Pirate Family

Chapter 1264 Shocking History (3)

"According to the rumors, Ralph Drew is located at the intersection of the four small islands."

Lorne looked at Nicole Robin and said slowly.

This news is not a secret in the sea. Many aspiring pirates know this.

So he was very curious, what is special about these four different islands, and where is the intersection point.

Because a long time ago, Lorne got different descriptions about Ralph Drew from different people.

For example, this place is not in the New World, but in Paradise.

For example, the place is erratic and does not even have a fixed location.

For example, Ralph Drew's time flow is different from the outside world.

All of this made Lorne very curious about this magical island.

"The specific location of Ralph Drew..."

Nicole Robin's expression became serious, and in the hall, the cadres of the Vinhill family also held their breaths, waiting for Nicole Robin's answer.

"This place! It's not in this sea at all!"

Nicole Robin said so, her voice was very soft, but thunderous.

Everyone showed a shocked look, before Lorne asked why. Nicole Robin continued.

"Because, among these four coordinates, there are two islands that are constantly moving."

"One of the islands, no, it can't even be called an island, because it is the country on the bridge in the East China Sea. The country is built by those criminals throughout their lives. All the criminals live, grow old, sick and die on the bridge. At the very front of the bridge."

"So, the specific location of this country is not fixed."

"The other island is Zou Island in the New World. This is also an island that is constantly moving on the sea."

As Nicole Robin said, she finally revealed the secret of Lovedrew, why the specific location of Lovedrew is constantly moving despite being at the intersection of the four small islands.

"So, the entrance of Ralph Drew is not fixed."

Nicole Robin said so.

"Moreover, the more important point is that the opening time of Rafdrew's entrance is fixed, that is, the time in late winter and early spring every year."

"Because, the entrance of Rafe Drew is surrounded by mist, and only when the mist is the thickest, can Rafe Drew be found in the center of the mist."


Lorne asked with some doubts.

"Well, fog."

Nicole Robin nodded. This information is all obtained from historical texts, so there can be no omissions at all.

According to the description, the entrance of Lough Drew is in a cloud of fog, or rather, Lough Drew itself is a sea surrounded by fog!

Lorne's expression became serious. He waved his hand, and a group of attendants immediately brought a chart.

A sea map of the whole world. On this sea chart, Lorne found the coordinates of the two fixed islands and marked them with red pen and ink.

And Violet also started her own actions. She hid in the darkness. After a while, she came up with a document and handed it to Lorne.

Where the Kingdom on the Bridge is now built, this information is very easy for the Vinhill family to obtain. So Lorne quickly got this piece of information.

As for Zou Island, a long time ago, it had already expressed its surrender to the Vinhill family. They did not dare to disobey the orders of the Vinhill family. The current coordinates were sent to Lorne.

Lorne connected the four coordinates, and then the intersection of the two lines appeared on the chart.

The point of intersection is located in the middle and second half of the great route, and there are no shadows of small islands around.

This also confirms Nicole Robin's translation to a certain extent, that Ralph Drew is not a small island, but a piece of sea.

Lorne recorded this sea area. Then he gave an order to go down.

In an instant, several Vinhill family fleets were divided into different batches, and sailed towards that place along different routes.

Each of these fleets carries the coordinates of the gate fruit on Sanchuan Road. After the first fleet arrives, Lorne can easily pass through the gate fruit and come to this place.

This is the efficiency of the Vinhill family!

After conveying all these orders, Lorne looked at Nicole Robin.

"So, what are the remaining historical texts?"

Lorne asked. The first few pieces of historical text all describe such important information, so what is written in the latter historical text?

What is it? It is so important that the people of the ancient kingdom should record these words on the same historical text as the ancient kingdom information and coordinate text, and even more stones were used!

During the period when Lorne gave the order, Nicole Robin had already translated the other historical texts, and after reading the rubbings of the last historical text, Nicole Robin opened her mouth wide and stared wide-eyed for a long time Can't be calm. ,

"I see, I finally know what happened to that kingdom eight hundred years ago!"

"It turned out to be like this..."

"What the hell is written on it?"

Nicole Robin's expression also aroused Lorne's curiosity, he asked.

"There is a story written on it."

Nicole Robin recovered, looked at Lorne, and said slowly.

"One, the story of ordinary people!"


Eight hundred years ago, a huge kingdom spanned the entire world.

Huge battleships stand tall, science and technology, and medicine have reached the peak of the times. Even the ancient giants standing in Elbaf, or the murlocs living in the vast deep sea, have to deal with this huge human being. Kingdom, bow your proud head.

This is a completely human world. Everyone is like a dragon! The prosperous age is bright!

The ambition of the ruler of this kingdom is no longer above this mere sea.

His goal is the vast starry sky.

He mobilized the power of the whole country and began to study the method of soaring in the air.

This sky is not the emptiness of the sky, but the emptiness of the starry sky!

This ambitious king, his goal is the sea of ​​stars!

And with the help of countless technologies, this country has actually developed a carrier that can lead ordinary people to outer space.

This carrier is called a "spaceship"!

But the first spaceship experiment failed. Instead of reaching outer space, they discovered a new world.

At an altitude of 10,000 meters above the sea, there actually exists a kingdom above the clouds!

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