Pirate Family

Chapter 1267 The Heavenly Dragons Awakened from the Nightmare

The early spring of 1513 in the Haiyuan calendar.

The war in the new world has lasted for more than half a year.

During this period of time, the pirates in Paradise are ready to move, and they have already regained the momentum of their rise.

But at this time, the navy has lost its absolute dominance over the paradise. All their strength is absorbed by the war in the new world.

After several trials, these pirates finally determined that the current navy has no energy to deal with them.

Therefore, those pirates who survived the previous rounds of encirclement and suppression by the navy raised their sails one after another and chose to go to sea again.

Some of them were frightened by the navy and chose to return to their hometown, away from this chaotic battlefield.

And more are rushing towards the new world.

There, the most magnificent war in the history of this world is taking place, and countless pirate forces have fallen, which means. These old forces in the new world have given up countless territories.

This is a good opportunity to reshuffle the cards, so they can't wait to enter this chaotic era and get a share.

A pirate warship flying the flag of the Misty Moon drifts quietly on the sea surface of the paradise.

Many pirates have recognized this flag, there is no way, the name of the Vinhill family is too resounding in the new world, or in the entire sea.

A considerable number of pirates, after seeing this flag, chose to avoid it.

The appearance of the Vinhill family in the paradise is like a full-level boss appearing in Novice Village. Regardless of whether they have malicious intentions or not, an inadvertent move will pose a threat to these fledgling newcomers.

But there are also some ambitious pirates who chose to follow the pirate ship of the Vinhill family because they believe in a creed.

Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance.

With the madness of the Vinhill family, even if they plan to attack the headquarters of the world government at this time, it is not impossible.

These careerists are ready to take advantage of the chaos.

The people of the Vinhill family didn't pay attention to them, or in other words, they didn't bother to pay attention to them at all.

After entering the paradise, the pirate ship sailed straight towards the middle of the paradise. There was no obstacle along the way, but the pirates were following. I often encounter the roundup of some remaining navy in the paradise.

Among them, Commodore General Sissi, the star of the navy, led the people very diligently and caught these pirates.

Over time, all the pirates knew that this commodore also discovered the Veinhill family's ships, but she didn't dare to do anything to the Veinhill family's ships, so she could only vent her anger on these little pirates.

There is no way, in order to survive, these pirates can only give up tracking the Veinhill family's ships after secretly cursing this bullying naval star.

However, the pirates are not the only ones who are following the movement of this pirate ship.

The intelligence department of the new world knew their whereabouts long after the ship entered the paradise.

Those surviving Tianlong people also closely followed the movement of the ship.

Holy Duhanan!

This is a small island located at the end of the paradise, Judiciary Island-Old Propulsion City-Navy Headquarters Marine Vandor Triangular sea area.

Under the strong protection of the navy or the world government, this place maintains a rare tranquility in this chaotic era.

After Lorne attacked Marie Gioia, some surviving Celestial Dragons were transferred to this place. Only under the protection of all the forces of the World Government, these Celestial Dragons could maintain a little peace of mind.

"don't want!"

Holy Duhanan. In the central castle, in a gorgeously decorated room.

A middle-aged man with dark brown hair suddenly woke up.

He stretched out his hand and shouted in horror.

"Don't kill me, boy of the Vinhill family, that matter has nothing to do with me!"

He kept exclaiming, and the maids outside the door rushed in, and then looked at the middle-aged man with a habitual expression.

They are used to it. After the Marie Gioia massacre, the survivors were either insane or nearly insane. This middle-aged man is already considered good, at least he can communicate.

However, almost as soon as he closes his eyes, he will think of the picture of Marie Joya's blood flowing into the sea, and the noble Tianlong people being slaughtered by that man like pigs, and then have nightmares.

However, these Heavenly Dragons are all to blame!

The maids thought in their hearts that a few years ago, the Tianlong people were too arrogant and domineering. It is normal for them to oppress ordinary people and torture and kill a few maids and guards. The master's Tianlong people have the slightest affection.

"It turned out to be a dream..."

The middle-aged man sat on the bed, breaking out in a cold sweat.

Although sober. But in his mind, the man's appearance and his devilish smile were deeply imprinted in the middle-aged man's heart.

The middle-aged man smiled wryly, he no longer had any resentment or anger towards the man named Lorne in his eyes.

Only deep fear remained, fear from the soul.

It is foreseeable that he may not be able to have normal sleep for the rest of his life.

And he wasn't the only one who was afraid of Lorne.

In the entire Saint Capital Hanan Castle, all the survivors of the Tianlongren dared not even mention that name.

Their courage, their courage, and their pride were all castrated the moment Lorne boarded Mary Gioia.

The middle-aged man walked to his desk, as if he had gone crazy, and kept writing words with his own blood.

"Venhill, Vinhill, Vinhill..."

This is the name of that demon. Only in this way can he feel a little relieved.

The maids didn't have any intention to stop him, until the man's face turned pale due to excessive blood loss, and finally passed out on the table, they worked together to lift the man to their own bed.

Only in this way can this man have his own short sleep time.

On the other side of the Holy Capital Castle, a group of Heavenly Dragons gathered together.

They are discussing one thing, that is to keep putting pressure on the world government, so that they can't afford to lose, and must destroy the Vinhill family, and must kill this person who destroyed everything.

A middle-aged celestial dragon stood at the front, giving an impassioned speech, while the celestial dragons in front of him nodded flatly.

These people have reached a common intention.

And just when the leading Tianlong people were full of ambitions, they were going to take these documents with the joint signatures of the Tianlong people to put pressure on the world government.

A soldier ran in from outside in a panic, and handed him a document.

After reading this document, the expression on the Tianlong man's face that he had had so hard to achieve was suddenly dispelled, his eyes were blinded, and he collapsed on the ground in despair.

The files fell to the ground.

There is only one line written on it.

The Veinhill family's ship appeared in Paradise.

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