Pirate Family

Chapter 142 Father and Son and Father and Son

"So, are you declaring war on me on behalf of the Admiralty?"

Lorne narrowed his eyes and looked at the woman in front of him. It took the Navy headquarters to find him a little faster than Lorne expected.

But now he doesn't care about these anymore, except for mice and bedbugs, there is nothing in this world that can hide for a lifetime.

What should be faced sooner or later.

Jody was loosening his muscles and bones beside him, and Mooreman was holding the hilt of the famous sword Black Red Blood.

Both are ready to shoot at any time.

"No, no." Dana suddenly lowered her head and knelt in front of Lorne, which caught everyone present by surprise.

Where did this come from? Lorne was also a little confused. Is the Navy Headquarters planning to use this method to catch him without a fight?

"I am an orphan adopted by Lord Caesar, and Lord Caesar has an irrepayable kindness to me."

"So I secretly came to tell Lord Lorne that the Navy has dispatched the lieutenant general of the headquarters this time and is on the way to Adela."

"So, Lord Lorne, please run away."

Dana buried her head on the floor, as if to hide her fear and nervousness.

Caesar, Lorne's father. He really didn't know how to evaluate this man who had only appeared in various legends but had never seen him before.

"Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters?" Lorne chuckled lightly, as if he hadn't heard Dana's suggestion at all.

"Do they think that a lieutenant general can take my head?" Lorne smiled, "Or is that lieutenant general the legendary naval hero, Monkey D. Garp? "

"No," Dana said weakly. "Not the hero Garp-sama."

"It's Pitbull, Lord Dogman."

Hearing this name, Lorne obviously felt that the atmosphere on the whole ship became lighter.

A lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters can be called a strong man, but if the Navy Headquarters wants to use this lieutenant general to wipe out the entire Vinhill family, it is tantamount to a dream.

"Then ask him to try it. My head is here, let's see if he can take it away." Lorne laughed loudly.

Then he paused, staring into Dana's eyes.

"It stands to reason that those academics at the Navy Headquarters should hate me to the bone. Because I killed their vice-principal after all."

"Or, what happened to the Navy Headquarters, can't spare to deal with me now?"

"My authority is not enough to know," Dana said respectfully after thinking for a while.

"But I heard that the Navy Headquarters conducted a military exercise in the waters of New Fordick, and then."

Dana's face showed a trace of fear.

"A small island in the New Fordick Sea has been moved to flat ground."


Three days later, the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Steel Gu Kong suddenly announced his resignation, and was succeeded by the former general, "Wisdom General" Fozhi Zhanguo.

Since then, all the former admirals of the Navy headquarters have resigned or been promoted. The first thing the Warring States of Buddha did after taking over was to promote the three monster lieutenant generals of the navy to generals.

Akainu, Sakasky.

Yellow Ape, Polusalino.

Aokiji, Kuzan.


"Admiral Steel Bone is a muscle!" Naval Headquarters, Marin Fodo. Sitting in the marshal's office where the steel skeleton was originally empty, Buddha's Warring States cursed angrily.

In front of him sat a man covered in bandages, eating senbei while crossing his legs.

The injuries all over his body didn't seem to affect him at all.

"If he waits for us a little longer! We go together, no matter how strong those two bastards are, they will never be able to deal with the justice of our navy!"

"He wanted to be a hero, and was beaten by Redfield and Caesar! He is still on the hospital bed!"

"Fortunately, I completely blocked the news, otherwise, if the lunatics in the new world find out, it will be completely over."

"Don't be angry, don't be angry. You are the marshal now, pay attention to the image of the navy!" the man eating the senbei comforted.

"And you! Karp!" Buddha Warring States showed several blue veins on his forehead, "Why didn't you wait for me, after seeing the battle, it was like a cat seeing a mouse!"

"Can you wait for me! We are on the same boat!"

"Uh," the hero of the navy, Lieutenant General Garp, was scolded and didn't know what to say, so he smiled embarrassingly.

"It's been a long time since I saw that bastard Caesar. I let him run away last time in Mary Gioia, and I always remember it."

"This time I finally caught him. I was so excited that I couldn't hold back."

"So you let them go anyway."

Warring States of Buddha said coldly.

This time the fight seemed stupid to him.

The navy obviously has the strength to deal with them directly, but it fell short because of the steel-frame marshal's carelessness.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on Marshal Steel Bone.

Who would have expected that Baloric Redfield, who hadn't made a shot for more than ten years, would be able to exhaust the Steel-Bone Marshal to exhaustion.

Unexpectedly, Caesar and Meren were able to suppress Sakaski, Polusalino and Kuzan.

You know, these are some monsters in the Navy Headquarters, and now they are the generals of the Navy Headquarters.

If it weren't for Caesar's physical problems, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to survive their arrival.

But Garp, this old guy, is really strong, and the Warring States of Buddha couldn't help but admire it.

After the defeat of Steel Bone Marshal, he faced Redfield and Caesar at the same time, and was able to suppress them.

"Of course, it's not completely useless." Garp said suddenly. "I feel Caesar's body."

"He may not live long." Garp's tone suddenly became a little low.

As people of the same previous era, they don't know how many times they have played against each other.

His departure made Garp a little sad.

It was as if, when Roger walked towards the execution platform, he beckoned to himself.

"His death is a good thing for the navy." Warring States said after a moment of silence.

Caesar's identity is too sensitive. He is not only a wanted criminal of the navy, but also a thorn in the eyes of some Tianlong people who live in Mariejoya!

Regarding Caesar's matter, the group of Tianlong people did not know how many times they put pressure on the World Government.

He is dead, and the Warring States Period will be much more leisurely.

"After all, your son..." Sengoku said suddenly, but seeing Garp's face suddenly darkened. He didn't continue talking.

"Don't mention him, that's the path he chose, and no one will care if he dies."

The two were silent at the same time. After a long time, the Warring States of Buddha slowly opened his mouth.

"Let's put Caesar's matter aside for a while," Buddha Warring States took a sip of tea from his teacup.

"About his son, Vinhill Lorne. What are you going to do?"

"Among the information I received, there is a 93% possibility that the group of forces occupying Adela, the country of flowers, is the Lorne group."

"I have sent Lieutenant General Dogman to check."

"The question is, Vennhill Lorne, after all, is Caesar's only son, we arrested him. Can the current navy bear his madness?"

Because of successive battles, the Navy Headquarters suffered heavy losses, and because of the dispersal of troops in the New World, the Navy Headquarters was a little empty at this time.

Warring States of Buddha paused, and continued.

"People who are about to die are the most terrifying."

"Then let him come." Garp stood up abruptly, the bandages on his body did not affect his heroic appearance at all. The azure justice behind him is particularly eye-catching.

"Let their father and son die together."

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