Pirate Family

Chapter 1265 Shocking History (4)

At that time, the empty island was not developed, and the people of the giant kingdom built a front-line base here, and they planned to build this place into their own rocket launch base.

With the assistance of the entire kingdom, the base was quickly completed. Then, the second space voyage began.

This time, the king has a more definite goal, that is the moon floating in the night sky!

In other words, the infinite land that Enel has always been thinking about!

Hearing the name Infinity Land, Enilo was also moved by it.

He pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

This second voyage was successful, and the fleet of the great kingdom reached the moon.

Then, they encountered a group of creatures who looked similar to humans but had wings on their backs, and they called themselves "moon people"!

The two sides did not understand each other's language, and a fierce battle broke out!

In the end, the Moon people were defeated by the Qinghai people, and the technology they mastered was also annexed by the Qinghai people.

Some of the Moonmen were brought back to the Great Kingdom as spoils of war, and the king, as a show of mercy, allocated Sky Island to the Moonmen.

This is the origin of Sky Islanders!

After conquering the moonmen, the king was not satisfied, but set his sights further afield.

In other words, that even more vast starry sky!

Because of years of exploring outer space, even this huge kingdom cannot bear the burden.

There are countless cracks in the entire country.

However, no one cares, because no one believes that this great country will be injured, and after a period of repair, this consumption will be able to recover.

However, people in the entire kingdom did not expect that the king passed away suddenly when he was in his prime.

At the succession ceremony of the new king, a thin young man appeared.

The young man rushed out straight away, accusing the new king of being wrong for having murdered his father!

Chaos ensued throughout the ceremony. The new king, furious and angry, sent soldiers to hunt down the young man, but the young man, like a prophet, escaped all the pursuit and escaped from the capital.

After the news spread, the other princes split up one after another, pointing the conflict to the new king.

This was originally a normal thing in the succession of the throne. Even the ministers thought so. As long as the final winner is determined, the entire kingdom can continue to operate on its own.

However, the young man who created all the chaos with his own hands seemed to know everything that happened afterwards. He easily created a few chaos. Killed all the princes of the king.

In an instant, the entire country was in chaos, and there was no qualified successor. Then, everyone coveted the throne that could rule everything.

This huge kingdom split into countless small countries, and these princes established themselves as kings one after another. The sea was in a mess.

And the front-line base located on Sky Island gradually lost contact with the following because it did not have the support of a huge kingdom.

However, these were not what the young man wanted.

What he wants is the whole world.

The young man united with the old king's only daughter. Then subdued some princes and began to attack other princes.

Under the influence of the prophetic ability, they quickly became the most powerful force. But at the same time, other forces couldn't sit still anymore, and they began to unite to kill the combination of the young man and the eldest princess.

With the help of Elbaf's giants, the army of young men retreated steadily. But at this time, he made a decision.

That is, seek the help of the murlocs.

Under the persuasion of the eldest princess, the king of the murloc clan, one of the three ancient weapons, Sea King, decided to help the young people.

Under the crushing of absolute power, the young man quickly defeated all opponents and became the king of this era. At the end of the war, Heavenly King, the patron saint of the huge kingdom, destroyed the capital of the huge kingdom, and then hovered in the sky above the ruins of the capital, never falling for a long time.

The young man established a kingdom in another place.

But at the conferring ceremony, the young man showed his ambition.

He used a devil fruit capable of signing a contract to deceive the eldest princess, and then severely wounded the murloc princess who came to land with her followers.

Since she was on land, the Murloc princess was no match for the young man at all. Under the cover of her subordinates, she escaped to the sea by chance, but she was also seriously injured and was already dying.

After eliminating all old enemies, the young man chose to become king on his own.

The twenty princes who helped him at first became his vassals. These twenty princes have other names.

Heavenly Dragon Nobility!

Young people promise that their families will enjoy wealth forever.

After becoming king, the young man ruled the whole world together. His rule lasted for decades, and then he retired because of his old age.

It took exactly one hundred years from the time when the old kings had longing for space until the young man abdicated.

After the young man abdicated, the descendants of the Heavenly Dragon nobles took over the kingdom.

And, begin to erase this period of history.

In order to prevent this period of history from disappearing completely, the remnants of some huge kingdoms left this period of history on stones with words.

This is the history text.

At the end of the stone, some names were written.

The young man's name is, Im.

The eldest princess's name was Joy Boy. Joey D. Poy to be precise,

D is the code name of the royal family of that kingdom.

And that country, the name of the king's capital, is called Ralph Drew.

"This is what is recorded in the rest of the historical text."

Nicole Robin said slowly, is this the origin of the world government?

The forces formed by the conspirators of that kingdom. No wonder they want to erase this hundred years of history, probably because their position is not right.

No wonder, at the beginning, after the scholars of O'Hara named the huge kingdom, the five old stars agreed, and then chose to destroy O'Hara.

However, Lorne showed a shocked expression.

Because, he knows something that Nicole Robin doesn't.

For example. Im not dead! Instead, they have been living in the shadow of history, manipulating history in a way they don't know! According to the description in the historical text, Im may be a little tricky, relying on his own power to destroy this huge country, but Lorne knows that Im does have this ability.

Because his Devil Fruit is Precognition!

Lorne finally knew the name of the woman who manipulated time. Knowing why she obviously doesn't like Im, but she has to obey Im's order. I know what the so-called "contract" between them is.

This information may not be important to other pirate overlords at all, but it is quite interesting to Lorne.

The truth of history has been thoroughly placed in front of Lorne.

And the way to solve the last mystery has also appeared.

That is, go to the abandoned capital of the huge kingdom.

The truth of everything is there!

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