Pirate Family

Chapter 1263 Shocking History (2)

Lorne did not expect that Nicole Robin would give him such an answer.

"Tell me."

he asked curiously. On the main hall, some cadres of the Vinhill family gathered.

Garrett, Violet, Agatha, Sakura Sakura, Hancock...

Enel, Jody, Tiger...

These are the core cadres of the family. Except for some cadres with special missions, the others have all returned to Sidio.

They all stared at Nicole Robin.

It was also the first time for Nicole Robin to be watched by so many strong men at the same time, but she calmed down quickly and looked at Lorne.

"The nine intelligence texts among them record the three major weapons of the ancient kingdom, the king of heaven, the king of the underworld, and the king of the sea."

"Among them, Pluto is a ship. This ship has the essence of all the technologies of the ancient kingdom. It is indestructible and can withstand the frontal bombardment of the main combat artillery without moving. If the weapons loaded on the ship are fully erupted, they can easily destroy an island. .”

"What's more, this ship actually has the ability to fly in mid-air, not by virtue of the devil fruit, but by some kind of energy called crystallization by the ancients. With this energy, Pluto can even circle around in the air. Flying across the sea..."

The more Nicole Robin talked, the more excited she became. This kind of ship is simply everyone's dream ship. Indestructible, powerful firepower, fast action, almost gathered the advantages of all ships.

"And its design drawings, after the catastrophe eight hundred years ago, were hidden in..."

"Sea King, maybe he shouldn't be called a weapon, but a creature."

"She appeared eight hundred years ago, named after a fish-man princess. According to records, she can command all sea kings. Anyone who offends her will not be able to sail on the sea."

"Perhaps her bloodline still remains among the current murloc royal family, and there is a possibility of awakening her terrifying ability."

Nicole Robin said so, while Lorne nodded silently.

He knew these two pieces of information, because they were mentioned in the original book.

"And the third weapon, the Heavenly King."

Nicole Robin said in an unbelievable tone.

"I'm not even sure if he's real, because according to the description, the king of heaven is a huge creature with a body as large as ten islands superimposed on top of each other. He soars in the sky all day long, breathing fire from his mouth, burning the world , is the patron saint of that kingdom eight hundred years ago."

"But after that kingdom was shattered, the traces of the Heavenly King disappeared."

Nicole Robin said so, and it's no wonder she was suspicious, because such a huge creature, even if it died, should leave a huge corpse. And if alive, it can't go undetected.

These are the clues of three ancient weapons, each weapon, in the description, is worthy of his title of destroying the world,

But Lorne didn't care about these, what he really wanted to know were other things.

"What about other information?" Lorne asked. Nicole Robin said just now that there are a total of nine dollars in the text of the intelligence history, and he does not believe that the three major weapons are recorded in these nine dollars.

"The rest of the information, one of which describes the treasure house of the ancient kingdom. They put all the gold in the world on a small island, and that small island has the reputation of the island of gold."

"That small island is the current Wano country."

Nicole Robin said so.

Lorne nodded, which is also in line with what Hiyori and himself mentioned before, the reason why Wano Country once had the title of "Golden Country".


"The second piece of information describes the ancient kingdom's weapon manufacturing method. This should also be one of the historical texts you found on Sky Island."

Lorne continued to nod. At that time, I relied on these advanced weapons and weapons to make a fortune. Through these weapons, I directly monopolized the arms supply of the entire sea.

Really... some nostalgic history.

"The third piece of information describes the hiding places of some high-end science and technology in the ancient kingdom. This place is Science Island. About this, you can ask the gentleman standing next to you, he should know better than me."

Nicole Robin pointed to Vegapunk who was standing not far from Lorne, and the latter nodded and said so.

"In my hometown, there are indeed some unknown science and technology hidden. When I was very young, I found the text describing these technologies. This can be regarded as a scientific enlightenment for me back then."

"And the rest of the information describes the origin of the devil fruit."

"These devil fruits originally grew on a mother devil fruit tree, and this mother tree will grow a brand new devil fruit every once in a while, and the ancestors of the great kingdom collected this devil fruit They got up, and then they discovered that by eating these strange fruits, they could obtain all kinds of strange abilities."

"Through these abilities, the ancestors of the ancient kingdom established that great kingdom."

"This devil fruit mother tree is also protected by them, and it is the foundation of their country."

Nicole Robin paused, then continued.

"However, few people know that the devil fruit mother tree itself has the function of restricting fruit-capable users. Any fruit-capable person who gets close to the devil fruit mother tree will temporarily lose their ability, just like touching half of the sea."

"And the place where it was planted was the capital of that ancient kingdom."

"It's just that this devil fruit mother tree disappeared without a trace with the destruction of the kingdom eight hundred years ago." Nicole Robin sighed, and this sentence was added by herself,

If these things still exist in this world, then the entire sea may change because of it.

"This is the information described in the text of these nine pieces of intelligence."

Lorne nodded. He already knew about the existence of the Devil Fruit Mother Tree when he was in Marie Gioia.

Those five old stars planted on Marie Gioia should be a replica of this mother tree. However, the main body of this mother tree should still grow somewhere in the sea,

"And the remaining four coordinate texts describe the method to go to Lafdrew. As long as these four coordinate texts are collected, you can find Lafdrew."

Nicole Robin said so.

Speaking of this, Lorne sighed helplessly.

He knew this for a long time. To go to Ralph Drew, it is not necessary to find all the historical texts, and not all the pirate overlords have collected the historical texts. In fact, in this world, the first person who collected all the historical texts was Roger.

But unfortunately, the last piece he was missing at that time happened to be a coordinate text.

Of course, this is not without gains. After collecting other historical texts, Lorne was also able to peek into this world and the truth that has been buried for eight hundred years.

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