Pirate Family

Chapter 1270 We Are Pirates Too

This is a dilapidated boat, as if it has been drifting in this misty sea for a long time, and the boat is covered with spider webs.

A skeleton, lying on a boat. His dark eyes stared fixedly at the Golden Proverb, as if warning everyone.

This is a dead end, if you advance rashly, you will only end up in the same end as yourself.

Looking back now, it's still too late.

But Lorne didn't care about this level of warning at all. He carefully observed the boat and the skeletons on it.

According to the information sent back by the skeleton, Lorne judged.

The whole person has been dead for at least two hundred years.

But around the skeleton's body, there are still traces of flipping.

These traces are very new, at most less than a year, or even a few months ago, the same person discovered him.

In other words, there are other people in this sea of ​​mist!

"It seems that there are still some aborigines in this sea area."

Lorne smiled and didn't care.

As long as these aborigines don't stop him, Lorne doesn't want to cause unnecessary trouble with them.

Guided by the fish in the deep sea, the Golden Proverb continued to move forward.

The surrounding fog is getting thicker and thicker, and Lorne's perception range is also being gradually compressed.

But at this time, he suddenly frowned.

Because, he sensed a strong sense of crisis.


Something seemed to slam into the side of the Golden Proverb, the ship shook violently, and Lorne shot directly.

The whole ship suddenly floated in mid-air.

Countless black tentacles stretched out from the bottom of the sea, trying to drag the Golden Proverb into the sea. At this moment, Anilo moved.

The tiny thunder in his pupils flickered continuously, and then a thunder beam as thick as a water snake descended from the sky and bombarded directly towards the sea surface.


The pitch-black sea surface was lit up by this thunder, and then, an octopus-shaped Neptune body with a length of hundreds of meters floated up from the water surface.

Here, the creature that attacked the Golden Motto.

"A Sea King?"

Lorne manipulated the Golden Proverb to slowly descend through the fluttering fruit.

Looking at the huge octopus floating in the sea in front of him like a hill. He frowned slightly.

Generally speaking, sea kings will stay in the deep sea, or in the windless belt.

The probability of encountering Neptunes on the sea surface is relatively small.

So this Neptune who only attacked himself was somewhat unusual.

"There is someone in front!"

But at this time, the voices of some people came from the depths of the fog.

Then Lorne saw a broken three-masted sailboat slowly sailing out of the mist.

The hull of the ship was damaged, and the people on board looked tired, lying on the deck with yellow and muscular faces. After seeing the Golden Monument passing by, their eyes flashed with excitement.

"Are you also the ones who broke into this sea area?"

A man wearing a captain's cap greeted the well-dressed Lorne and his party excitedly.

"Lost outsider."

Lorne made a judgment on the other party's identity in an instant. He didn't choose to do it, but let the ships of these people approach him slowly.

He needs information, information about this misty sea.

And these people who have been floating in this sea area for a long time can provide important information for themselves.


The two ships docked at a distance of about ten meters, Lorne replied slowly.

"Great! After wandering in this place for so long, I finally met a living person!"

After the bearded captain got an affirmative answer, he became even more excited. He asked straight to the point.

"You guys, is there any food on board?"

"Don't worry, we are the famous Trident Brothers. Two years ago, we had a fight with Roger and his gang. We had no choice but to escape to this place. Don't worry, when we make a comeback, we will definitely repay you Kindly."

Seemingly seeing the surprised expression on Lorne's face, the bearded man added.

"The Trident Brothers, the pirate force that was rampant in the sea twenty years ago, just bumped into Roger, who hadn't become the Pirate King at that time. A battle broke out between the two sides. It is said that the members of this pirate group were killed by the group Annihilated, never to appear on the sea again."

Garrett, who was standing next to Lorne, lowered her voice and said to Lorne.

After Violet did not come to this place, she acted as Lorne's secretary.

As for the Trident brotherhood, she once heard her mother mention that they were still relatively strong at the time, at least the captain with the scarred face and beard was considered number one in the sea at that time.

Lorne showed a clear look.

Don't these people know that almost twenty years have passed outside?

Judging by their appearance, they were still stuck in the time when they had just entered this sea area. However, Lorne noticed that there was a fairly new scratch on the hull of their ship, as if it had just fought with some huge creature and left a mark.

But Lorne obviously didn't answer their doubts, but directly asked the question he cared about.

"Do you know that there is anything strange in this sea area?"

Lovedrew is in this sea area, but this sea area is not Lovedrew.

The sea of ​​mist is so vast, it is quite difficult for Lorne to find Ralph Drew in it, so he needs the help of these people who seem to have been wandering for many years.

Seeing that Lorne didn't answer his question, the bearded expression froze, and when Lorne asked about that strange place, the eyes of the people on the ship flashed a gleam.

Although it was well hidden, Lorne still caught the subtle changes in their expressions.

That is, the ray of fear.

So Lorne was sure that these people must know something.

"Sorry, we don't know anything."

The bearded man shook his head, and then he smiled cruelly at the people on the Golden Monument.

"I just wanted to borrow some food from you, but since you are so ungrateful, don't blame us."

While he was speaking, the skinny, yellow and emaciated pirates behind him also stood up, took out their weapons, and then covered their weapons with pitch-black arrogance.

As the pirate group that once fought against Roger, they also have their own strengths.

"We had to grab it."

The bearded man showed a cruel smile. In this damn sea of ​​mist, the most important thing is food, and there are only two sources of food.

One is the fish under the sea surface, and the other is an outsider like this ship who has just entered this sea area.

"We are pirates after all." He raised his big knife, aiming the sharp blade at Lorne.

He is still more used to this direct way.

The two ships were only ten meters apart, and Lorne was not afraid of the threat at all, but showed a smile instead.

"Sorry, we are also pirates."

Lorne gave a perfect smile.

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