Pirate Family

Chapter 1273

The Golden Monument has full power and is moving forward at full speed.

Since most of the people on this ship are Lorne or Ainil, they don't need to load any weapons on board at all, because they themselves are walking weapons.

So even if it is made of gold, the entire Golden Motto is extremely light, plus the power system of the Vinhill family has been improved by two great scientists, Gadge and Vegapunk.

In the entire sea, no ship can match the speed of the Golden Proverb.

The whole ship is like a golden lightning, passing through this foggy sea.

And Lorne quickly locked on to this ghost. She seemed to be afraid of Lorne, walking through the broken cities on the seabed, but her speed was still too slow compared to the sailing speed of the Golden Proverb.

Soon, the distance between the two sides was shortened to 500 meters.

And this distance happened to be within the perception range of Lorne's perception ability after being compressed by the fog.

"Perceptual deprivation."

Lorne used this technique for no reason. He wanted to deprive the other party of his perception and then manipulate the other party's body.

But the omnipotent perception deprivation ability failed this time, because Lorne couldn't feel the other party's existence at all.

This transparent ghost has no entity at all, so there is no mention of the five senses.

At this time, Enilu had already moved.

His body turned into a thunderbolt, and he rushed over from the Golden Monument.

In almost an instant, he rushed to the front of the transparent ghost, and then a thunderbolt as thick as a water snake descended from the sky, pierced the sea, and struck directly in front of the ghost's escape, completely knocking out a house that was already on the verge of collapsing. destroy.

The house collapsed, and more gold coins poured out of the house, piling up like a mountain.

But no one present squinted at these gold coins.

Their attention was focused on this ghost.

The ghost seemed to be frightened by Enilu's hand, and froze in place. Then, looking at Enilu, who was floating in mid-air and surrounded by lightning, after some weighing, she still chose to catch her without a fight.

A few minutes later, the ghost was brought to the deck of the Golden Motto.

Everyone looked curiously at this transparent girl suspended in mid-air.

Many people have heard of the existence of ghosts, but this is the first time they have seen real ghosts. This is not a small impact on anyone's three views.

Lorne tried to communicate, but found that the other party spoke a language that seemed to have never been heard before. Seeing the ghost girl gesticulating in a big circle, everyone was stunned.

I can't understand it at all.

After a brief failed attempt, even Lorne chose to give up.

Instead, he let Garrett take care of the ghost girl, and he chose to move on.

The entire Ralph Drew is much wider than they imagined.

It is not so much an island as it is a continent.

After sailing in this sea area for half a day, Lorne did not find the edge of this sea area, but seemed to have come to this red mist.

After sailing for another half a day, the sky gradually darkened, and the Golden Motto came to a protruding area.

The buildings of Ralph Drew are high and low. Not all the buildings are buried in the sea. There are still some tall buildings, some of which protrude from the bottom of the sea.

At this time, what appeared in front of everyone was a towering building. Everyone decided to rest in the building for a while, and search for some valuable information by the way.

After all, most of the people present are capable people, facing the ruins on the bottom of the sea, they can only do nothing to help them.

The ground of the building is still a little damp, and the nests of various marine life are all over the corners of the whole building.

As soon as Lorne stepped onto the building, some crabs crawled out of the corner as if they were frightened, and then jumped into the sea.

But at this time, Lorne suddenly frowned.

"What's wrong?" Garrett noticed Lorne's unusual appearance and asked with concern.

"something is wrong"

Lorne waved his hand, and everyone slowed down their movements accordingly.

"I can smell it, the smell of food."

Lorne lowered his voice and said solemnly.

He is a sentient being who has eaten the fruit of perception, and possesses extraordinary perception abilities.

In particular, the five senses have been magnified and can perceive some things that normal humans cannot perceive.

And just now, he smelled a smell of food that permeated the air.

The smell of grilled fish, and it was strong, even a little warm.

If it was raw meat with blood, it might have been done by some beast that lived in this place, but the food that was roasted represented one thing.

That is, someone has stayed here.

Lorne followed the scent and walked towards the depths of Rafdrew.

Then, a pile of extinguished fires was seen.

"They haven't gone far."

Lorne said so. The most important thing now is information.

The reason why he captured the ghost girl was to get valuable information from the ghost girl.

But unfortunately, the other party couldn't communicate at all.

But now, Lorne has encountered traces of some people's existence, and he is unwilling to give up this information.

After all, it is impossible for ghosts to barbecue here.

In other words, the one who stayed here just now is very likely to be a human being.

With little hesitation, Lorne led the people back to the Golden Proverb, and then followed in the direction of the smell.

This area should be regarded as a relatively rich area in Lough Drew. There are endless tall buildings, and quite a few of them are above the water.

The Golden Proverb is passing through this complex of buildings. Soon, Lorne saw a ship appearing in front of the sea.

And when they saw the flag of the ship clearly, not only Lorne, but everyone was stunned.

Because, the flag of this ship is the skull trident.

That is, the group of people who tried to rob Lorne and the others when they were in the Misty Sea, and then Lorne lifted the whole ship up, and were finally swallowed by the Neptunes!

Judging from the degree of damage to the ship, this group of people seemed to have just entered here, and the scratches on the ship were relatively new.

At this time, the Trident brothers were desperately raising their sails, driving the ship forward.

It was as if he was avoiding something terrible.

These people don't even have the courage to turn back!

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