Pirate Family

Chapter 1275 I never thought that I would kill a person twice

Half an hour later, the soldiers of the family put the collected fish in their backpacks and prepared to return to the boat.

And Lorne also put away his map, stood up, and prepared to move towards the next place.

His next target is surprisingly the center of Ralph Drew, that is, the palace of the ancient kingdom.

Intuition told Lorne that he might gain something in that place.

And at this time, the red mist that was rolling not far away finally attracted Lorne's attention.

"what is that?"

Looking at the tumbling mist, a crew member asked suspiciously.

But he didn't take it lightly. It's not surprising that anything happened in the magical sea area of ​​Rafdru.

Then the next moment, Lorne saw a ship rushing in from the red mist.

This is a small shipwreck, generally only capable of carrying a small pirate group of less than five people.

And on the deck of this pirate ship, there was only one person standing.

A middle-aged man with a naked upper body and blood all over his body, as if he had experienced a war.

He also noticed Lorne, and the terrifying aura instantly locked onto the Golden Proverb.

"Is it an enemy?"

The middle-aged man looked at Lorne and said coldly.

Before Lorne could speak, a terrifying aura centered on him and spread around.

"Although I don't know why you came to this sea area before me, but just relying on a few of you, do you think you can stop me?"

"Lao Tzu, I am the Emperor of Death!"

The light green field instantly enveloped the sea surface, and then, the dead bones of the Rafdru aborigines who had died under the sea surface for an unknown number of years suddenly moved.

It's like, the resurrection of the dead.

And Lorne saw this scene after. He was taken aback for a moment, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It was a sarcastic smile.

"Are you mocking me?"

The middle-aged man frowned. It had been many years, and no one dared to use this kind of smile in front of him.

Before, those pirates in the new world thought that they could unite and kill themselves, but they were wrong.

So they became the dead souls in their own dead empire.

Soon after, the people of the world government regarded themselves as the most evil people in the whole world, and sent out all their troops to try to encircle and suppress themselves.

But they were also wrong.

I escaped alive, and then came to this final island by accident.

Ralph Drew.

He is the most powerful king in this era!

At least, this middle-aged man thinks so.

"Sorry, I didn't expect to meet you in this place, so I couldn't help it."

After a while, Lorne restrained his smile, and then looked at the dead who crawled out of the realm of the undead, and said helplessly.

"After all, it didn't occur to me to kill the same person twice."

"What are you talking about! You arrogant bastard!"

Hearing Lorne's words, the middle-aged man finally became angry.

No one has ever dared to speak to himself in such a tone.

The admiral dared not. Those rebellious pirates in the new world also dare not.

I am the overlord of this era!

"You will pay for your stupidity."

The man said coldly, after expanding the domain of the Empire of Death, he never thought that he would lose.

Impossible, there is no one in this world who can fight against himself who started the Empire of Death.

"After I kill you, I will turn you into the most humble slaves in my empire."

The man said so, and then the dead who climbed out of the sea rushed towards the Golden Proverb as if they had received some orders.

There is no turning back, there is death but no life!

But at this moment, Lorne moved.

His body turned into a phantom.

The ability of the space fruit was activated, and in the next moment, he flashed in front of this man.

"Empire of Death?"

The domineering black armed color covered Lorne's right arm, and then Lorne's right arm grabbed the man's head directly.

"Do you think that the combat power of my body is very weak?"

The man reacted quickly, and the same pitch-black arrogance covered his body.

He chose such a strange man to fight head-on!

Quite a few people have made a misunderstanding. They think that they are a person with the power of a devil fruit, so they take it for granted that after avoiding their own abilities, they can kill themselves.

This is a ridiculous thing!

Because, even if the ability of the devil fruit is removed, the man's close combat ability still stands at the pinnacle of this sea!

Many people paid a bloody price for this wrong judgment, including even two admirals!

And now, this seemingly young and strong man will also pay the price for this!

The arms of the two collided with each other in mid-air.

Then, the middle-aged man felt as if he had hit an indestructible block of iron that had been compressed dozens of times.

There was a sharp pain in his arm, followed by the sound of bones breaking.

Of course, it wasn't the opponent's bones that shattered, but his own!

The strength of this young man is so terrifying that he broke his arm with one punch!

Before the middle-aged man could be shocked, Lorne's next attack followed.

He directly grabbed the middle-aged man's head and lifted him up.

"Should I call you a dead body? Or should I call you by your real name."

"Mommiso Unne."

The middle-aged man in front of him turned out to be one of the five old stars who died in the hands of Lorne, the man code-named Dead Corpse.

When the domain of the Empire of Death appeared, Lorne couldn't help laughing.

The corpses that had been cultivated for hundreds of years still died in his own hands, not to mention the corpses whose abilities were completely understood by him and had not yet reached the peak.

Therefore, Lorne directly cracked the opponent's ability, and then controlled the opponent.

"who are you!"

Even though the head was grabbed by Lorne, the corpse's body was still struggling.

He didn't understand when such a strong person appeared in this sea.

"My name is Lorne."

Lorne said slowly.

"Vynhill Lorne."

"Hundreds of years later, the person who killed you."

"This name will be remembered forever."

"But it's a pity." Lorne said.

"You will never have the chance to remember this name."

His palm suddenly exerted force, and he was about to crush the head of one of the future five old stars!

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