Pirate Family

Chapter 1261 Decision

"You bastard, are you worried about me?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Enilo said helplessly.

Because of this voice, it was Lorne.

With the power of the Vinhill family, it is not difficult to know what he has experienced in this place, so Enel did not doubt how Lorne knew his situation.

"A mere admiral, and I am."

"One! Point! Also! No! Put! On! Heart! On! Ah!"

Enilu smiled, a trace of stubbornness flashed in his eyes, and he said word by word.

The terrifying aura, centered on him, spread to all directions.

Even though the sky was clear at this time, countless thunderstorms appeared for no reason.

The thunder, as thick as a mountain peak, continued to chop down towards the sea, like the end of the world.

With the strong rise of Lorne, many people have forgotten that the highest combat power of the Vernhill family was shouldered by Lorne and Ainel a long time ago.

People are just praising, fearing, and fearing the strength of the demon Lorne, but who remembers that he was also an extremely powerful pirate against Thor Enel.

Lorne remembered.

On the other end of the phone bug, he sighed because he suddenly realized that he seemed to have done something quite wrong.

"In that case, it was indeed my mistake. I'm sorry."

Lorne said so.

"Let's have fun here."

"Just pay attention to two points."

"Nicole Robin's boat should be in the waters near here, be careful not to hurt them."

"And the second point."

Lorne's voice suddenly became calm. he said softly.

"Be careful, don't die, my dear friend!"

"Don't worry, I won't die here."

Enilu's voice suddenly rose, and he showed a crazy smile.

"Because, I am a god!"

After saying this, Enilo hung up the phone, raised his head, and looked at the naval fleet that appeared not far away.

On the deck of the warship, one could faintly see a resolute middle-aged man with short hair, wearing a red volcanic shirt and an admiral's cloak, looking at him with a cold expression on his face.

Enilu smiled, his eyes no longer had pupils, but instead turned into flashing thunder and lightning.

The next moment, his whole body turned into a thunderbolt, and rushed towards the warship.

Thunder and flames instantly covered the entire sea!


After hanging up the phone, Lorne sighed.

He stepped on the moon steps, walking leisurely in mid-air.

And under his feet was a newly built naval base.

The navy in the base showed a terrified expression after seeing the demon, and the commander in charge here directly issued an order.

All the navy ran towards the port, and they were ready to board the warship.

Even in the face of the devil, even though their legs were still trembling, these soldiers were still ready to fight.

Live to die, die for the justice in your heart. This is their first day of becoming a navy, and they have made a good conscience.

Dying at sea is not only the destination of the pirates, but also... the navy.

And Lorne looked at the marines who were like ants under his feet, but didn't respond.

His original plan was to threaten Akainu with this naval base, and if he dared to do it, he would destroy this naval base himself.

Not one base, but ten.

Anyway, they will definitely believe that they dare to do so.

If it doesn't work, you can also use the Void Gate to travel to the place closest to Enilo and the others, and then use the ability of the space fruit to continuously cross the sea and reach the battlefield in a very short time.

But since Enilo is ready to fight, Lorne won't stop him.

Lorne would never stand in the way of any of his family's decisions.

They want to live, too.

Want to die... also!

Besides! Lorne didn't believe that Enilo would die either.

After all, he is one of his most important family members!

Lorne believed in Enel, just as Lorne believed in his own family.

Now that this naval base has lost its function. So……

Lorne looked at the navy at his feet. The light in his eyes gradually turned cold.

He raised his hand, and then waved lightly at these marines.

Then, the entire island where the naval warships were built began to shake violently.

It's like an earthquake.

The next moment, the entire island floated up. Countless naval soldiers who had not had time to board the warship fell into the sea one after another.

This is the ability that the legendary pirate once dominated the sea and was proud of.

fluttering fruit.

Now that it appeared in the hands of Lorne, not only did it not lose the prestige of the Golden Lion, but on the contrary, it has a faint momentum of surpassing the blue.

When Lorne squeezed his hand, the entire island began to shrink continuously. Huge rocks fell off the edge of the island and fell into the sea, while the main part of the island continued to shrink towards the inside.

Then, the originally majestic and majestic naval base. The entire island turned into a huge stone ball floating in mid-air.

After doing all this, Lorne let go.

After the entire stone ball lost the ability of fluttering fruit, it fell directly towards the sea.

It's like a falling comet.

The entire sea is covered by the shadow of the stone ball.


The stone ball fell into the sea, stirring up huge waves, as if to swallow the sea.

This huge wave, even a small island hundreds of kilometers away, can be seen faintly.

The combat power of the legendary level can destroy a small island.

And destroying a small island is a breeze for Lorne today.

After doing all this, Lorne's expression remained calm. As if it was just doing a trivial thing.

Then he stepped on the moon and left this place.

His original goal was to be the Navy's next base, but Enilo's words made him change his decision.

Lorne decided to trust his family.

Sea round calendar, the end of 1512.

The war between the navy and the pirates has been going on for nearly half a year.

In the past six months, too many things have happened.

From the fall of Whitebeard to the demise of Marie Gioia's dragons.

The pattern of the entire sea has changed as a result.

No one knows who the winner of this war will be.

But on this day, two things happened in this sea. Two events that are enough to cause a sensation in the entire sea.

The first thing is that the senior cadre of the Vinhill family, Enel, who is known as the god of thunder, suddenly attacked the naval fleet and confronted Admiral Akainu Sakaski head-on.

The battle between two people can no longer be described as a battle, it can be said to be the collision of thunder and lava.

In the end, Thunder crashed onto an island, and Lava didn't choose to pursue, but fled towards the rear.

The trajectory of escape ignites the surface of the sea.

The second thing was that Lorne, who hadn't made a move for a long time, finally made a move.

He directly destroyed a naval base.

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