Pirate Family

Chapter 1266 The Truth of the World

Here is Nicole Robin, translated for Lorne, the truth of history buried in the historical text.

"Ralph Drew is the king's capital of the ancient kingdom. After the destruction of the ancient kingdom, the survivors of those ancient kingdoms engraved the location of Ralph Drew on the text of history."

"They are waiting for a person who can inherit the will of the ancient kingdom, and this person is the royal family of the ancient kingdom, the D family."

"According to the records, only those with the blood of the D family can drive the last weapon of the ancient kingdom, the giant creature, the Heavenly King."

"After Roger arrived in Ralph Drew, he saw the truth of this history, but at that time he was already terminally ill, and his life was not long at all, so he did not choose to do it, but used his own life to start the era of great pirates .”

"Roger is waiting for the second descendant of the D family who finds Ralph Drew. And Luffy is the one he is waiting for."

Lorne said slowly, based on these information, he has pieced together the truth of history.

The so-called ONE-PIECE, that is, Lough Drew, was originally the capital of that kingdom, which is why, after arriving at Lough Drew, Roger said that this place has everything in the world.

Power, wealth, fame and fortune.

As the capital of the country that once ruled the world, it is not uncommon to have these things.

And these are what attract this sea, and countless young people with dreams are looking for this place one after another.

The survivors of the ancient kingdom are waiting, and Roger is also waiting, waiting for a person who can really change this era.

Lorne smiled.

He knew that the person Roger and the others were waiting for was not himself, or it could be said that he had the blood of one of the twenty rebels flowing through him.

It is a natural hostile relationship with them.

Although he looked down on those Tianlong people, Lorne did not deny his blood.

However, Lorne showed a sarcastic smile on his face.

He believes in destiny. But I also believe that man will conquer nature.

I already have the power to change this era, so why is it Luffy, not me, who ends all of this?

"Get ready."

Lorne got up and said this to his family members.

"Prepare Yang Fan and set sail."


"Ralph Drew!"

He doesn't care about the war in the New World at all. He only has one thought in his mind now, to find Ralph Drew.

Then, take a look, this world, this era, the ultimate secret.

Take a look at how bright and prosperous the capital of the ancient kingdom was.

The members of the Vinhill family present all showed smiles, the same crazy smiles as Lorne.

They are already ready!

On the third day after Nicole Robin translated the historical text for Lorne.

A fierce battle broke out in the New World.

The main force of the navy finally captured Charlotte Lingling's ship in the depths of the battlefield.

But Charlotte Lingling had been prepared for a long time. She didn't choose to fight to the death like Whitebeard did, but directly chose the direction where the naval battle line was weakest to break through.

Under the desperate resistance of the children of Charlotte's family, Charlotte Lingling paid the price of serious injuries and finally made a bloody way.

But the route back to Wan Guo was completely blocked by the navy, so Charlotte Lingling made an astonishing decision.

She did not choose to flee to the depths of the New World, but chose to flee to the front of the New World, where the naval defense was relatively weak.

These ordinary naval warships could not stop the fleeing Charlotte Lingling, and she forcibly tore a hole in the battle line.

And the end of her fleeing direction happened to be the Loxor sea area.

Lorne was a little helpless. He didn't want to pay attention to these things originally, but who called Charlotte Lingling was Xiaojia's mother. Although the family relationship of the Charlotte family was weak, Lorne didn't want Xiaojia to lose his Mother.

Therefore, after Charlotte Lingling escaped, Lorne also sent a fleet to respond.

At this time, the full strength of the Vinhill family was finally revealed to the world.

The fearless clone troopers became even stronger after receiving Kaido's artificial devil fruit technology.

Each of these soldiers is a powerful animal devil fruit ability user, and with the addition of some "experiments" with stronger individual strength, these brave soldiers directly tore through the navy's defense line .

The shadows of these soldiers were cut out by Moria, who was subdued by Lorne, and installed on the bodies of some defeated naval soldiers. As the battle progressed, the strength of Lorne's troops increased instead of decreasing.

If this continues, perhaps the entire navy will be eaten away by Lorne's legion.

So under no choice, the navy had no choice but to give up the pursuit of Charlotte Lingling and turn to deal with Lorne's army.

As soon as these soldiers joined the battlefield, they reversed the situation on the battlefield, and the morale of the pirates was boosted. From the navy to fight against the pirates, to the pirates looking for traces of the navy everywhere.

Lorne finally revealed his legion, which he had hidden for many years, completely in front of the world. However, what these marines do not know is that the souls of some powerful clone soldiers have long been drawn out by Lorne using the ghost fruit. This soldier was forcibly made into three combat forces by Lorne. Even if their bodies died, Lorne could use the family's cloning petri dish to create as many soldiers as he wanted.

This is, the war potential that the Vinhill family has hidden for many years!

And Charlotte Lingling also reacted quickly, and when the main force of the navy scattered and began to block and kill these clone soldiers, she also made her own counterattack.

Leading his subordinates to continue the massacre on the battlefield.

And as the devoured souls gradually increased, Charlotte Lingling's strength also increased slowly.

No one could have guessed what kind of monster Charlotte Ringling would grow into after the war was over, but one thing was clear to all Marines.

That is, in this war, they have lost the opportunity to win.

Now, the entire navy and pirate battlefield is like a meat grinder. Countless new forces join in, and then countless navy and pirates are crushed by this meat grinder.

But Lorne, who created all of this with his own hands, didn't care about it.

Because, several fleets of the family have already approached the entrance of Ralph Drew.

Soon, Lorne will be able to pass through the void gate and arrive at Ralph Drew.

The truth of this world is about to be revealed to Lorne.

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