Pirate Family

Chapter 1271 Red Fog

These pirates may be called powerful. After all, all of them have two-color domineering, even in the new world where the strong are like clouds, they can be called a powerful force.

But very well, they met Lorne, and Lorne who had the power of the overlord of the era.

Facing these people, Lorne just did two things.

Raising his hand, the space was slightly distorted, and all the weapons of these people disappeared in an instant, and then appeared at Lorne's feet.

Then, Lorne snapped his fingers, and the pirate ship they were on floated uncontrollably, and after flying into mid-air, the whole ship turned upside down. Then these people hugged all the things they could hold tightly, so that they didn't fall.

"This is... the ability of the Golden Lion Shiji! Who are you?"

The leader with beards recognized Lorne's ability and said with a look of horror.

The Golden Lion Shiji, in his era, stands at the apex of all pirates, the real pirate, the pirate among pirates.

Cruel, ruthless, powerful, ambitious, all the words you can imagine about pirates can be used on him.

Even in the sea battle with Roger that year, the Golden Lion Shiji suffered a tragic defeat, but none of the pirates would despise this proud man because of this. Even some pirates regard the Golden Lion Shiji as their idol.

Among them, the beard is included.

But now, the iconic ability of his idol is shown in front of him, how can the bearded man remain unmoved?


Lorne also thought of that rebellious man, that old lion who would rather die in battle.

"He died at my hands."

"How can it be!"

The bearded man said in disbelief that he was quite aware of the strength of the Golden Lion, which simply crushed all suffocation. Even after so many years, the bearded man could still feel it. Now, this young man who seemed to be only twenty years old actually said that he killed the golden lion. This is as ridiculous as a newcomer who just entered the paradise and went to Marie Gioia to start a massacre.

However, in this world, there are only two similar abilities, not identical abilities. Seeing that this young man used the ability of the Golden Lion Shiji so skillfully, the bearded man probably guessed it.

"I will give you another chance."

Lorne didn't have time to talk nonsense with the other party. Asked in a calm tone.

"Tell me, what's so strange about this sea?"

The bearded man is still hesitating, because that place is so terrible, so terrible that they don't want to recall it. They stumbled in there by accident and almost escaped death.

If it wasn't for luck, they wouldn't even have a chance to come out.

As soon as they came out, they met Lorne and his party. This can be said to be fate.

Just as he was hesitating, Lorne frowned, and then let go of Piao Piao Guo directly.

Losing the floating ability of Fluttering Fruit, the entire pirate ship fell towards the sea uncontrollably. And at this time, the bearded man finally made a decision.

"I tell you!"

The boat stopped suddenly a few meters away from the sea surface, and the bearded man could even see the terrifying deep-sea creatures hidden under the dark sea surface.

He swallowed, and then said slowly.

"In the very center of this fog, there is a red fog area... As long as you pass through this red fog area, in your perception, the fog in the whole world seems to turn red."

"And in this sea of ​​red mist, there are almost countless treasures buried. The light of the gold coins almost covers the entire sea bottom."

When the bearded man mentioned this sea area, a glint of joy flashed in his eyes. After all, these innumerable treasures are fatally attractive to almost any pirate.

But this joy was quickly overshadowed by fear.

Because in that sea area, these gold and silver treasures are not the only ones. And...the scary one.

"However, there are still some creatures in that sea area, some..."

Before the bearded man could finish his words, a huge Neptune suddenly surged out from under the surface of the deep sea.

The sea kings opened their mouths, as if to swallow them whole.

The whole ship was instantly shattered. Only the wreckage of some ships was left floating on the sea.

And Lorne reacted instantly, he was about to make a move, but at this moment, a terrifying breath locked him.

At the end of the fog, a huge figure could be vaguely seen flickering.

The source of that breath is this huge figure!

Lorne's movements were delayed for a moment, and it was at this moment that the sea king that jumped out swallowed the bearded beard and their entire pirate ship.

A thunderbolt came one after another, and directly struck the body of the sea king, burning its entire body into coke.

The huge body of sea kings floats in the sea. A smell of charred meat pervaded the sea.

"What happened?"

Enel frowned and asked.

In this situation, Lorne shouldn't be unable to react. The scope of his knowledgeable domineering is not as wide as that of Lorne, and he is also suppressed by the mist, so he didn't see the huge figure flashing past the end of the mist.

"Something is unwilling to disclose the information inside."

Lorne shook his head, and said lightly, after the bearded group was killed by the sea kings, the huge figure at the end of the mist disappeared, as if the reason for his appearance was just to stop Lorne.

Did he not want Lorne to enter that place, or did he not want news about that place to leak out?

Lorne didn't know. But he didn't take it to heart either. Because he already got the information he wanted.

The red sea of ​​mist, the treasures all over the seabed.

This has been consistent with Ralph Drew's description.

As for the creature hidden there that made the bearded man feel afraid, Lorne didn't take it to heart.

After all, these creatures are not the only enemies.

And on the sea surface not far away, there is a wreckage of a ship floating on the sea surface. This wreckage is the fragment of the ship's hull that was left traces by unknown creatures before the Trident Brothers.

For some reason, Lorne chose to fish this unremarkable fragment out of the sea.

After confirming this information, Lorne followed the instructions of the fish on the bottom of the sea and continued to sail towards the depths of the fog.

With the information of the red mist, it is much easier to find Ralph Drew.

The deeper you go into this fog, the more ships appear floating on the sea.

The styles of boats range from the retro style of hundreds of years ago to the simplicity of recent years.

But without exception, the owners of these ships all seemed to have been dead for countless years. Only a skeleton was left.

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