Pirate Family

Chapter 1268 Sea of ​​Mist

Of course, Lorne didn't know that those Tianlong people who were thousands of miles away were frightened when they heard that their family's ships appeared in the paradise.

Of course, even if Lorne knew about it, he wouldn't care.

Because, the current Tianlong people, he no longer pays attention to them.

Soon, the vanguard fleet arrived at Lorne's destination, and then the gate of the void opened slowly, and a golden ship slowly opened from the gate of the void.

"How many years have we not gone to sea together?"

Enilu stood on the deck of the Golden Proverb, and countless lightning surged out of Enilu's body, becoming the energy system of the Golden Proverb.

Although it has been improved by Gage and Vegapunk, the current Golden Mantra no longer needs a Thunderbolt fruit ability user as an energy source, but Enilu misses this feeling very much.

At the beginning, he and Lorne relied on this ship to start their struggle for hegemony.

But now, he and Lorne stood on this ship again, feeling a little emotional.

"It must have been many years, right?"

Lorne wasn't sure either. He said so.

Although not long ago, he and Enilo had raided Marie Gioia, but that was not an adventure at all. Even Lorne couldn't remember the last time they ventured out to sea.

Anyway, it was a long, long time ago.

"Ralph Drew..."

Enilu smiled, surrounded by thunder.

A thunderbolt as thick as a mountain fell from the sky, pierced the sky, and bombarded the silent sea.

The fog that filled the front of the Golden Proverb was blasted out of a channel abruptly.

This is the entrance of Ralph Drew, the sea of ​​mist constantly floating on the sea.

And this sea area has another name.

Terrible Triangle Sea Territory!

"I didn't expect that I have lived here for so many years, and I have been living at the entrance of Ralph Drew."

Behind Lorne, a man wearing a black aristocratic robe, with pale skin, no blood color, and a bloated figure also said with emotion.

He is Moria who surrendered to Lorne.

Although there have been some conflicts with Lorne, Moria has now seen Lorne's terrifying strength, and is overwhelmed by his courage and ambition.

After killing Kaido himself and avenging his crew's greatest wish, Moria chose to stay in the Vinhill family and become a cadre of the family.

And it is precisely because of Moria's ability that the combat power of Lorne's clone soldier legion can be greatly enhanced, and it can disrupt the battlefield in the new world.

Moria looked at the thick fog in front of him, feeling a little emotional.

Because this sea area used to be his lair, the Terrible Triangle Sea Area.

His zombie castle is in this sea area.

It's just that Moriah hasn't returned to this place for many years. After he was attacked by Xie Nianhuo, he left the zombie castle and has been wandering in the sea.

"Didn't you notice anything when you were here?"

Enel couldn't help asking. Moria looked like a tomb robber sitting at the door of the treasure house without knowing it.


Moria shook her head.

The Terrible Delta sea area has existed above the sea since ancient times, and Moria was not the first inhabitant of this sea area.

In fact, according to some information held by Moria, the pirate overlord of the last era, Rocks, also once dominated this sea area.

It's just that, because Rocks fell into the hands of Roger the Pirate and Garp in the end, the existence of this place is gone.

Only some miscellaneous fish pirates like to hide in this fog and plunder the passing ships. Once you encounter an invincible opponent, just hide in the fog.

Without being familiar with the fog, the people on those ships could not catch these looters at all.

After experiencing the failure of the new world, Moria found this sea area by chance, and then with his strong strength, easily defeated the pirates in the mist and became the overlord of this sea area.

And his zombie castle was built on the site of the original Lockes base.


Moria thought about it, and decided to tell some of the information he knew.

"It's not without strange things."

"There is a rumor among the pirates living in the mist that there are some huge creatures hidden in the depths of the mist."

"But this is a rumor after all. Later, I also searched in the mist, but in the end I found nothing."

"However, in this fog, I did find the remains of some huge creatures, such as the remains of an ancient super giant. So whether this rumor is true or not, I really don't know."

Moria said in an uncertain tone.

This is just his guess and has not been confirmed.

And Lorne nodded. Secretly recorded this piece of information.

At this time, the Golden Proverb had completely appeared on this sea area, and under the cover of twilight, the people in the paradise hadn't noticed that Lorne had brought people from thousands of miles away to appear here.

"Go back."

After arriving in the paradise, Lorne immediately announced an order to the family's expedition fleet. Even Lorne was not fully sure about the next adventure, so he let these people leave here first.

Because no matter what happened, these people couldn't help Lorne.

The fleet of the Vinhill family left this sea area, leaving only a golden warship in front of the huge fog.

Lorne is not worried about whether the family's ships will encounter any accidents, because as long as the Vinhill family has not fallen, the pirates in Paradise will not dare to do anything to the ships flying the flag of the Misty Moon.

As for the world government... with Sissy as a cover-up, Lorne doesn't need to worry about anything

Even when it is absolutely necessary, sacrificing this fleet is acceptable to Lorne.

The Golden Proverb slowly sailed into the fog along the route blasted by Enilo with thunder.

This is the first time Lorne is so close to the end of this world. The ultimate island where countless pirates flock to, Ralph Drew.

He is looking forward to what kind of surprise this place will give him.

Not only Lorne, but all the cadres of the Vinhill family who stood behind Lorne also showed surprise faces.

Because the words Ralph Drew have a fatal attraction for any pirate.

There was an aggressive gleam in Lorne's eyes.

Ralph Drew, here he comes!

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