Pirate Family

#1262 shocking history (1)

The world shook.

Everyone knew that Lorne was very strong, but they couldn't imagine that Lorne would be so terrifying.

This kind of power has exceeded the limit of their imagination.

Perhaps, the current Lorne can no longer be called a "person".

Another term may be more appropriate now.


After doing all this, Lorne did not continue to the next naval base, but returned directly to his lair.

This kind of behavior is like a deterrent. Lorne is using his behavior to tell the whole world.

I am still alive.

Let the navy weigh its own strength.

He actually used his own power to threaten the hegemony of this world. But in the whole world, no one thinks there is anything wrong with this.

Because he is Lorne.

Nobody from the Navy stepped forward and responded.

But they showed their attitude with actions.

The main force of the navy appeared on the frontal battlefield, but their target was not the trash fish pirates on the battlefield.

It was... Charlotte Lingling who slaughtered all directions in the battlefield.

Although Charlotte Lingling had sensed the danger and chose to retreat, her movements were still too slow.

A naval fleet directly cut off the route leading to the Ten Thousand Kingdoms from the frontal battlefield, while the other two fleets kept shrinking the encirclement. Carrian Charlotte Lingling, the famous Pirate Emperor, was trapped in the naval battlefield.

As the encirclement continues to shrink, a big battle is inevitable!

The hearts of the pirates were hanging in the air, because Charlotte Lingling was the only pirate emperor who appeared on the frontal battlefield. Once she was beheaded, the entire pirate front would collapse!

Although this siege has not happened yet, it has already touched everyone's heart.

Even Lorne, who was far away in Sdio, had to praise the courage of the Warring States after hearing the news.

With the title of "Benevolence", he was so decisive in this war that he directly chose to use the lives of ordinary naval soldiers to fill the front line. Then he led the main force of the navy to implement the beheading plan.

As for those naval soldiers, even if some people guessed this, they chose to sacrifice without hesitation.

Because... this is the path they chose.

This is the justice of the Navy!

But praise is nothing but praise, and Lorne didn't care too much about it.

Because, his attention is now attracted by another matter.

Hancock, bring Nicole Robin back to Steo safely!

"haven't seen you for a long time."

In the main hall of the Black Iron Castle, Lorne looked at the heroic girl in a white suit in front of him and said with a smile.

Because he did not see Nicole Robin for a long time.

"I don't really want to meet you."

Nicole Robin replied.

"Because you treat me as a tool every time."

Even so, Nicole Robin's tone was relatively gentle, because the relationship between her and Lorne was pretty good.

This is just a way of greeting between friends. Only those who are familiar with Lorne know that under Lorne's terrifying reputation and devilish legend, Lorne is actually a very easy person to get along with.

At least, she thought so.

Lorne was a little speechless, because this time he asked Nicole Robin to come over, and he really wanted her to help him translate the historical texts.

"Now it seems that you should have collected all the historical texts."

Nicole Robin didn't continue talking nonsense, but looked at Lorne and said with a smile.

"Sure enough, you are the king of this era."

Although already possessing the strength to dominate the world, there is only one truth in the pirate world, that is, only the pirate who has found Ralph Drew is the Pirate King!

Unexpectedly, Lorne found all the historical texts so quietly.

Lorne smiled and waved his hand. Some attendants brought up the rubbings of all the historical texts and placed them in front of Nico Robin.

After seeing this stack of neatly stacked rubbings, Nicole Robin's breathing became a little short.

This is the indelible historical material that the great kingdom left in the world eight hundred years ago!

Just like ONE-PIECE is to pirates, this has a fatal attraction for any historian.

For Nicole Robin herself, these materials also have different feelings, because many years ago, her hometown, O'Hara, which is called the Island of History, is because of the research of this After that, the world government imposed a demon-slaying order.

The entire island was reduced to ruins under the gunfire of the naval warships.

And she, because of this, lived a life of ups and downs.

But now, these materials are neatly arranged in front of her. It made it almost impossible for her to keep calm.

"Now, it's time to show your abilities."

Lorne said with a smile. And Nicole Robin didn't talk nonsense, sat directly on the chair, and then began to browse these materials page by page.

Although some of the rubbings were shown to her by Lorne, Nicole Robin read them very seriously and did not want to miss a single word.

Lorne, who was next to him, was sitting aside, watching Nico Robin who was working hard.

"It turns out that the reason why Lord Lorne values ​​her is because of this..."

On the other side of the hall, Hancock also showed a clear look. If she has the ability to translate the historical text, then this woman named Nicole Robin is indeed worthy of Lorne's attention.

During the process of flipping through, Nicole Robin's expression gradually changed from excitement to surprise, then to shock, and finally to complex expressions.

After reading all the rubbings, she raised her head and looked at Lorne, with some sweat dripping from her cheeks.

Her chest rose and fell, showing her restless heart.

"Have you finished reading?"

Lorne was a little surprised. He thought it would take Nicole Robin a long time to penetrate the clues in these historical texts. He didn't expect that she would finish reading them in such a short time.

"Not yet, but I read half of it, and some information has been analyzed."

Nicole Robin shook her head, then said slowly.

"These are about thirty historical texts. Four of the road sign texts record the location of Ralph Drew and the method to get to Ralph Drew."

Nicole Robin paused, then said slowly.

"The other nine pieces of text describe some important information."

"Some, after knowing it, it is enough to subvert the world's important information!"

Nicole Robin said in a shocked tone, because the information was too shocking, so she couldn't keep calm.

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