here.

And a woman, standing on the side of the bunker, looked far away from Hancock standing on the Nine Snakes.

Then, she said hello.



After a quarter of an hour, Hancock finally saw this woman whom Lorne valued so much. She has healthy wheat-colored skin, and her youthful body is full of vitality, but she has a maturity that does not match her age in every gesture.

She was wearing a white lady's suit, and after arriving on the Nine Snakes ship, she took off her glasses, looked at Hancock, and said with a smile.

"I didn't expect that the person who came to pick me up would be you."

"Do you know the concubine?"

Hancock frowned and asked, she was also observing this woman while the woman was observing her.

The strength of women is not too strong. At least from Hancock's point of view, in today's new world where there are so many strong people, he is not too outstanding.

So, what did Lorne value in this woman?

Is it because she possesses the technology that Lorne needs... Or is it because she is a woman herself?

Hancock didn't know, but there was a hint of jealousy in her heart.

So when the woman greeted her, she subconsciously replied in a hostile tone.

However, when he said this sentence, Hancock knew something was wrong with his own sentence.


The woman with a wheat-colored complexion covered her mouth and laughed.

"One of the famous new generation kings Shichibukai, the big pirate known as the Pirate Empress, I am afraid there is no one in the whole new world who doesn't know it."

She held out her hand to Hancock, and introduced herself.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Nicole Robin."

Hancock frowned, she was sure that the name Nicole Robin was definitely not famous in the New World.

At least, she wasn't too impressed.

Therefore, she didn't know why Lorne valued this woman so much.

However, these are not important now, all she needs to do is to bring this woman back.

The first meeting of two powerful women broke up like this. But Nicole Robin didn't care about Hancock's indifference, but observed Hancock with a smile on her face.

This look reminded Hancock of some rumors about Miss Sha, which made her shudder.

All she wanted now was to send this troublesome woman back to Sidio as soon as possible. Then apply to Lorne and directly join the battlefield in the new world.

However, God's will is often not what people want.

Just one day after they picked up Nicole Robin, they encountered a fleet at sea.

A navy fleet.

At this time, encountering the navy fleet was the last thing Hancock wanted to encounter, because she had just announced that she had left the identity of Shichibukai, the king, and joined the Vinhill family. Now the navy can't wait to kill them directly.

The two sides now have no room for negotiation at all.

Once encountered, it must be immortal.

If the previous situation was fine, Hancock would not be afraid of challenges at all, but now, there is someone very important to Lorne on her ship, so she had to fall into a decision.

To fight or not to fight?

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