Pirate Family

Chapter 1272 Ralph Drew's singing voice

The closer to the depths of the dense fog, the greater the number of broken ships floating on the sea.

Lorne even saw some undecomposed corpses floating quietly on the sea.

The entire misty sea area is like a dead zone.

Fortunately, Enilu used his own ability to blow away the fog and provided a way forward for the Golden Monument.

The undercurrent was surging under the sea surface, and Lorne felt that some sea kings who should have been hiding in the deep sea were following the Golden Proverb.

These sea kings did not choose to attack the ship, but kept a certain distance from the Golden Proverb like a group of stalkers.

The closer to the depths of the dense fog, the greater the number of these sea kings.

Lorne also used this to judge whether he deviated from the channel.

At the back, the number of these deep-sea fishes trailing the ship can no longer be hidden under the sea surface. Their bodies covered with pitch-black scales roll over the surface of the sea.

But strangely, these deep-sea fish maintained a strange peace, did not fight each other, but followed behind the ship in an orderly manner.

Finally, after several days of sailing, Lorne finally saw a touch of red at the end of the night-like mist.

Red like blood.

This piece of red mist is extremely conspicuous in the surrounding mist.

This should be the entrance that the bearded man said before.

Without hesitation, Lorne immediately ordered the ship to move towards the red area.

The distance of the mist seems to be farther than Lorne imagined, and it is clearly in front of him, but it took Lorne two full days to get close to this area.

At this time, the fog in this area has been completely occupied by red.

And the broken ships floating around the fog almost occupied the entire sea area.

Even the surface of the sea was dyed a touch of bright red.

From the style of these ships, we can even see the evolution of the history of shipbuilding in this sea.

"Is this place the mysterious Ralph Drew?"

Not only Lorne, but other people on the Golden Proverb also showed joyful expressions after seeing the blood-colored mist. After so many years of hard work, they finally came to Ralph Drew's house. before.

"Get ready...to witness history."

Lorne took a deep breath, and then issued such an order. After a brief repair, the Golden Proverb slowly sailed into this sea area.

The moment he passed through the fog, Lorne felt his consciousness go into a trance for a moment, and then, all the white fog behind him disappeared, and he had already entered the area of ​​the red fog.

Here, there is still an invisible sea, but compared with the white mist outside, the vision here is much better. At least, Lorne's perception ability is not so oppressed outside.


Garrett blinked her eyes, pointed her slender fingers in the direction of the sea, and said excitedly to everyone.

And everyone looked over in the direction of her finger, and found that the sea water in this area was clear and not too deep.

Gold coins, precious stones, and valuable antiques are like garbage, covering the entire seabed.

And around these treasures, the ruins of some dilapidated buildings can be vaguely seen. Just through these dilapidated walls, one can imagine how magnificent buildings used to be here.

"Lavdru is the capital of the ancient kingdom. A hundred years after that disappearance, Ralphdru disappeared in the sea of ​​mist. Did it sink into the sea?"

Lorne judged in an instant that he and others had entered the legendary land that pirates dreamed of, the ultimate island, Ralph Drew.

What Roger said before was not wrong. Lovedrew is a small island, the ultimate island. What Turner said before was also right. Lovedrew is a piece of sea.

At that time, Lorne was still wondering who among them had lied, but now Lorne knew that neither of them lied.

Almost covered with Ralph Drew's gold, it confirmed Roger's original declaration.

Here lies the wealth of the whole world.

Just take away some things casually, it is enough to become a rich man, and you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life.

But Lorne just glanced at these coveted wealth, and then focused his attention on the front.

The Vinhill family is not short of money. Although the wealth is also astronomical for the Vinhill family, numbers are numbers after all. For Lorne at this time, wealth has no meaning.

Not only one person told Lorne that the truth of the whole world and all his doubts were hidden in this place.

Therefore, Lorne's first goal when he came here was to clarify all his doubts.

The beautiful, sad singing voice suddenly rang in everyone's ears.

This is an unfamiliar language, but everyone can still hear a sense of sadness from this singing.

The tragedy of the collapse of the empire.

"over there!"

And Lorne's perception ability quickly locked on the source of the singing. Under the sea surface hundreds of meters ahead, beside a broken stone pillar, a transparent figure flashed past.

After realizing that Lorne had noticed her, the figure quickly disappeared without a trace, and the surrounding sea water seemed to have no hindrance to her, and she walked through the sea water freely.

"What is this."

Others also noticed this figure, especially Enilo, his knowledgeable domineeringness was second only to Lorne, so he could see it clearly.

This is a translucent figure, one can vaguely see that she is a woman, but her body is floating in mid-air.

Like... lost ghosts, or ghosts.

"Is it the ghosts of the Rough Drew Aboriginal people?"

Anilu said solemnly, there are ghosts in this world. For example, the ghost fruit of Yaze once, and now Lorne is to fight by extracting the ghosts of the losers.

But the ghosts they control rely on the fruit itself to survive, but this... seems to survive as a ghost after death.

Is this the state of a person after death?

Anel didn't know, but he was sure that this so-called Ralph Drew was really different.

"Move on! Find this thing."

At this time, Lorne gave the order, and his intuition told him that he must find this ghost that flashed by.

Because the environment of Ralph Drew is too weird, he must get valuable information.

The only ones who can provide information are these aborigines.

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