Pirate Family

Chapter 1274: The Sea Territory Where Time and Space Are Reversed

These people who were obviously dead suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

This shocked Lorne a little.

But before he had time to move on, he heard the members of the Trident Brothers also notice them, and let out a desperate scream.

The next moment, a huge black figure emerged from the water surface and hit their boat heavily.

On the side of their boat, a huge scratch was left.

The bearded man roared furiously, and his arms were covered in jet-black armed domineering arrogance, and he punched the huge black shadow angrily, sending it flying.

And they also took advantage of this opportunity to urge the boat to flee towards the rear. Then escaped into a red mist, never to be seen again.

"They disappeared."

As Lorne said, the moment the members of the Trident Brothers escaped into the red mist, Lorne lost his perception of them.

It was as if they had disappeared into this world.

But at the same time, Lorne was also on their boat, leaving a mark.

Lorne distorted the hull of their ship with space power, and wrote two words in the center of the huge scratch.


Then, Lorne recalled that when he saw this group of people before, the handwriting on the boat was indeed the same as what he had just written.

That is. These people first encountered themselves in this area of ​​red mist, then escaped, and then met themselves and others who just came here again in the area of ​​white mist?

As if remembering something, Lorne found the wreckage of the destroyed ship of the Trident Brothers from the ship, one of which had that trace on it.

At this time, the center of the fragment. He even wrote two words in a crooked manner.


And these two words are the marks that Lorne left on their ship just now by using the space ability!

"Has cause and effect been reversed?"

Lorne muttered to himself, what happened in front of him was really unbelievable.

Lorne was sure that when he picked up this fragment before, there were no these two words on it, but after he left this mark, these two words suddenly appeared on the fragment.

The people who had been lost had come back from the dead and appeared in front of them. It is clearly a mark left by the present, but it affects the past.

Or...that wasn't the past. In other words, that was just the past of Lorne and others, but the future of the Trident Brothers!

In this sea area, time has been completely reversed. Or there is no time at all!

At this time, Lorne finally understood what Turner meant when he said that they met Roger and the others who were already dead here.

"It seems that this place hides a lot more secrets than I thought!"

The corner of Lorne's mouth curled up. He hadn't felt this kind of excitement for a long time.

This is the excitement that any person will have when encountering unknown things.

"Did you find anything?"

Enilo asked, he didn't have as many emotions as Lorne, he just felt that this place was a bit weird.

Unspeakably weird.

"not sure for now."

Lorne shook his head and said so.

"I need one thing to confirm my guess."

"What's up?"

"Find someone."



Lorne said slowly, the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

He couldn't bear it anymore, he wanted to meet the legendary One Piece.

Moreover, Lorne has a more exciting guess. That is, Roger may not be the only one appearing in this place now.

There are also all the pirate overlords who have arrived here in the past hundreds of years, and after Lorne, the future pirate masters.

This is, the entire sea, the gathering place of all the powerful people throughout endless history.

The thought of being able to fight against those strong players who left their names in history at their peak. Lorne couldn't help his excitement.

And Ai Nilu, a combat madman, also showed a smile after hearing this.

One, a bloodthirsty smile.

His fist had been itching for a long time.

Ralph Drew is very big. He is bigger than any kingdom that Lorne has ever seen. After his perception was suppressed, even though Lorne sailed in this sea area for many days, he still did not finish exploring it.

However, he already has a rough idea of ​​the structure of this place.

For some reason, Ralph Drew sank into the sea, and the treasures accumulated in the entire king's capital for countless years were scattered on the bottom of the sea. And the people who found this place by chance at first passed on this city full of gold. That's why the rumors of Ralph Drew spread in the sea.

And when Roger collected all the historical texts, he discovered that the most precious thing about this place is not the wealth piled up like mountains.

Rather, the secret of history.

Therefore, he used his own life to create the era of great pirates.

He is waiting for a successor.

But now, he waited for Lorne.

After sinking into the sea, an unknown number of deep-sea creatures hid in this city.

Among them, there are some sea kings who are not so huge in size, but have amazing combat power.

In the process of moving forward, Lorne encountered many such Neptunes. It's just that under the absolutely crushing combat power, the opponent didn't have much influence on him.

Enel directly blasted through the body of a sea king trying to attack the Golden Proverb with thunder. This is the third sea king they have killed today.

The corpse of Neptune was floating in the sea, and the Golden Monument was slowly approaching his corpse.

Some crew members are ready to disembark, because Lorne doesn't know how long he will stay in this place, so after hunting these fish, he will order people to take the best essence of these fish The fish meat is cut off and used as food reserves.

The soldiers of the Vinhill family boarded the sea king's body, cut through the sea king's body with a sharp knife, and then searched for the essence in its body.

Lorne, on the other hand, was sitting on the deck, meditating while looking at the map of Ralph Drew that he had just drawn.

What else is hidden in this place?

Except for the people from the Trident Brothers that they met at the beginning. Lorne never saw any trace of anyone else. Where are the pirates who came to this place from all ages?

Lorne didn't know, but he didn't notice that the Golden Motto was not far away.

A mass of red mist suddenly became condensed.

It's like rolling over.

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