Pirate Family

Chapter 1269

After entering this fog, Lorne quickly discovered one thing.

That is, my own perception ability has been compressed.

With the increase of knowledge and arrogance, Lorne's perception range has reached a terrifying level, and can easily cover an island.

But after entering this misty sea area, Lorne's perception ability was compressed by more than ten times, and he could only cover an area in front of him that he could see.

For Lorne, who was used to the feeling of omniscience and omnipotence in the field of perception, it was like making a normal person suddenly lose his eyesight.

But Lorne quickly got used to it.

"This mist seems to be somewhat similar to Agatha's ability."

Lorne said solemnly to everyone.

He didn't want his family members to capsize in the gutter because of unnecessary things during their adventure to the ultimate island.

And Agatha didn't appear on this ship, not because she didn't want to come here, but because Lorne's action this time almost took out all the high-level cadres of the Vinhill family, and the front of the New World was extremely empty. Some people sit in the family.

So Agatha volunteered and chose to stay, and like her, there were Ying Gongli, Violet and others who chose to stay.

After hearing Lorne's words, these people nodded solemnly. Even if any one of them is a famous big pirate in the New World, this does not mean that they are invincible.

After all, they are ordinary people, not monsters like Lorne, who will bleed and die.

They are not afraid of death, but they are not willing to. dead wronged,

Lorne held a sea chart and carefully modeled it.

The meeting point of the four coordinate islands is very detailed, and it is in this misty sea. In other words, Love Drew is in this place, but this place is not Love Drew. It's just the entrance of Ralph Drew.

When the recording pointer lost its function, Lorne could only judge his position by using other things, and then find the meeting point of these four coordinate islands.

He didn't know what the previous pirates used to determine their position, but Lorne's method of determining his position was very simple.

That is, through the perception ability, forcibly leave coordinates on the sea. Use these coordinates to forcibly determine your own position.

After continuing to sail for an hour, Lorne suddenly asked people to stop.

"Did something happen?"

Enilo asked with some doubts, he didn't know why Lorne did this. But he was very sure that Lorne must have discovered something.

"We have returned to the original point of origin."

Lorne said with a serious face.

After sailing for an hour, Lorne looked for the coordinates he had originally left on the sea.

In other words, their current location should be shortly after they just entered this sea of ​​mist!

Lorne's words chilled the hearts of the people on board. You must know that after losing the pointer positioning coordinates, Lorne's perception ability was their only reliance, but now, Lorne actually told them that his perception ability had failed.

In other words, they lost their way in this sea of ​​mist.

"I haven't experienced this kind of thing before." Moria next to him quickly explained.

"When I was occupying this place, although the record pointer sometimes failed, in general, it was still usable. I have never encountered such a situation where the record pointer completely fails!"

Moria looked a little embarrassed. He was afraid that Lorne would think he was lying, so he quickly explained.

"I know."

Lorne said slowly, not blaming Moriah.

At the same time, he was thinking crazily in his heart.

Those pirate overlords who found all four historical texts also used the same method as themselves to enter this sea area. They don't have the ability to determine the coordinates through perception, so how do they determine the direction?

Lorne began to think, there must be a very simple answer, which was ignored by him!

After a while, Lorne suddenly opened his eyes, and a gleam flashed in them.

"I see!"

"Know what?"

Enel asked quickly. If Lorne couldn't find a way to determine the position, he was ready to use his strength to break the coincidence.

Through the boundless thunder, forcefully blast a path through this fog.

"I know those people, and how to determine their location."

Lorne said slowly. He pointed to the surface of the sea.

"It's fish."

"What fish?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted.

Especially people like Enilo who know a lot of information showed a clear expression.

"One of Roger's abilities is to listen to everything."

Lorne said slowly.

"After entering this sea area, he also fell into the same predicament as us, that is, he couldn't tell the direction."

"However, Roger, who has the ability to listen to everything, quickly found a way to break the situation."

"No matter how the fog moves or how weird it is, it is above the sea after all. The creatures below the sea will not be affected in any way!"

"As for the fish that need to pass under the sea surface, you can judge the direction."

Lorne said so. This reason is very simple, but he didn't think of it before.

I'm afraid Raleigh and the others didn't expect that they would be stumped by this thing, so they didn't even mention it to themselves at the time.

But Lorne didn't care. Although he didn't have Roger's ability to hear everything, Lorne could control everything.

With his closed eyes, his perception was like invisible tentacles, extending below the surface of the sea.

Then, soon, Lorne found a group of creatures lurking under this sea area.

The next moment, these creatures opened their eyes, but their pupils were not chaotic, but filled with calm and wise light.

Their perception has been completely deprived by Lorne.

And through these fishes, Lorne quickly determined the direction. It wasn't that they went the wrong way, but that this sea of ​​mist was moving at all!

But now that he knew the law of movement in the misty sea area, Lorne took the creatures under the sea as coordinates, and then drove towards various places that might be the entrance of Rafdru.

But at this time, Lorne saw a ship.

A tattered ship that shouldn't be here.

In this way, he quietly floated on the sea in front of Lorne.

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