Pirate Family

Chapter 143 Dark Moon

After receiving the navy's information from Dana, Lorne was silent for a moment.

I don't know what happened to the Navy in the New Fordick waters, but they couldn't spare it.

This time, the only ones who came from the Navy Headquarters were Dogman Dogman and one of his warships, who came to visit in the name of the pirates who cleaned up the Adela sea area.

thump. On the surface, a fish jumps out to breathe the air, its scales glisten in the sunlight.


But the fish's leisure didn't last long, and a blue lightning as thick as an arm hit it.

On the deck, the young Enilu waved his arm, and the blue lightning condensed in the center of his palm.

Like a little snake.

"Still haven't fully grasped the strength?" Lorne looked at Enil and smiled.

This man has been practicing day and night since he came to Qinghai, developing some basic moves.

But the thunder and lightning were so fierce that he couldn't accurately grasp the strength.

The little angel Anxi flapped her wings and flew over to pick up the fish floating on the sea.

The power of thunder and lightning scorched it completely, giving off a faint meaty aroma.

"I don't know why I practice this." Enilu snorted coldly. "Facing the enemy, wouldn't it be good to just use Thunder's Heaven's Punishment to strike them? Why do you need to practice how to stun them?"

"This is to get familiar with the ability and fully grasp the ability as a part of the body, just like hands and feet." Lorne said with a smile, and then he snapped his fingers.

The calm sea surface suddenly fluctuated, and the fish school under the boat started to jump out of the sea crazily as if they had received some order.

Jumped onto the cleats of the Goddess of the Mist.

"Today we will have a feast of fish and meat." Lorne said with a smile, and then waved his hand lightly before the school of fish stopped jumping out.

At this time, many fresh fish were struggling and swinging on the deck.

When facing the high priest before, Lorne discovered a problem. That is, it lacks the means of long-range attack, and it will inevitably be dwarfed by enemies who can fly in the air and use long-range weapons.

So Lorne had a whim, whether his perception fruit could develop a means similar to mental attack, and directly annihilate the enemy's consciousness through perception invasion.

The development of fruit is all about imagination. There are no weak fruits, only weak people.

This is what Lorne believes.

After trying for a period of time, the mental attack was not tested, but it gave Lorne a means of perceiving confusion.

By distorting the target's five senses, the target has a wrong perception of the environment.

It's like an illusion.

This time, Lorne distorted the cognition of the fish school, making them mistakenly think that the splint of the Goddess of Mist was a warm sea current, which made them jump up and throw themselves into the net.


After half a month's voyage, the Goddess of Mist finally returned to Adela.

The country of flowers at this time has undergone tremendous changes from before.

After the Vinhill family took over the rule of Adela, Lorne planned to turn this place into his own military factory.

Adela's originally abandoned ports have taken on a new look and become populated again.

On the surface, it is a trading port where ships come and go, but secretly, countless weapons are transported from here to all over the world.

"This is the information from Adela during the time you have been away. It is waiting for our Father Wayne to handle it." In the palace hall, the charming Queen Agatha handed a document to Luo Si who was sitting on the throne. kindness.

"I just came back, so there's no need to be in such a hurry." Lorne looked at the thick document, feeling his scalp tingle.

"It's more work for those who can, my little brother Lorne." Agatha walked behind Lorne and rubbed his shoulders for him.

I am afraid that not many people have enjoyed the Queen's massage service.

Agatha's technique is very delicate, it seems that she has learned it specially. The fatigue that made Lorne return from the long voyage dissipated a lot.

Of course, it would be better if she removed the proud breasts stuck to her back.

Distracting thoughts aside, Lorne quickly started reading the documents on the table.

After Arowen joined Vennhill, the power of the family has risen to a higher level, and even the intelligence ability, which has always been a short board, has been made up for a lot.

"Dark Moon" is a new intelligence agency established by the family, with the butler Kofir as the leader and Arlovin as the deputy.

These documents are the information collected by "Dark Moon" from various places.

"Sid finally succeeded to the throne?" Lorne smiled knowingly when he saw the first information.

Sid, that is, Rawdon Sid, the second son of Rawdon III, had met Lorne at the reception in Orghongmu before.

At that time, this ambitious young man who was unwilling to give in to his brother was planning to join forces with Lorne to divide Adela and Aoge Hongmu equally.

But before he could convince Lorne, he was forcibly interrupted by Oliver who broke in suddenly.

In the end it was nothing.

He didn't expect that he could turn the tables in this situation, according to the intelligence. In the past few months, the eldest prince Aoge Hongmu'en has been exposed to big scandals one after another.

In the end, the royal family had to follow the opinions of the people, announcing the abolition of the eldest prince, and changing the benevolent second prince as the crown prince.

Not long after Sid became the crown prince, Roton III, who had always been in good health, fell ill and fell into a slump. In the end, Sid ascended the throne of Oghongmu in popular opinion.

"His methods are good," Lorne nodded. If there was nothing tricky about it, Lorne would not believe it at all.

But it doesn't matter whether he believes it or not, as long as the people believe it.

"Send someone to deliver a letter to him. He is qualified to sit in front of me." Lorne said lightly. Agatha, who was kneading her shoulders behind him, agreed softly.

"Actually, there is one more thing." Agatha pinched for a while, then said suddenly.

"Huh?" Lorne was a little puzzled, he had already read the information on the table, and there was nothing worth noting.

"Do you know the woman you met on Gaya Island before?" Agatha said in a deep voice.

"Miss Crocodile?" Lorne thought for a while, only thinking of this name.

That heroic woman.

"Hmph! You really don't forget about beautiful women." Agatha's tone was a little jealous, and her strength involuntarily increased.

"Forgive me." Lorne said with a bitter smile. "Neither she nor I are the kind of people who care about their children's personal relationships. We can only join forces, not combine."

"Then you don't care about me?" Agatha keenly grasped the phrase "don't care about children's personal affairs" in Lorne's words, and immediately said loudly.

"Ah, that's not what I meant. You are all my family." Lorne felt a mess in his mind, and facing Agatha actually gave him more headaches than facing the Navy.

It took a while to stabilize the woman's emotions.

"Hmph! Forget it this time," Agatha said arrogantly. "From now on, little brother Lorne, if you want a woman, you can just come to my sister directly."

This goes where. Lorne was powerless to complain, but he didn't intend to continue entangled on this topic.

"So, what are you going to tell me?" Lorne said in a deep voice, wanting to return to the original topic.

"That is, Miss Shichibukai, Miss Crocodile." Agatha's face gradually became serious,

"She declared war on Whitebeard."

Thank you Hat T for the monthly pass

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